Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners provides clear and succinct information that demystifies legal, ethical and regulatory principles and their implications for clinical practice.Accessible and easy to follow, the book provides a clear and concise introduction to the Australian legal and health systems, discussion of legal rules and regulations that govern health practice, and a guide to ethical principles, theories and approaches to support health practitioner decision making and practice. It is an essential resource presenting well-researched information in an easy-to-understand way, and practical guidance for health practitioners to apply the concepts discussed to their daily work.This book is ideal for students undertaking a law and ethics unit in any health or medical course, as well as being an excellent resource for health practitioners practising in areas ranging from medicine to nursing, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology or any other allied health profession.
Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners provides clear and succinct information that demystifies legal, ethical and regulatory principles and their implications for clinical practice.Accessible and easy to follow, the book provides a clear and concise introduction to the Australian legal and health systems, discussion of legal rules and regulations that govern health practice, and a guide to ethical principles, theories and approaches to support health practitioner decision making and practice. It is an essential resource presenting well-researched information in an easy-to-understand way, and practical guidance for health practitioners to apply the concepts discussed to their daily work.This book is ideal for students undertaking a law and ethics unit in any health or medical course, as well as being an excellent resource for health practitioners practising in areas ranging from medicine to nursing, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology or any other allied health profession.
Law and Ethics for Health Practitioners provides clear and succinct information that demystifies legal, ethical and regulatory principles and their implications for clinical practice.Accessible and easy to follow, the book provides a clear and concise introduction to the Australian legal and health systems, discussion of legal rules and regulations that govern health practice, and a guide to ethical principles, theories and approaches to support health practitioner decision making and practice. It is an essential resource presenting well-researched information in an easy-to-understand way, and practical guidance for health practitioners to apply the concepts discussed to their daily work.This book is ideal for students undertaking a law and ethics unit in any health or medical course, as well as being an excellent resource for health practitioners practising in areas ranging from medicine to nursing, dentistry, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, podiatry, psychology or any other allied health profession.
Learn how to think beyond the theoretical in any environment. Ethics & Issues in Contemporary Nursing, 2nd Edition examines the latest trends, principles, theories, and models in patient care to help you learn how to make ethically sound decisions in complex and often controversial situations. Written from a global perspective, examples throughout the text reflect current national and international issues inviting you to explore cases considering socio-cultural influences, personal values, and professional ethics. Historical examples demonstrate how to think critically while upholding moral and professional standards, as well as the law. Key topics throughout explore advocacy and rights, diversity, nurse burnout, mass casualty events, effects of the COVID pandemic, health equity, social media, violence in the workplace, medication error prevention, opioid and other substance use, HIPAA, and healthcare reform. In addition, this title contains supplemental case studies and review questions to further challenge and prepare you to make morally sound decisions in any healthcare setting.
Learn how to think beyond the theoretical in any environment. Ethics & Issues in Contemporary Nursing, 2nd Edition examines the latest trends, principles, theories, and models in patient care to help you learn how to make ethically sound decisions in complex and often controversial situations. Written from a global perspective, examples throughout the text reflect current national and international issues inviting you to explore cases considering socio-cultural influences, personal values, and professional ethics. Historical examples demonstrate how to think critically while upholding moral and professional standards, as well as the law. Key topics throughout explore advocacy and rights, diversity, nurse burnout, mass casualty events, effects of the COVID pandemic, health equity, social media, violence in the workplace, medication error prevention, opioid and other substance use, HIPAA, and healthcare reform. In addition, this title contains supplemental case studies and review questions to further challenge and prepare you to make morally sound decisions in any healthcare setting.
Learn how to think beyond the theoretical in any environment. Ethics & Issues in Contemporary Nursing, 2nd Edition examines the latest trends, principles, theories, and models in patient care to help you learn how to make ethically sound decisions in complex and often controversial situations. Written from a global perspective, examples throughout the text reflect current national and international issues inviting you to explore cases considering socio-cultural influences, personal values, and professional ethics. Historical examples demonstrate how to think critically while upholding moral and professional standards, as well as the law. Key topics throughout explore advocacy and rights, diversity, nurse burnout, mass casualty events, effects of the COVID pandemic, health equity, social media, violence in the workplace, medication error prevention, opioid and other substance use, HIPAA, and healthcare reform. In addition, this title contains supplemental case studies and review questions to further challenge and prepare you to make morally sound decisions in any healthcare setting.
