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Journals in Social sciences

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Case Studies on Transport Policy

  • ISSN: 2213-624X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.5
A Journal of the World Conference on Transport Research Society Transport policy is a multidisciplinary field where engineering, economics, sociology and law must come together in well-articulated and effective solutions. Despite being a field of effective intervention, most scientific publications address transport policy with a theoretical and often abstract approach, making its understanding difficult for non-senior academics and even more opaque for practitioners. While the merits of case study methods both for undergraduate and graduate teaching are recognised, academics struggle to find empirical material that provides objective and operational illustration of the theories and approaches lectured. This is a major barrier not only in the teaching context but also for practitioners.Case Studies on Transport Policy covers this gap by providing a repository of relevant material to support teaching and transferability of experiences. Observation of field experience highlighting the details and drawbacks of implementation is invaluable to show how Transport Policy can be applied in the operational field, maintaining consistency with strategic options. Teaching with case studies introduces students to challenges they may face in the real world, and provides a very rich learning method for executive training at every institutional level. For practitioners, and specially governments, case studies are a powerful tool to show the potential benefits from policy measures and packages.Case Studies on Transport Policy and its sister journal Transport Policy provide a valuable reference for the specialised study of transport policy offering in-depth theoretical analysis and detailed case study description and analysis, and in this way providing very complete material for decision makers planners and practitioners to undertake transferability of experiences.
Case Studies on Transport Policy

Child Abuse & Neglect

  • ISSN: 0145-2134
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Official Publication of the International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and NeglectChild Abuse & Neglect is an international and interdisciplinary journal publishing articles on child welfare, health, humanitarian aid, justice, mental health, public health and social service systems. The journal recognizes that child protection is a global concern that continues to evolve. Accordingly, the journal is intended to be useful to scholars, policymakers, concerned citizens, advocates, and professional practitioners in countries that are diverse in wealth, culture, and the nature of their formal child protection system. Child Abuse & Neglect welcomes contributions grounded in the traditions of particular cultures and settings, as well as global perspectives. Article formats include empirical reports, theoretical and methodological reports and invited reviews. For special issue proposals, contact [email protected]
Child Abuse & Neglect

Children and Youth Services Review

  • ISSN: 0190-7409
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3.3
An International Multidisciplinary Review of the Welfare of Young People. See also Elsevier Educational Research Programme home. Children and Youth Services Review is an international, multidisciplinary journal that focuses on disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable children, young people, families and the systems designed to support them. The journal provides a forum for rigorous scholarship relevant to policies, interventions, programs and services intended to improve well-being. We invite original scholarly works including empirical research, methodological developments, theoretical perspectives, and practice and policy assessments related to services that address individual and societal factors that negatively affect the welfare of children, youth, and young adults ages 0 to 25 and their families. Submissions that acknowledge and engage with issues of racial equity and social justice in research design, intervention design, service delivery and outcomes are strongly encouraged. A host of substantive domains relevant to the welfare of youth, young adults, and their families will be considered. These domains include but are not limited to all forms of child maltreatment, exposure to violence, protective care, youth justice, poverty alleviation, educational disadvantage, community environments, peer relationships, distressed family dynamics and social-emotional wellbeing. We welcome submissions from disciplines such as social work, education, law, medicine, psychology, public health, public policy, sociology, and allied disciplines.
Children and Youth Services Review

Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment

  • ISSN: 2325-4262
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment (CJPRE) is a peer-reviewed international academic journal publish original research in the fields of economic, population, resource and environment studies as they pertain to sustainable development. More specifically, CJPRE aims to address and evaluate the field's theoretical frameworks, capability building initiatives, strategic goals, ethical values, empirical research, methodologies and techniques. CJPRE started publication in 1992, and sponsored by the Chinese Society for Sustainable Development (CSSD), Research Center for Sustainable Development of Shandong Province, the Administrative Center for China's Agenda 21 (ACCA21) and Shandong Normal University. The former Chinese leader Mr. Deng Xiaoping inscribed the Chinese title of the journal. Since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the field of sustainable development has developed rapidly. Although it remains an emerging field of research, it has proven influential and continues to provide new angles for understanding how current events may impact society. While CJPRE originally focused on assessing China's advances in the field of sustainable development, the journal now looks toward sharing global developments from both developed and developing countries. The journal welcomes manuscripts on: sustainable development goals global environmental governance ecological civilization construction environmental economy green development sustainable resource utilization circular development climate change economics population-resources-environment-development nexus
Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment


