Using a clear, hands-on approach to learning front office skills, Medical Office Administration, 4th Edition prepares you for a successful career as an administrative medical office assistant. Performing procedures with SimChart® for the Medical Office (SCMO), you’ll practice day-to-day tasks as if you were in an actual office setting. This new edition adds updated content to support use of the electronic health record, new Affordable Care Act information, insurance/billing/coding content, and SCMO activities woven throughout the text. Covering administrative tasks from appointment scheduling to medical billing, this work text helps you develop the knowledge and skills you need to think critically and respond confidently to the challenges you’ll encounter on the job. Access to SimChart for the Medical Office sold separately. 
Corresponding to chapters in Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology, 12th Edition, this new guide reviews important topics and helps students master key material. It includes chapter objectives, a summary of key points, review questions, and case studies. Material is presented in an engaging format that challenges students to apply their knowledge to real-life scenarios. Type Source Promotion
Filled with easy-to-follow explanations and loads of examples and sample problems, Mathematics for the Clinical Laboratory, 3rd Edition is the perfect resource to help you master the clinical calculations needed for each area of the laboratory. Content is divided into three sections: a review of math and calculation basics, coverage of particular areas of the clinical laboratory (including immunohematology and microbiology), and statistical calculations. This new third edition also includes a new full-color design, additional text notes, formula summaries, and the latest procedures used in today’s laboratories to ensure you are fully equipped with the mathematical understanding and application skills needed to succeed in professional practice.
Plenty of examples, practice problems, and learning tools provide the perfect math review for health professionals! With just the right level of content and highly illustrated example problems, this user-friendly worktext helps you learn and understand fundamental math principles and understand how they apply to patient care.
With proven techniques and professional insight, this one-of-a-kind resource is your complete guide to ensuring both effective patient care and sound business practices in the medical facility. From the front office to financial management, each detailed chapter addresses the interpersonal and administrative concerns you’ll face in the management of a medical office, accompanied by realistic forms, letters, and procedural policies that help you prepare for on-the-job success. This new edition keeps you up to date on emerging developments in billing and coding, documentation, ethical and legal issues, and technological advances to help you keep your medical office at the forefront of the competitive health care field.
The Medical Language Instant Translator, 5th Edition equips you with the quick-reference information you need to understand even the most complicated and specialized medical terminology. This handy pocket book gives you instant access to everything from the top 100 prescription drugs to medical abbreviations, symbols, and acronyms. Based on Chabner’s The Language of Medicine, this practical resource is ideal for any health care environment.
Now in full color, the second edition of Clinical Parasitology provides you with all of the information needed to perform, read, and interpret parasitology tests in a clear and understandable way. The user-friendly design, extensive illustrations, pedagogical features and clear descriptions of look-a-like parasites will help you better hone your skills and confidently perform clinical procedures.
Corresponding to the chapters in Pharmacology: Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition, this workbook provides practice exercises that will build your skills with basic terminology, math, dosage calculation, medication administration and more. Developed by Pharmacology authors Eugenia M. Fulcher, Robert M. Fulcher, and Cathy Dubeansky Soto, this workbook makes it easier than ever to learn and apply pharmacology principles.
Complete Phlebotomy Exam Review contains1,000 questions and a wealth of content review to prepare you for the phlebotomy certification exams; a mock certification exam at the end of the book tests your knowledge of necessary information, while an Evolve website offers even more opportunity for practice. The text and Evolve site combine to provide the most comprehensive review available to succeed on the certification exams.