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Books in Health professions general

Workbook for Health Careers Today

  • 7th Edition
  • October 15, 2021
  • Judith Gerdin
  • English
Reinforce your understanding of healthcare basics with this practical workbook! Corresponding to the chapters in Gerdin’s Health Careers Today, 7th Edition, this workbook includes engaging exercises and activities to help you master healthcare concepts and skills. It also helps you develop critical thinking and internet research skills, and challenges you to apply your knowledge to healthcare settings. This edition adds valuable practice with essay writing and computer skills. Not only will you get more out of the textbook, but you will also prepare more effectively for exams!

Guide pratique de l'ARM - Assistant de régulation médicale

  • 1st Edition
  • July 26, 2021
  • Emmanuel Dinot + 2 more
  • French
L’assistant de régulation médicale (ARM) est le premier maillon de la chaîne des secours préhospitaliers, c’est le premier interlocuteur pour toute personne ayant composé le 15 sur son téléphone, en cas d’urgence médicale. Il accueille, écoute et analyse chaque appel dans les plus brefs délais. Il doit identifier chaque appelant, localiser le plus précisément possible l’adresse de chaque intervention et procéder à la hiérarchisation des appels par un interrogatoire bref et précis. La demande étant exprimée, l’ARM oriente l’appel vers un médecin régulateur et met en œuvre ses décisions (engagement de SMUR, VSAV, ambulance…). Cet ouvrage se concentre principalement sur le module 1 de la nouvelle formation des ARM : le rôle et le cadre d’exercice de l’ARM, la situation d’urgence et la communication. Il est divisé en 6 grandes parties : • les bases de la communication ; • la qualification initiale de l’appel ; • l’adaptation au tableau clinique ; • les pathologies circonstancielles ; • les principales pathologies stomatologiques, ORL et ophtalmologiques rencontrées en régulation au SAMU-Centre 15 ; • les urgences médicopsychologiques et psychiatriques. Il compte également plusieurs annexes présentant l’alphabet radio international, les abréviations et les termes courants en situation sanitaire, la compréhension des termes médicaux, les notions de base sur le matériel de médecine d’urgence... Véritable guide pour tout futur ARM, il est aussi un aide-mémoire destiné à reposer sur chaque poste. Il est composé d’une cinquantaine de fiches qui proposent de façon didactique de nombreux encadrés et schémas décisionnels avec un code couleur permettant de guider la pratique au quotidien. Le propos est également étayé de figures anatomiques et photos en situation.

Survey Methods for Medical and Health Professions Education

  • 1st Edition
  • April 10, 2021
  • Andrew W. Phillips + 2 more
  • English
Offering a practical, six-step approach to effective survey design, delivery, and analysis, Survey Methods for Medical and Health Professions Education provides a real-world framework for successful research and evaluation using surveys. Focused on medical and other health professional education research, this unique text features quick-reference checklists, high-yield explanations, and case examples throughout, making it both a foundational reference and a go-to resource for all health professions educators and researchers who use surveys.

Introducción a la investigación en ciencias de la salud

  • 7th Edition
  • March 17, 2021
  • Stephen Polgar + 1 more
  • Spanish
Nueva edición del texto que realiza un abordaje básico y asequible de cómo llevar a cabo una investigación científica. Para ello es esencial conocerlos fundamentos de los principales métodos utilizados, sus características, requerimientos y las condiciones en las que hay que escoger el más adecuado. A destacar qué, en la medida de lo posible, el contenido está presentado para todos aquellos estudiantes que no son expertos ni buenos conocedores de términos y conceptos matemáticos. Entre las principales novedades de esta edición cabe destacar; 1) abordaje "centrado en el paciente" 2) introducción de un nuevo capítulo de "Medicina Traslacional", 3) nuevos contenidos pertenecientes a metodologías mixtas, 4) impacto económico en la Salud Pública y 5) un mayor grado de "discusión" de las guías clínicas, así como de los métodos de revisión sistemáticos. El libro hace un recorrido por todo el proceso de investigación científica, lo que desemboca en una correcta práctica clínica basada en la evidencia. Así, este contenido es imprescindible para todo aquel estudiante que necesite ejercer su profesión en el ámbito de la medicina y en general de las Ciencias de la Salud.

