Ross en Wilson is de eerste keuze van reeds meer dan een miljoen studenten sinds de eerste publicatie meer dan 50 jaar geleden. Als een van de meest populaire handboeken voor anatomie en fysiologie introduceert het de systemen en functies van het menselijk lichaam en de effecten van ziektes en aandoeningen op het normaal functioneren van het lichaam. Meer dan eender welk handboek is Ross and Wilson gekenmerkt door het gebruik van heldere taal aangevuld met kleurrijke illustraties en een groot aanbod van interactieve online-activiteiten voor een boeiende leerervaring. Ross and Wilson is noodzakelijk studie en leesmateriaal voor ieder in de ziekenzorg en vooral voor professionelen in opleiding in de verpleging en aanverwande beroepen, complementaire/alternatieve geneeskunde of voor paramedici en ambulancepersoneel.
This book is designed to help nurses make accurate drug calculations and improve patient safety. It is written in an accessible style to make learning as easy as possible. The simple, clear and friendly approach will be a major help to anyone who hates maths. Real examples from prescriptions and medicine labels are used to simulate actual practice and help make the link with the theory. The range of specialties covered makes the content relevant to all areas of nursing practice.
Whether you are a first time student or returning to study, it can seem very daunting. This book can help you get the most from studying and shows how to make good use of your time and achieve success. This 4th edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. It demonstrates how to develop and build on existing strengths and experiences to get the most out of any course. Using a down-to-earth and user-friendly style, it concentrates on what you need to know. It can help you to: • get the most from reading and lectures • access libraries • use the Internet and databases • develop IT skills • learn through reflection • develop a portfolio • prepare assignments • get the most from placements.
An essential textbook for pre-registration nursing students, this book will be a key part of your introduction to nursing and will prepare you for entry into your chosen nursing branch. It is fully up to date in line with developments in nursing education. It includes case studies and activities to develop and test your knowledge.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. An understanding of medicines and their effects on patients remains a crucial area of nursing knowledge. This book provides a thorough foundation upon which nurses can build their clinical experience to achieve competence. It not only provides information on the actions of drugs on the body but also gives clear guidance on the practical aspects of medicines management in both hospital and community. Organisation of the text broadly follows the British National Formulary for ease of use.
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. It is a well-known text that provides guidelines for over 40 common nursing procedures carried out by carers in a variety of settings. The development of competence in these practices is one of the most important aspects of pre-registration programmes, and this is one of the few UK-based texts that takes an educational approach to these practices as opposed to a purely procedure-driven approach. As in previous editions, the emphasis is on a holistic approach with the recognition that each patient is a unique individual. Each procedure contains rationale and information for patient education in addition to step by step guidance.