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Books in Oral medicine

Cawson.Fundamentos de medicina y patología oral

  • 9th Edition
  • May 9, 2018
  • Edward W Odell
  • Spanish
Nueva edición del texto considerado un "must have" para todo aquel estudiante de grado de Odontología a la hora de adquirir los conocimientos en el área de la patología y medicina oral. A lo largo de sus sucesivas ediciones (la primera ed se publicó en 1962), el texto se ha consolidado y conserva el valor añadido de ser el primer libro que integra la medicina oral, la patología oral y la cirugía. El libro se divide en 4 secciones. Las 3 primeras abordan la patología de los tejidos duros (caries, pulpitis, quistes maxilares, infecciones orales...), la patología de los tejidos blandos (trastornos de la mucosa oral, cáncer oral, trastornos de las glándulas salivales...) y el tratamiento de las patologías orales en aquellos pacientes medicamente comprometidos (anemias, leucemias, enfermedades cardiovasculares, deficiencias nutricionales...). La sección 4 incluye una guía de estudio y preguntas de autoevaluación agrupadas por capítulos. La guía de estudio incluye una tabla en la que se intenta clasificar todos aquellos conceptos y aspectos que el estudiante debe aprender en función del grado de necesidad. A destacar la presencia de capítulos destinados tanto a población infantil-pediátrica como geriátrica, así como un capítulo de emergencias médicas. Los capítulos incluyen recuadros diferenciados del texto en el que se resume en formato bullet point las principales características de diferentes patologías. Algunos capítulos incluyen algoritmos de diagnóstico o imágenes adicionales. Uno de las fortalezas del libro es su magnífica iconografía; contiene más de 600 ilustraciones entre las que se incluyen fotografías clínicas a todo color y esquemas explicativos también a color. Por otro lado es también significativa la presencia de imágenes de radiodiagnóstico (Rx fundamentalmente) e imágenes histológicas.

QRS for BDS 4th Year

  • 1st Edition
  • December 22, 2014
  • Jyotsna Rao
  • English
Quick Review Series (QRS) for BDS 4th Year: Oral Medicine and Oral Radiology is an extremely exam-oriented book. The book includes a collection of last 20 years’ solved question papers of Oral Medicine and Oral Radiology from various universities like RGUHS, NTRUHS, MUHS, MGRUHS, etc. according to the new syllabus of BDS 4th year. The book would serve the requirements of final year BDS students to prepare for their examinations as well as help PG aspirants and PGs for quick review of important topics.

Evidence-Based Women's Oral Health, An Issue of Dental Clinics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 57-2
  • April 12, 2013
  • Leslie R. Halpern + 1 more
  • English
This issue of Dental Clinics features expert clinical reviews on Evidence-Based Women's Oral Health which includes current information on topics such as strategic planning for prioritizing oral health gender disparities, oral health gender disparities and systemic health, oral health gender disparities and reproductive health, oral cancer in women, risk assessment and management, tooth loss, dietary behaviors and oral health in women, enamel erosion, violence and abuse, temporomandibular joint disorder, gender differences and the aging and diseased jaw, patient-provider interactions, and pathways to assure evidence-based women’s oral health.

Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine

  • 3rd Edition
  • November 26, 2012
  • Crispian Scully
  • English
The new edition of this highly successful volume continues to offer readers with a systemized and objective approach to the practice of oral and maxillofacial medicine. Fully updated throughout with over 100 new photographs and artworks, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 3e presents a straightforward, easy-to-read guide to the successful diagnosis and treatment of the most common and potentially serious disorders seen in clinical practice. Maintaining a strong patient-centred approach throughout, the book also explores relevant systemic disorders and includes a reference section on eponymous and other conditions to ensure completion of the subject area. Full treatment options are given – including when to refer to medical, oncology or surgical colleagues – together with a comprehensive section on adverse drug reactions. Prepared by an author of international renown, this clearly written and beautifully illustrated book includes a wealth of anatomical artwork, treatment algorithms, clinical photographs, tables and ‘pull out’ boxes as well as sample ‘Patient Information Sheets’. Winner of the 2004 RSM/Society of Authors Book Award in the category of ‘New Authored Book’, and placed Highly Commended in the BMA Medical Book Awards 2009, this volume is ideal for senior dental students, dental practitioners and for trainees and practitioners in oral medicine, surgery, and pathology in particular.

Oral Medicine Secrets

  • 1st Edition
  • July 2, 2002
  • Stephen T. Sonis + 2 more
  • English
Using the popular question and answer format of The Secrets Series, this helpful mini reference offers practical tips, answers, and secrets from experts specializing in various areas of oral medicine. The evaluation, management, diagnosis, and treatment of various oral diseases arecovered. Topics include cardiovascular disease, bacterial endocarditis, endocrine disease, pregnancy, pulmonary disease, gastrointestinal disease, neurologic disease, diseases of the salivary glands and much more.Chapters on oral cancer detection and management as well as the pharmacology of drugs used in dentistry are also included.