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Books in Anatomy

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Gray's Anatomy for Students 5e and Paulsen: Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Package, 17th ed., English/Latin - Value Pack

  • 5th Edition
  • May 15, 2023
  • Richard Drake + 2 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 2 3 5 1 4 - 6
Special value package containing the latest editions of the classic, best-selling student texts in anatomy – Gray’s Anatomy for Students 5th Edition (ISBN: 9780323934237) and Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy 17th Edition, English/Latin: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection (ISBN: 9780702067648).

Textbook of Anatomy- Upper Limb and Thorax, Volume 1

  • 4th Edition
  • May 1, 2023
  • Vishram Singh
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 8 1 - 3 1 2 - 6 4 8 2 - 9
The fourth edition of this book is thoroughly revised and updated in accordance with the competency-based undergraduate medical education curriculum as per guidelines of National Medical Commission (NMC). Following recent trends in medical education, this book has been profusely illustrated and designed in simple and easy-to-understand language for better retention of learnt concepts. Considering significant developments and advances in the subject, the book provides practical application of anatomical facts through its unique feature – Clinical Correlation boxes in chapters. Primarily meant for UG medical students, but also useful for dental students; NEET, FMGE, USMLE, PLAB, etc.

Gray. Anatomía básica

  • 3rd Edition
  • April 21, 2023
  • Richard L. Drake + 2 more
  • Spanish
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 8 4 - 1 3 8 2 - 5 4 6 - 5
  Nueva edición de la obra derivada de Drake, Anatomía para estudiantes que ofrece una descripción más concisa de la disciplina, centrándose en la anatomía regional e integrando el contenido clínico, radiológico y de anatomía de superficie en cuadros separados del texto. Se organiza en las mismas secciones que el libro de referencia y en la nueva ed se ha condensado toda la información correspondiente al sistema muscular en formato tablas y se ha incrementado el grado de correlación clínica. El texto está dirigido principalmente a estudiantes del grado de Enfermeria, si bien puede ser utilizado también por estudiantes de Medicina y de otros grados de ciencias de la salud que incluyan la asignatura de anatomía humana en sus planes de estudio. Se han incluido nuevas figuras (destacar la que explica los nervios craneales), así como nuevos cuadros de correlación clínica y radiológica (se ha incluido la OCT) como nuevo método de diagnóstico por imagen. Incluye acceso a e-book+  (en inglés) en el que se encuentra disponible el acceso al e-book así como a otros recursos educativos y de aprendizaje.

Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Package, 17th ed., English/Latin

  • 1st Edition
  • April 13, 2023
  • Friedrich Paulsen + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 6 4 - 8
General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gainingan overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeingthe best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive. Every tiny structure has been addressed according tocurrent scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. Themes relevant to exams and sample questions from oralanatomy exams help to focus the study process. The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal learning atlas for studying, from the first semester till the clinical semester. Case studiespresent examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivatingand impart valuable information for prospective medical practice. With over 100 years of experience in 17 editions and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achievesongoing success. The volume General Anatomy and Muscoloskeletal System contains the chapters: General AnatomyAnatomical planes and positions - Surface anatomy - Development - Musculoskeletal system - Neurovascular pathways - Imaging methods - Skin and its derivatives TrunkSurface - Development - Skeleton -  Imaging methods - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography, dorsal trunk wall - Female breast - Topography, ventral trunk wall Upper LimbSurface - Development - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images Lower LimbSurface - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images   The volume Inner Organs contains the chapters: Organs of the thoracic cavityTopography - Heart - Lung - Oesophagus - Cross-sectional images Organs of the abdominal cavityDevelopment - Topography - Stomach - Intestines - Liver and gallbladder Pancreas - Neurovascular pathways - Cross-sectional images Retroperitoneal space and pelvic cavityTopography - Kidney and adrenal gland - Efferent urinary tracts - Rectum and anal canal - Male genitalia - Female genitalia - Cross-sectional images   The volume Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy contains the chapters: HeadOverview - Skeleton and joints - Adipose tissue and scalp - Musculture 􀀅 Topography - Neurovascular pathways - Nose - Mouth and oral cavity - Salivary glands EyeDevelopment - Skeleton - Eyelids - Lacrimal gland and lacrimal apparatus - Muscles of the eye - Topography - Eyeball - Visual pathway EarOverview - Outer ear - Middle ear - Auditory tube - Inner ear - Hearing and equilibrium NeckOverview - Musculature - Pharynx - Larynx - Thyroid gland - Topography Brain and spinal cordDevelopment - General principles - Brain 􀀅 Meninges and blood supply - Cerebral areas - Cranial nerves - Spinal cord - Sections   Sobotta – learning tables for muscles, joints and nerves The most important facts about muscles, joints and nerves are summarised in 62 tables, helping you to revisemethodically and efficiently! The origin, insertion, innervation and function of all muscles in the human body are presented in tabular form.The relevant muscle is shown in situ each time. The tables for branches and innervation areas of the Plexus cervicalis, brachialis and lumbosacralis givea good overview for a clinical diagnosis. The most important joints of the upper and lower limbs are shown in tables and additionally in schematicillustrations. The tables for neuroanatomy give the cranial nerves, cortical areas and nuclei of the thalamus.Tables for the cranial nerves identify and compare the pathways, supply areas and fibre qualities. Compatible to the 17th edition of the Sobotta Atlas!