  • ISSN: 0264-2751
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.6
  • Impact factor: 6.7
The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning Supporting the Forests, Land and Housing Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): Cities publishes articles on many aspects of urban planning and policy. It distinguishes itself by providing an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas and information among urban planners, policy makers and analysts, and urbanists from all disciplines. The primary aims of the journal are to analyze and assess past and present urban development and management as a reflection of effective, ineffective and non-existent planning policies; and the promotion of the implementation of appropriate urban policies in both the developed and the developing world. Topics covered include: urban adaptation to climate change; gentrification and housing; homelessness and welfare services; urban management; public-private sector cooperation; development and planning problems; urban regeneration; neighborhood conservation and urban design; immigration and international labor migration; urban politics; urban theory; urban governance; smart cities and regions; infrastructure; livability and quality of life; greening; and the complexities of creating sustainable cities. Every year, we also publish a handful of Viewpoints. These are articles that are shorter in nature, summative in their literature review, and offer a particular argument that could potentially generate debates among scholars and practitioners. Each volume also features one or more City Profiles. Coverage includes a brief description of the city's historical development, an account of contemporary conditions, problems or issues, and a critical review of recent or current policy, planning or management responses. Full details of Cities' accepted manuscript types, topics, word limits and editorial policies, as well as topics we do not accept, can be found in the Cities Acceptance Policy on the journal's website.

City and Environment Interactions

  • ISSN: 2590-2520
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Climate – Sustainability – Resilience City and Environment Interactions is an international and interdisciplinary rapid open access forum focusing on the interactions between cities and related environmental and climatic pressures. The outcome-related research we publish should tackle the challenges that densely-populated cities (and their wider regions) face in a changing world, as increasing populations live in conurbations. We welcome full research papers, review articles, and are also keen to consider short communications that present original material for rapid dissemination. For more details, please see below for our different Article Types. City and Environment Interactions also welcomes research on the urban environment from both the natural and social sciences, especially if it demonstrates the interface with urban policy making and other important stakeholders. It is important to note that the journal aims be useful reading not just for academics, but stakeholders within industry, urban government, and policymakers etc. What topics will the journal cover? Pressures from pollution, climate and the environment add to the demand cities place on resources, and difficult decisions are inevitable in making cities efficient, enjoyable and healthy places to live. The United Nations places great hope in local, city and regional governments taking responsibility to drive sustainable development. Multi-disciplinary research from across both the natural and social sciences is urgently needed to inform the decision making required for better and more sustainable cities. Our subject scope sits at the nexus of how the science of cities and regions (i.e. networks; processes and interactions; communities; and systems) interact with sustainability, resilience, resource limitation, pollution, climate/climate change, and global atmosphere and warming. Some examples of potential topics in this field could be: Environmental pressures on cities and their regions Climate threats such as water shortages, urban runoff, urban heat island etc. Urban greenhouse gas emission and decarbonisation in cities. Impact of extreme weather in cities. Poor air quality and population exposure Air pollutant sensors and community monitoring Transport networks and pollution or climate change Problems of water supply Environmental issues surrounding recycling and solid waste Integrative concerns: electricity; food; water and waste; medicine; security Cross-disciplinary studies; cities as complex systems Community attitudes to urban