Written specifically for gastroenterologists at all levels, Imaging in Gastroenterolog, by Drs. Michael P. Federle, Peter D. Poullos, and Sidhartha Sinha, is an authoritative, single-volume resource that provides clear, relevant imaging information for the diagnosis and management of adult GI and hepatobiliary disorders. Easy-to-understand terminology, anatomy chapters tailored for gastroenterologists, and superb images throughout make this an ideal point-of-care reference for practicing physicians, fellows, and residents in gastroenterology.
Using symptom-based and problem-based approaches, this indispensable text teaches medical students how to apply critical thinking and clinical reasoning to develop diagnostic competence. It is also suitable for any doctor who wishes to refresh his/her clinical approaches to pediatric patients. With 50 carefully selected pediatric problems that are likely to be encountered in medical practice, each chapter is written in a user-friendly style and takes you through the fundamental thought process needed to arrive at the most likely diagnosis. This thought process includes: Understanding the correct definition of the clinical problem Recognizing the symptoms of the clinical problem Analyzing the pathophysiology behind the problem Creating a prioritized list of differential diagnosis Having a robust clinical approach/algorithm that enables one to arrive at the correct diagnosis Evaluating for red flag signs and symptoms Honing the thought process through the use of over 50 clinical case scenarios with structured self-reflection questions and answers Foreword by Dr Naveen Thacker, President of Asia Pacific Pediatric Association Peer reviewed by members of Asia Pacific Pediatric Association
Apply the five patterns of knowing to improve patient care! Knowledge Development in Nursing: Theory and Process, 10th Edition helps you understand nursing theory and its links with nursing research and practice. It examines the principles of knowledge development, from the relationship between patterns of knowing to their use in evidence-based nursing care. Written by nursing educators Peggy Chinn and Maeona Kramer, this unique book is updated with new examples from clinical practice.
**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Perinatal**Awarded first place in the 2018 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Maternal-Child Health/Prenatal Nursing/ Childbirth category! Learn to provide the best prenatal, intrapartum, postpartum, and neonatal care possible. Maternal, Fetal, & Neonatal Physiology: A Clinical Perspective, 5th Edition includes expert insight and clinically relevant coverage of the physiologic changes that occur throughout all major periods of the perinatal experience. This classic reference gives you a solid foundation for assessment and therapeutic interventions, featuring an emphasis on the evolving interrelationships between mother, fetus, and neonate and adaptations of preterm and term infants to the extrauterine environment.
Learn the basics of medical terminology with Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 8th Edition! Based on Davi-Ellen Chabner's proven learning method, this streamlined text omits time-consuming, nonessential information and helps you quickly build a working medical vocabulary of the most frequently encountered prefixes, suffixes, and word roots. Medical terms are introduced in the context of human anatomy and physiology so you understand exact meaning, and case studies, vignettes, and activities demonstrate how they're used in practice. With writing and interacting with medical terminology on almost every page, you’ll learn the content by doing the work. In addition, an Evolve companion website reinforces understanding with medical animations, word games, and flash cards.
Ross en Wilson is de eerste keuze van reeds meer dan een miljoen studenten sinds de eerste publicatie meer dan 50 jaar geleden. Als een van de meest populaire handboeken voor anatomie en fysiologie introduceert het de systemen en functies van het menselijk lichaam en de effecten van ziektes en aandoeningen op het normaal functioneren van het lichaam. Meer dan eender welk handboek is Ross and Wilson gekenmerkt door het gebruik van heldere taal aangevuld met kleurrijke illustraties en een groot aanbod van interactieve online-activiteiten voor een boeiende leerervaring. Ross and Wilson is noodzakelijk studie en leesmateriaal voor ieder in de ziekenzorg en vooral voor professionelen in opleiding in de verpleging en aanverwande beroepen, complementaire/alternatieve geneeskunde of voor paramedici en ambulancepersoneel.
Ideal for both students and health professionals alike, Reading Research: A User-Friendly Guide for Nurses and Health Professionals, 6th Edition is a practical beginner-level introduction to health sciences research. The text is written in a manner that assumes you have little or no experience with analyzing published research, and provides guidelines for reading and understanding research articles. It also covers important elements of published research, such as research methods, common terminology, data analysis and results. All chapters have been updated. The book also briefly discusses common barriers to the application of research results in practice.
Master the essentials of gross anatomy! The Anatomical Basis of Dentistry, 4th Edition includes full-color coverage of the regions of the head and neck that relate to applied anatomy for the clinical practice of dentistry. Core information provides a foundation of knowledge that’s important to a successful chairside experience for both you and patient. This new edition includes coverage of local anesthesia, dental imaging, spread of dental infection, and fractures of the craniofacial complex. Using a clear, accessible style, with practical Clinical Notes boxes updated to include case studies, this book closely relates the basic science of applied anatomy to the clinical practice of dentistry.
Hematology Case Studies with Blood Cell Morphology and Pathophysiology compiles specialized case studies with specific information on various hematological disorders with Full Blood Examination (FBE or CBC), blood film images and pathophysiology of each condition. In addition, it provides basic information on how to recognize and diagnose hematological conditions that are frequently observed in the laboratory. Technicians and scientists working in core laboratories such as biochemistry labs or blood banks will find this book to be extremely thorough. Moreover, it can be used as a reference book by technicians, scientists and hematologists in every level of expertise in diagnosing hematological disorders.