Netter. Anatomía básica por sistemas

  • 1st Edition
  • March 15, 2023
  • Virginia T. Lyons
  • Spanish
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 8 4 - 1 3 8 2 - 3 7 4 - 4
Nueva obra dentro de la familia “Netter” en la que por primera vez se presenta la anatomía organizada por sistemas en un formato texto aunque evidentemente magníficamente ilustrado por ilustraciones Netter o estilo Netter (muchas de ellas son de nueva creación. El texto, sucinto y conciso se centra en los aspectos clave de la anatomía realzando un abordaje visual de la asignatura y enfatizando su relevancia clínica. Se organiza en 9 grandes secciones; tras una primera sección introductoria se abordan los diferentes sistemas en los que se organiza el cuerpo humano. Cada uno de los capítulos se inicia con una pequeña introducción al sistema correspondiente para luego ir describiendo las estructuras más relevantes incluidas. Por lo general se mantiene un diseño a doble página, en el que en la pág de la izquierda se presenta el texto y en la de la derecha se muestra la iconografía correspondiente. La obra también incluye un importante número de imágenes de radiodiagnóstico, así como tablas que pretenden sintetizar al máximo el contenido. Al final de cada una de las secciones se incluyen 10 preguntas de autoevaluación con 5 opciones de respuesta. Cada batería de preguntas se subdivide en dos tipos: unas para recordar conocimientos y otras para su aplicación en la práctica clínica. En ambos casos, las respuestas correctas están recogidas en un Anexo al final del libro La obra incluye acceso a contenido electrónico adicional a través de la plataforma e-book+ en el que se ofrece acceso completo al e-book (contenido en inglés)

Gray's Anatomy for Students Flash Cards

  • 5th Edition
  • March 9, 2023
  • Richard L. Drake + 2 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 0 5 4 7 - 0
Based on the acclaimed artwork found in Gray's Anatomy for Students and Gray’s Atlas of Anatomy, this set of over 400 flashcards is the perfect review companion to help you test your anatomical knowledge for course exams or the USMLE Step 1. Updates to this edition reflect the latest medical imaging, including ultrasound; new content throughout, including neuroanatomy; and a new alternative table of contents and card numbering system that make it easier to navigate the cards from a body systems perspective.

Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Vol. 3, 17th ed., English/Latin

  • 17th Edition
  • February 22, 2023
  • Friedrich Paulsen + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 6 7 - 9
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 7 1 - 6
MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gainingan overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeingthe best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive. Every tiny structure has been addressed according tocurrent scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. Themes relevant to exams and sample questions from oralanatomy exams help to focus the study process. The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal learning atlas for studying, from the first semester till the clinical semester. Case studiespresent examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivatingand impart valuable information for prospective medical practice. With over 100 years of experience in 17 editions and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achievesongoing success. The volume Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy contains the chapters: HeadOverview - Skeleton and joints - Adipose tissue and scalp - Musculture 􀀅 Topography - Neurovascular pathways - Nose - Mouth and oral cavity - Salivary glands EyeDevelopment - Skeleton - Eyelids - Lacrimal gland and lacrimal apparatus - Muscles of the eye - Topography - Eyeball - Visual pathway EarOverview - Outer ear - Middle ear - Auditory tube - Inner ear - Hearing and equilibrium NeckOverview - Musculature - Pharynx - Larynx - Thyroid gland - Topography Brain and spinal cordDevelopment - General principles - Brain 􀀅 Meninges and blood supply - Cerebral areas - Cranial nerves - Spinal cord - Sections