Student Success in Medical School

  • 1st Edition
  • March 5, 2021
  • Raman Mehrzad
  • English
Using proven methods of studying, learning, and reading, Student Success in Medical School delivers the practical, real-world information you need to optimize your learning and analytic abilities in medical school and beyond. Written by a medical doctor who understands exactly what it takes to increase educational performance, this comprehensive guide covers all the important elements involved in learning new knowledge, how to balance your studies and clinical rotations, and most importantly, how to apply knowledge in clinical practice. 

Elsevier's Faculty Development

  • 1st Edition
  • February 24, 2021
  • Elsevier Inc + 1 more
  • English
There’s no better way to build your teaching skills! Elsevier’s Faculty Development: An Interactive Solution provides a comprehensive, one-stop solution to help you improve your effectiveness in the classroom and advance your career. A combination handbook and self-guided online course make it easy to progress through the material at your own pace. You will study topics such as learning theories, course planning, classroom management, assessment writing, and best-practice instruction methods for a variety of settings, supplemented throughout with interactive exercises, case scenarios, and critical thinking questions to help you put it into practice. Elsevier’s Faculty Development contains the tools you need to prioritize student success and become a master teacher!

Clinical Skills for Paramedic Practice ANZ

  • 1st Edition
  • September 25, 2020
  • Dianne Inglis + 1 more
  • English
Written by Dianne Inglis and Jeffrey Kenneally, the workbook includes more than 70 paramedic-focused clinical skills that link underpinning theory and knowledge with expectations for contemporary clinical practice. To ensure the skills are performed correctly and to standard, the resource is further strengthened with a ready-made assessment tool, ideal for both self-directed learning and instructor use. The text is designed for practising skill development, and preparation for assessment and clinical placement. Clinical Skills for Paramedic Practice 1e includes two key components: practical skill instruction and the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) assessment checklist. The skills sections contain clear step-by-step written and photographic instruction in basic to advanced clinical skills, with rationales provided to enhance knowledge acquisition and clinical decision-making. The OSCE checklists allow students and instructors to easily track and assess progress in skill development.

Mastering Medical Terminology

  • 3rd Edition
  • June 29, 2020
  • Sue Walker + 2 more
  • English
The third edition of Mastering Medical Terminology Australia and New Zealand is the go-to textbook for medical terminology. Written by Sue Walker, Maryann Wood and Jenny Nicol, the text has been fully updated to reflect current medical terminology and the local healthcare environment. Terms are demystified through an interactive and easy-to-follow instructional process. Students learn the basics of word structures first, then tackle the more complex terminology associated with the human body as a whole and then each body system. The terminology associated with special applications is also included.  The textbook includes a pronunciation guide and practice exercises, examples of terminology in context and diagrams and illustrations to enhance understanding.

Job Readiness for Health Professionals

  • 3rd Edition
  • March 21, 2020
  • Elsevier Inc
  • English
Gain an edge in the competitive job market with the tools you need to develop the personal qualities, habits, attitudes, and social graces to work successfully in healthcare settings. Job Readiness for Health Professionals: Soft Skills Strategies for Success, 3rd Edition provides an easy-to-read, easy-to-follow format that guides you through essential entry-level soft skills, such as how to dress, speak, and collaborate in a highly professional manner.

Buck's 2020 HCPCS Level II

  • 1st Edition
  • November 29, 2019
  • Elsevier
  • English
For fast, accurate, and efficient coding, pick this practical HCPCS reference! Buck’s 2020 HCPCS Level II provides an easy-to-use guide to the latest HCPCS codes. It helps you locate specific codes, comply with coding regulations, manage reimbursement for medical supplies, report patient data, code Medicare cases, and more. Spiral bound, this full-color reference simplifies coding with Netter’s Anatomy illustrations and ASC (Ambulatory Surgical Center) payment and status indicators.