environments; ethical dimensions and inequality Public perception of climate change and urban pollution Sustainability and resilience in the face of threat Role of technology in enhancing urban resilience Note: If you feel your paper is not covered by the above topics, but nevertheless relevant, please contact the Editor-in Chief, as it may still be considered for possible inclusion. Submission Requirements Submissions should appeal to the journal's broad and multi-disciplinary readership. As such, submissions should present research relevant not just to academics but also to multiple disciplines and be accessible to an audience outside of the field, or otherwise be within a cross-disciplinary or emerging field. This gives authors the opportunity to convey the importance of their work to a wider community (see stakeholders mentioned above) in addition to specialists in their field. To assist the Editors in assessing your article, you are invited at submission to provide a brief justification statement in the letter accompanying your submission. This statement should outline how your article satisfies the publication criteria detailed above. The following questions should normally be addressed in your statement: What are the new results or developments reported in your article? In what way are these new results or developments timely? Why are these new results or developments significant to policy? How does your paper demonstrate some element of research outcome as it pertains to the wider stakeholder community? Article Types and word limits Original Research Papers: no word limit Original Review Papers: no word limit Short Communications: not normally more than 3000 words of main text, making a timely and significant contribution to the Journal and deserving of rapid publication. There should be no more than three figures or tables in total. These articles focus on distilling, synthesising or commenting on the outcomes of research - for example as they relate to an end goal of policy, planning, infrastructure, or industry. We also accept Short Communications commenting on the next stage iterations that look beyond the scope of a current research project. Short Communication should also focus on a specific aspect of a problem. One example would be a new finding that is expected to have a significant impact. In addition, we invite Short Communications that combine, interpret and communicate knowledge from diverse scientific disciplines to policymakers and wider stakeholders. Specific cases of Co-production of research would fall into this category. Invited Viewpoint: To add to the Original Research submitted, the Journal will also publish Invited Viewpoints; articles written by experts to assess and curate the vast amount of research undertaken globally in this field. Invited Viewpoints may also include innovation insights (short communications on innovative scientific ideas for demand creation and/or field-based demand) and science status (i.e. overviews of the status of research in this field globally, regionally and nationally as small opinion pieces). If you have an idea for an invited viewpoint, please contact the Editor-in Chief in the first instance. Invited Viewpoint articles: Short papers ~ 2500-3000 words in main text (though longer can be possible in some cases. Discuss with the Editor-in Chief). At least one figure, possibly a graphical abstract, to summarise the main concepts discussed At least 10% of the references should be selected and annotated as being papers of special interest (*)outstanding interest (**) or key reviews (R) Annotated references must be from the past three years, and the annotation should provide a brief description of the major findings and the importance of the study. Policy Forum: (maximum 1500 words) present analyses of the policy implications of recent scientific results or studies or discuss the intersection of science and society. Technical Comment: (maximum 1500 words) present critical technical comments made on a recently published research article in the journal. A comment article must pertain to the original article, be timely, focussed, factually-based, and of clear value to readers, be measured and professional in tone, provide a significant and useful addition to the scientific literature and on-going scholarly discussion (i.e. not simply identifying error(s) in the original published article) and be of interest, not only to specialists in the field, but to the Journal's broader readership. We also publish a small number of Letters to the Editor, and Opinion Pieces: maximum 2000 words. This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
City and Environment Interactions

