This issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery focuses on Foot and Ankle Arthrodesis. Article topics include: Lesser Toe Arthrodesis; First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis; Tarsometatarsal Arthrodesis for Lisfranc's Injuries;Subtalar Joint Arthrodesis for Elective and Post-Traumatic Foot and Ankle Deformity; Midfoot and Hindfoot Arthrodesis for Elective and Post-Traumatic Foot and Ankle Deformity; Internal and/or External Fixation for Ankle Arthrodesis; Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis; Management of Osteomyelitis, Bone Loss and Arthrodesis in the Diabetic Charcot Foot and Ankle; Free Flap Coverage for Revisional Foot and Ankle Procedures; andCurrent Orthobiologics for Elective Arthrodesis and Nonunions of the Foot and Ankle.
This issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery will include articles that focus on achilles tendon pathology and will include: Anatomy and Blood supply; Imaging Indications and Techniques; Mid-substance Tendinopathy Background & Clinical Evaluation; Mid-substance Tendinopathy; Non-Surgical Management; Mid-substance Tendinopathy; Percutaneus Techniques; Mid-substance Tendinopathy; Surgical Management; and a plethora of additional articles on this exciting topic.
Foot and ankle arthroscopy involves the surgical evaluation and treatment of the foot and ankle for a variety of conditions. This issue will cover everything from Arthroscopic Anatomy, Arthroscopic Instrumentation, Imaging Aspects of Joint Pathology and Arthroscopic Techniques, Intra-articular Soft Tissue Pathology, to Subtalar Joint Arthroscopy, and many more exciting articles.
In this issue, articles will include: Tendon transfers for the acute Achilles Tendon rupture and chronic Achilles Tendon pathology, Tendon transfers and salvaging options for Hallux Varus Deformities, Peroneal tendon transfers and rupture repairs, Principles and Biomechanical considerations of tendon transfers, Youngs Tenosuspension and many more!
This issue will discuss the techniques for various osteotomies of the foot and ankle. Articles included are: Osteotomies of the first ray for hallux abductovalgus correction, Central metatarsal osteotomies for deformity correction, Osteotomies of the fifth metatarsal, Minimal invasive surgery osteotomies for the forefoot/midfoot, Minimal invasive surgery osteotomies of hind foot/ankle, Corrective osteotomies used in pes planovalgus reconstruction, and many more!
Topics in this issue include: Open Foot & Ankle Fractures/Dislocations; Digital and Metatarsal Fractures; Lisfranc's Fracture-Dislocations; Navicular and Midfoot Fractures; Talar Fractures; Calcaneal Fractures; and Achilles Tendon Ruptures.
Topics in this issue include: Arthrodesis of the Foot and Ankle: Surgical Considerations and Indications; Digital Arthrodesis; First MTPJ Arthrodesis; LisFranc Arthrodesis; Isolated TaloNavicular Arthrodesis; Subtalar Arthrodesis; Calcaneocuboid Arthrodesis; and Triple Arthrodesis.
Assessment of the Lower Limb is the benchmark textbook of lower limb examination and assessment. The third edition preserves the lucidity, logical approach and comprehensive coverage of its predecessors but adds many new exciting features, including an all-new design, new contributors, thorough updating of all chapters – many of which have been completely rewritten – and an entirely new chapter on functional assessment. The DVD provides extensive videos of assessment techniques and illustrations: practitioners with patients and models show how to assess all parts of the lower limb, and evaluate various conditions.Together with its companion volume Clinical Skills in Treating the Foot, the third edition of Merriman’s Assessment of the Lower Limb is a truly indispensable guide for podiatry students and practitioners, as well as trainee general practitioners, medical students working in rheumatology, diabetology and orthopaedics, sports therapists and sports medicine trainees.