Das neue Lehr- und Übungsbuch für Pflegekräfte in der Alten- und Krankenpflege für das Sprachniveau A2/B1: Anhand von praxisnahen Lese- und Hörtexten des Pflegealltags werden wichtige Formulierungen, Redewendungen und Grammatikstrukturen geübt. Viele erklärende Bilder vermitteln Ihnen so auf einfache Weise den relevanten Pflege-Wortschatz. So macht Lernen Spaß, und das Gelernte kann auch gleich im Arbeitsalltag angewendet und geübt werden. Das besondere Plus: Korrekte Pflege-Inhalte und optimale Sprachdidaktik, da das Buch gemeinsam von einer Pflegepädagogin und einer Sprachlehrerin verfasst wurde. Ideal für Pflegefachpersonen aus dem Ausland, die in die deutsche Pflege einsteigen möchten; Pflegeschulen, die eigene Deutschkurse aufsetzen, Migranten in Erstausbildung sowie Pflegehilfskräfte aus dem Ausland.
Learn how to evaluate and apply health sciences research with this beginner’s guide! Reading Research: A User-Friendly Guide for Health Professionals, 7th Edition provides a clear introduction to reading and understanding research articles, with practical guidelines for implementing research into clinical practice. It describes how to interpret common research methods including qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method approaches, and explains how to find relevant, reliable research on the internet. Written by Barbara Davies and Jo Logan, both of whom are noted educators and research experts, this easy-to-use pocket guide is ideal for both students and health professionals.
Winner of the 1st-place American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award in nursing research/evidence-based practice for 2021!**Selected for Doody’s Core Titles® 2024 with "Essential Purchase" designation in Research**Burns & Grove’s The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence, 9th Edition is the trusted resource for those wanting to master the research methods that are foundational to evidence-based practice. This highly respected textbook covers how to appraise and apply existing research evidence, as well as how to participate in research and quality improvement projects. This new 9th edition has been extensively updated to reflect today’s focus on online research in the digital era and includes clear, step-by-step guidelines for all major quantitative and qualitative research approaches — including supporting examples from the latest high-quality literature. There’s also new content on translational research, coverage of the most current research tools and techniques, and an increased use of illustrations, tables, and other visuals to help engage visually oriented readers of all levels.
Baillière's Dictionary for Nurses and Health Care Workers remains the nursing dictionary of choice throughout the world! The latest edition of this authoritative paperback has been thoroughly revised and updated to meet the needs of nurses and health care workers in a variety of clinical settings. Published for the first time in full colour, the comprehensive dictionary entries are supplemented by common abbreviations, prefixes, suffixes and roots, together with units of measurement and tables of normal values. Other helpful appendices include nutrition, resuscitation, first aid, medicines control, the legal and professional framework of nursing, professional standards of practice and behaviour, immunization and vaccinations, prevention and control of infection, revalidation, and clinical supervision.