**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 in Dentistry**Learn and master a range of clinical techniques and achieve therapeutic goals with Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology and Implantology, 14th Edition! Unmatched for its comprehensive approach, this resource provides detailed, up-to-date information on the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Basic and advanced evidence-based information on the various treatment modalities employed in periodontics and implantology is presented in an easy-to-read format, with callout boxes throughout the text highlighting the clinical relevance of foundational basic science information. Full-color photos and radiographic images depict periodontal conditions and procedures, and the Atlas of Periodontal Pathology is one of the most comprehensive ever compiled in a periodontal textbook. Written by a team of leading experts led by Michael G. Newman, this text not only demonstrates how to perform periodontal procedures but explains the evidence supporting each treatment and provides knowledge on how to achieve the best possible outcomes of periodontal therapy and implant treatment. An eBook version is included with print purchase, providing access to all the text, figures, and references, plus the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. The eBook version included with print purchase also includes Periopixel 3D color illustrations, a periodontal classification calculator and interactive learning tool, review questions, case studies, videos, 3D animations, and more! This edition features new chapters on Precision Medicine, Pocket Reduction Therapy, Periodontal Referral, and Digital Implant Workflows, as well as an updated glossary of terms linked to the eBook. It also features first-of-its-kind content on the effects of COVID-19 on treatment from key opinion leaders in this area. Case studies reflect the new format of the Integrated National Board Dental Exam (INBDE).
El texto presentado cuenta con el gran valor añadido de pertenecer a la marca más prestigiosa en este campo “Newman and Carranza’s”, pero por su formato y filosofía-essentials- cubre perfectamente las necesidades del estudiante que necesita un texto conciso, claro y que le ofrezca los conocimientos “core” de la asignatura El libro se estructura en un total de 48 capítulos, a través de los cuales se ofrece de una forma clara, concisa y estructurada toda la información que el estudiante precisa para superar la asignatura. Así mismo, el texto tiene un claro enfoque clínico y cuenta con una magnífica iconografía (dibujos esquemáticos y fotografías clínicas) que ilustran magistralmente los conceptos explicados. Se incluyen también imágenes histológicas A destacar su abordaje basado en la resolución de casos clínicos (PBL), ya que cada capítulo incluye un caso clínico con sus correspondientes preguntas y respuestas. Cada caso clínico viene acompañado de una imagen. Otro punto a destacar es la organización altamente homogénea de sus capítulos lo que le confiere un alto valor didáctico. Así en cada capítulo se ofrece: 1) Cuadro resumen con la terminología propia del capítulo a modo de glosario,2) Cuadro resumen con los procesos principales descritos en forma de bullet points,3) Core knowledge: la información esencial, 4) Cuadros de correlación clínica separados del texto, 5) Conclusiones y 6) Caso clínico: planteamiento, preguntas y respuestas razonadas Ofrece acceso online a través de la plataforma e-book+ (contenido en inglés).
The second edition of this popular textbook provides a concise and easy-to-follow guide that will increase the confidence of students and clinicians alike in managing all aspects of periodontal care. Practical Periodontics provides evidence-based information on the essentials of clinical periodontology, written by internationally renowned contributors in an accessible, practical style. It covers all aspects of the discipline, including the aetiology of periodontal diseases, clinical management, patient education, paediatric care, and the interaction of periodontology with other dental disciplines such as implant dentistry and orthodontics. This book will be invaluable to all undergraduate dentistry, hygiene and therapy students. It is also highly relevant for practising dentists, dental hygienists and therapists as a source of up-to-date, evidence-based information on periodontics.
The second edition of this popular textbook provides a concise and easy-to-follow guide that will increase the confidence of students and clinicians alike in managing all aspects of periodontal care. Practical Periodontics provides evidence-based information on the essentials of clinical periodontology, written by internationally renowned contributors in an accessible, practical style. It covers all aspects of the discipline, including the aetiology of periodontal diseases, clinical management, patient education, paediatric care, and the interaction of periodontology with other dental disciplines such as implant dentistry and orthodontics. This book will be invaluable to all undergraduate dentistry, hygiene and therapy students. It is also highly relevant for practising dentists, dental hygienists and therapists as a source of up-to-date, evidence-based information on periodontics.