Comprehensive, accessible and practical legal advice for students and practitionersFirst published in 1985, Law for Nurses and Midwives continues to provide the most comprehensive and practical nursing text available to assist nurses and midwives to practise professionally and safely.The book is designed to support the reader to apply relevant legal, ethical and regulatory principles to their day-to-day clinical practice. For example, when students are starting a surgical placement, they can find the latest practical legal advice on consent; when they are on a medical placement, they can refer to the chapter on medications.This tenth edition is fully updated and incorporates legislative changes of all relevant practice areas in all states and territories in Australia. Ideal for students undertaking a diploma, bachelor’s or postgraduate degree, it will remain relevant throughout their careers as an invaluable reference guide that enhances the provision of safe, quality healthcare in Australia.
Comprehensive, accessible and practical legal advice for students and practitionersFirst published in 1985, Law for Nurses and Midwives continues to provide the most comprehensive and practical nursing text available to assist nurses and midwives to practise professionally and safely.The book is designed to support the reader to apply relevant legal, ethical and regulatory principles to their day-to-day clinical practice. For example, when students are starting a surgical placement, they can find the latest practical legal advice on consent; when they are on a medical placement, they can refer to the chapter on medications.This tenth edition is fully updated and incorporates legislative changes of all relevant practice areas in all states and territories in Australia. Ideal for students undertaking a diploma, bachelor’s or postgraduate degree, it will remain relevant throughout their careers as an invaluable reference guide that enhances the provision of safe, quality healthcare in Australia.
Comprehensive, accessible and practical legal advice for students and practitionersFirst published in 1985, Law for Nurses and Midwives continues to provide the most comprehensive and practical nursing text available to assist nurses and midwives to practise professionally and safely.The book is designed to support the reader to apply relevant legal, ethical and regulatory principles to their day-to-day clinical practice. For example, when students are starting a surgical placement, they can find the latest practical legal advice on consent; when they are on a medical placement, they can refer to the chapter on medications.This tenth edition is fully updated and incorporates legislative changes of all relevant practice areas in all states and territories in Australia. Ideal for students undertaking a diploma, bachelor’s or postgraduate degree, it will remain relevant throughout their careers as an invaluable reference guide that enhances the provision of safe, quality healthcare in Australia.
The book is a one-stop, comprehensive and compact repository of information ranging from the evolution of thenursing profession to the latest professional context. It is the first of its genre, accelerating the learning journey of fourthsemester students of the BSc Nursing curriculum. It encompasses the topics of the new subject titled ‘Professionalism,Professional Values and Ethics, including Bioethics’. This custom-designed book complies with the new syllabusprescribed by the Indian Nursing Council in 2021. The book is intended to develop cognizance about professionalbehaviour, values and work ethics among nursing students and professionals. Further, it will aid in identifying ethicalissues encountered in the practice and ensuring ethical decision for common and specific dilemmas. The highlight ofthe book is the section detailing patients’ rights that will help readers take informed decisions and safeguard themselvesunder all circumstances. It details the governance of the profession, providing a framework for proper conduct andpractice. This book will undoubtedly nurture nursing students as competent clinical nurses, helping them put theirknowledge into practice, demonstrate a higher level of professionalism and back them with strong ethical principles.It has a wide-ranging reader coverage, i.e. the content of the book fulfils not only the learning needs of the undergraduatenursing students but also is relevant for post-basic and postgraduate nursing students. It will also help academiciansand nursing professionals working in clinical areas. The book is targeted for readers and the user base in India as wellas in South Asian countries. It is particularly helpful for the scenario-based writing station of the Objective StructuredClinical Examination (OSCE) pertaining to professional values, behaviour and ethics. It will also cater to studentsenrolled in the Allied Health Sciences curriculum.