City, Culture and Society

  • ISSN: 1877-9166
City, Culture and Society is a multi-disciplinary, international, and peer-reviewed journal for the scholarship of cities with a primary focus on the cultural dimensions of the urban condition. The journal aims to publish pioneering urban research that provides critical perspective on the diverse urban policy and development dynamics at play in cities around the globe. For over a decade City, Culture and Society has advanced theoretical debates and produced original empirical analysis on cities as they adapt to the challenges of the 21st century. The journal welcomes contributions across the diverse range of urban studies disciplines including geography, sociology, planning, cultural studies, anthropology, environmental studies, economic development, politics, policy studies, history, and architecture. Please see our Guide for Authorsfor information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
City, Culture and Society

Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain

  • ISSN: 2772-3909
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain (CLSCN) is an international, transdisciplinary companion journal to the Journal of Cleaner Production focusing on the domain of green, sustainable, and circular logistics and supply chain management. CLSCN serves as a platform for addressing and discussing how each paper contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to a zero-carbon society within the domain of cleaner logistics and supply chain management. High quality contributions are welcome from both academics and professionals working in the field of logistics and supply chain management. Methodologically, CLSCN covers the full range of empirical, conceptual, modeling, quantitative, and qualitative research studies. All empirical studies should contribute to theory. Application of technologies to achieve sustainability is within the journal's scope, but technology development alone are not research papers suitable for CLSCN. CLSCN articles can include original research, short communications and technical notes, covering all aspects of logistics and supply chain management in general or to a specific industry. Topics can include, but are not limited to, the following: Green, sustainable, and/or circular operations, logistics and supply chains Sustainable and circular business model innovation for logistics and supply chains Green, sustainable, and/or circular procurement and supply management Green, sustainable, and/or circular manufacturing and supply chains Green, sustainable, and circular performance measurement, indicators, and performance management Sustainability in reverse and closed-loop supply chains Supply chain sustainability in a globalized economy Supply chain sustainability in emerging economies and at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP) Industry 4.0 applications to promote CLSCN Digitalization for green or sustainable logistics and supply chains Supply chain sustainability and risk management Resilient and robust CLSCN planning and response to emergencies, disasters or pandemics Green and sustainable freight transportation and warehouse management Green and sustainable routing and scheduling Planning and decision-making for logistics and supply chain sustainability Corporate social responsibility in logistics and supply chains Green, Sustainable and/or circular operations in urban settings and planning Interactions between multiple stakeholders for CLSCN topics Government, regulatory, inter-governmental and non-governmental relationships to CLSCN topics Agility, Flexibility, and CLSCN topics Policy and sociological behavioral concerns for CLSCN topics We encourage those interested in organizing a special issue or a virtual special issue within the scope of the journal to fill out this form and contact the editors-in-chief for more information.
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain


  • ISSN: 0010-0277
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 3.4
International Journal of Cognitive Science Cognition is an international journal that publishes theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. It covers a wide variety of subjects concerning all the different aspects of cognition, ranging from experimental studies of behavior and of the brain to formal analysis. Papers will be selected on the basis of their scientific quality, their degree of innovation and their unambiguous theoretical advance to the study of cognition. Paper's overall soundness of the argument and degree of empirical motivation, especially from converging sources, are more important than adherence to specific methodological principles. Studies that selectively focus on the cognitive and neural mechanisms that underlie problems with cognition in clinical populations or on purely methodological questions fall outside the scope of Cognition. Because Cognition enjoys a wide readership from many disciplines, authors should explicitly consider the general theoretical issues raised by their work and its relevance to other topics and methods. Materials should describe work done and methods used in a clear and explicit manner (allowing reproduction of the methods by others). Cognition occasionally publishes special issues devoted to a research area that has seen rapid recent progress, promising new approaches, and convergence among different disciplines. Contributions: • Full theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind. •Brief articles reporting original empirical findings, major theoretical advances or crucial developments that warrant rapid communication to the scientific community •Proposals for special issues on a new and important area in the field •Discussions Reviewers please refer to Editorial Policy on Reviewing for Cognition. Cognition publishes many of the most important papers in cognitive science and is the premier international and interdisciplinary journal in the field. It is required reading for anyone who wishes to keep up to date in this exciting research area.

Cognitive Systems Research

  • ISSN: 1389-0417
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.8
  • Impact factor: 3.9
Cognitive Systems Research is dedicated to the study of human-level cognition. As such, it welcomes papers which advance the understanding, design and applications of cognitive and intelligent systems, both natural and artificial. The journal brings together a broad community studying cognition in its many facets in vivo and in silico, across the developmental spectrum, focusing on individual capacities or on entire architectures. It aims to foster debate and integrate ideas, concepts, constructs, theories, models and techniques from across different disciplines and different perspectives on human-level cognition. The scope of interest includes the study of cognitive capacities and architectures - both brain-inspired and non-brain-inspired - and the application of cognitive systems to real-world problems as far as it offers insights relevant for the understanding of cognition. Cognitive Systems Research therefore welcomes mature and cutting-edge research approaching cognition from a systems-oriented perspective, both theoretical and empirically-informed, in the form of original manuscripts, short communications, opinion articles, systematic reviews, and topical survey articles from the fields of Cognitive Science (including Philosophy of Cognitive Science), Artificial Intelligence/Computer Science, Cognitive Robotics, Developmental Science, Psychology, and Neuroscience and Neuromorphic Engineering. Empirical studies will be considered if they are supplemented by theoretical analyses and contributions to theory development and/or computational modelling studies. Note that the journal does not publish clinical and medical papers. We also do not publish pure machine learning papers, e.g. studies proposing variants of classifiers or pure algorithmic improvements that bear no connection to cognitive systems research in the sense above. Additionally, Cognitive Systems Research plays a special role in fostering and promoting the 'BICA Challenge' to create a real-life computational equivalent of the human mind by devoting two special issues to BICA AI (Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures for Artificial Intelligence) related topics each year.
Cognitive Systems Research