The second edition of this popular textbook provides a concise and easy-to-follow guide that will increase the confidence of students and clinicians alike in managing all aspects of periodontal care. Practical Periodontics provides evidence-based information on the essentials of clinical periodontology, written by internationally renowned contributors in an accessible, practical style. It covers all aspects of the discipline, including the aetiology of periodontal diseases, clinical management, patient education, paediatric care, and the interaction of periodontology with other dental disciplines such as implant dentistry and orthodontics. This book will be invaluable to all undergraduate dentistry, hygiene and therapy students. It is also highly relevant for practising dentists, dental hygienists and therapists as a source of up-to-date, evidence-based information on periodontics.
Prepare for success on the board exam with this concise, case-based review! Newman and Carranza's Essentials of Clinical Periodontology – An Integrated Study Companion provides core information on periodontology and implant dentistry in a format that reflects the current, case-based U.S. National Board Dental Examination. Each chapter ends with a case-based exercise, allowing you to apply your knowledge to the practice setting. Like the well-known Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology textbook, it covers everything from basic science and fundamental procedures to advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy — but with a focus on need-to-know content. Written by periodontology experts Michael Newman, Irina Dragan, Satheesh Elangovan, and Archana Karan, this illustrated study guide includes both a print book and a fully searchable Expert Consult eBook.
Prepare for success on the board exam with this concise, case-based review! Newman and Carranza's Essentials of Clinical Periodontology – An Integrated Study Companion provides core information on periodontology and implant dentistry in a format that reflects the current, case-based U.S. National Board Dental Examination. Each chapter ends with a case-based exercise, allowing you to apply your knowledge to the practice setting. Like the well-known Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology textbook, it covers everything from basic science and fundamental procedures to advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy — but with a focus on need-to-know content. Written by periodontology experts Michael Newman, Irina Dragan, Satheesh Elangovan, and Archana Karan, this illustrated study guide includes both a print book and a fully searchable Expert Consult eBook.
Prepare for success on the board exam with this concise, case-based review! Newman and Carranza's Essentials of Clinical Periodontology – An Integrated Study Companion provides core information on periodontology and implant dentistry in a format that reflects the current, case-based U.S. National Board Dental Examination. Each chapter ends with a case-based exercise, allowing you to apply your knowledge to the practice setting. Like the well-known Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology textbook, it covers everything from basic science and fundamental procedures to advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy — but with a focus on need-to-know content. Written by periodontology experts Michael Newman, Irina Dragan, Satheesh Elangovan, and Archana Karan, this illustrated study guide includes both a print book and a fully searchable Expert Consult eBook.
Prepare for success on the board exam with this concise, case-based review! Newman and Carranza's Essentials of Clinical Periodontology – An Integrated Study Companion provides core information on periodontology and implant dentistry in a format that reflects the current, case-based U.S. National Board Dental Examination. Each chapter ends with a case-based exercise, allowing you to apply your knowledge to the practice setting. Like the well-known Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology textbook, it covers everything from basic science and fundamental procedures to advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy — but with a focus on need-to-know content. Written by periodontology experts Michael Newman, Irina Dragan, Satheesh Elangovan, and Archana Karan, this illustrated study guide includes both a print book and a fully searchable Expert Consult eBook.
From basic science and fundamental procedures to the latest advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy, Newman and Carranza's Clinical Periodontology, 13th Edition is the resource you can count on to help master the most current information and techniques in periodontology. Full color photos, illustrations, radiographs and videos show you how to perform periodontal procedures, while renowned experts from across the globe explain the evidence supporting each treatment and lend their knowledge on how to best manage the outcomes. Access to the Expert Consult website provides fully-searchable online chapters and unique case-based clinical scenarios that mimic the new format of credentialing exams. The Expert Consult platform also includes a wealth of resources to enhance understanding, such as: a periodontal pathology atlas, virtual microscope, animations, case reports, videos, audio slides, review questions, reference lists, and much more. It’s the perfect resource for dental students, periodontal residents, and clinicians alike!