Netter. Anatomía clínica

  • 5th Edition
  • February 21, 2023
  • John T. Hansen
  • Spanish
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 8 4 - 1 3 8 2 - 4 6 6 - 6
  Nueva edición de otro tradicional miembro de la familia “Netter”; en este caso se trata de Netter. Anatomía clínica, el texto que presenta de una forma muy concisa y estructurada toda aquella información clínica relevante con una base anatómica. Es un texto esencial para todos aquellos estudiantes de Medicina no solo para aprender la anatomía en un contexto de normalidad sino para “cruzar el puente” entre las ciencias básicas y las clínicas. Mantiene su abordaje regional y su presentación a base de bullet points y cuadros resumen, así como con la inclusión de más de 200 “Clinical focus boxes” en los que se presentan las patologías más prevalentes en la práctica clínica (están relacionadas con diversos campos de la medicina, desde la medicina de urgencias, a la cirugía o también con cardiología, oncología, biología reproductiva y urología). Por primera vez, cada una de las láminas tiene su correspondiente referencia tanto al Atlas tradicional con abordaje regional como al nuevo Atlas cobn abordaje por sistemas. De esa forma el texto puede utilizarse indistintamente con los dos modelos de Atlas. Una novedad importante es que, en esta nueva edición todos los “Clinical focus boxes” se recogen al inicio del libro en un índice propio de forma que el estudiante pueda seleccionar directamente aquellos que sean de su interés. Igualmente, cabe destacar la actualización del capítulo introductorio en el que se pretende que el estudiante se familiarice con la terminología y los planos anatómicos, las preguntas MCQ al final de capítulo para reforzar el aprendizaje y la inclusión de un recordatorio embriológico para ofrecer un contexto para explicar la anatomía postnatal y algunos de los defectos congénitos más frecuentes Incluye acceso a e-book+ en el que se encuentra el e-book junto con otros recursos didácticos (contenido en inglés)

Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Vol.1, 17th ed., English/Latin

  • 17th Edition
  • February 17, 2023
  • Friedrich Paulsen + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 6 5 - 5
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 6 9 - 3
MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gainingan overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeingthe best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive. Every tiny structure has been addressed according tocurrent scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. Themes relevant to exams and sample questions from oralanatomy exams help to focus the study process. The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal learning atlas for studying, from the first semester till the clinical semester. Case studiespresent examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivatingand impart valuable information for prospective medical practice. With over 100 years of experience in 17 editions and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achievesongoing success. The volume General Anatomy and Muscoloskeletal System contains the chapters: General AnatomyAnatomical planes and positions - Surface anatomy - Development - Musculoskeletal system - Neurovascular pathways - Imaging methods - Skin and its derivatives TrunkSurface - Development - Skeleton -  Imaging methods - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography, dorsal trunk wall - Female breast - Topography, ventral trunk wall Upper LimbSurface - Development - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images Lower LimbSurface - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images

Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Vol. 2, 17th ed., English/Latin

  • 17th Edition
  • February 17, 2023
  • Friedrich Paulsen + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 6 6 - 2
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - 6 7 7 0 - 9
MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gainingan overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeingthe best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive. Every tiny structure has been addressed according tocurrent scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. Themes relevant to exams and sample questions from oralanatomy exams help to focus the study process. The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal learning atlas for studying, from the first semester till the clinical semester. Case studiespresent examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivatingand impart valuable information for prospective medical practice. With over 100 years of experience in 17 editions and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achievesongoing success. The volume Inner Organs contains the chapters: Organs of the thoracic cavityTopography - Heart - Lung - Oesophagus - Cross-sectional images Organs of the abdominal cavityDevelopment - Topography - Stomach - Intestines - Liver and gallbladder Pancreas - Neurovascular pathways - Cross-sectional images Retroperitoneal space and pelvic cavityTopography - Kidney and adrenal gland - Efferent urinary tracts - Rectum and anal canal - Male genitalia - Female genitalia - Cross-sectional images

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