Good communication is fundamental to effective nursing, and the teaching of interpersonal skills is now an established part of all nursing courses, at both pre-and post-registration level. The book meets the student's needs, and is specifically tailored to nurses. It interweaves theoretical concepts of communication into the analysis of everyday nursing situations. This approach makes the book more interesting to read and has the added benefit of encouraging reflective practice.After reading and studying this book, students and qualified staff should be better able to make sense of face-to-face communication and know how their interactions can be improved.
The foundations of helping or caring rests on the carer's understanding of human behaviour and their skills in facilitating effective interpersonal communication. Whilst psychology can be taught without the mere mention of interpersonal communication, the same cannot be said for interpersonal skills training. Effective interpersonal communication is grounded in psychological principles. The book is structured in three sections: intrapersonal dynamics - the ongoing psychological processes within oneself; interpersonal dynamics - the behaviour one exhibits; and interpersonal skills - the prerequisites to communication with others.