Research in Transportation Business & Management (RTBM) will publish research on international aspects of transport management such as business strategy, communication, sustainability, finance, human resource management, law, logistics, marketing, franchising, privatisation and commercialisation.Research in Transportation Business & Management welcomes proposals for themed volumes from scholars in management, in relation to all modes of transport. Issues should be cross-disciplinary for one mode or single-disciplinary for all modes. We are keen to receive proposals that combine and integrate theories and concepts that are taken from or can be traced to origins in different disciplines or lessons learned from different modes and approaches to the topic. By facilitating the development of interdisciplinary or intermodal concepts, theories and ideas, and by synthesizing these for the journal's audience, we seek to contribute to both scholarly advancement of knowledge and the state of managerial practice.Potential volume themes include:Sustainability and Transportation ManagementTransport Management and the Reduction of Transport's Carbon FootprintMarketing Transport/Branding TransportationBenchmarking, Performance Measurement and Best Practices in Transport OperationsFranchising, Concessions and Alternate Governance Mechanisms for Transport OrganisationsLogistics and the Integration of Transportation into Freight Supply ChainsRisk Management (or Asset Management or Transportation Finance or ...): Lessons from Multiple ModesEngaging the Stakeholder in Transportation GovernanceReliability in the Freight SectorTo submit a volume proposal, please contact the Journal Editors: Maria Attard, University of Malta ([email protected]) and Lucy Budd, De Montfort University ([email protected]).
What is the Transportation Research Procedia? The Transportation Research Procedia is an open access product focusing entirely on publishing full sets of conference proceedings, enabling fast, world-wide dissemination so that conference delegates can publish their papers in a dedicated online issue on ScienceDirect.The Transportation Research Procedia will publish papers from conferences with an emphasis in any social science area of transportation research. This includes all models, methods and analysis intended to solve and support the solution of problems faced by public administrations, city authorities, public transport companies, service providers, logistic operators and so on.Peer-review is under the responsibility of the conference organizers who according to the international peer-review standards may use single blind, double blind or open peer review. For details specific to the conference peer-review process, please contact the conference organizer or the guest editor of the conference.For authors publishing in Transportation Research Procedia, accepted manuscript will be governed by CC-BY-NC-ND or other suitable license. For further details see our copyright information and the list of OA user licenses offered by Elsevier.How are conferences evaluated for inclusion in the Transportation Research Procedia? Conference proceedings are accepted for publication in the Transportation Research Procedia based on suitability of scope and are required to meet certain quality and ethical criteria, including the assurance that all papers are original work by the authors, will be subject to peer review and that the same paper will not be published elsewhere. Elsevier, the Advisory Editor and the editorial board will evaluate all proposals on the bases of key information related to the conference provided by the organizers, including, but not limited to, the conference website, programme, supporting organization and contact details of the committee and keynote speakers. Elsevier may make contact with members of the committee and keynote speakers to obtain further information about the conference during the evaluation process.What does the Transportation Research Procedia offer authors and conference organizers? The Transportation Research Procedia offers a high quality, well respected, global platform for conference papers to be hosted and accessed by an audience of millions of researchers. All proceedings appear online, on ScienceDirect, within 8 weeks of submission to the Publisher of the final manuscripts from the conference organizer and are integrated into the regular search functions of ScienceDirect and are freely available to all readers. The Transportation Research Procedia offers authors and conference organizers a fast and cost effective way to provide maximum exposure for their proceedings papers.Templates (both LateX and Word) are provided to assist in the publication and the final online papers contain linked references, XML versions and DOI numbers.The Transportation Research Procedia does not have, and is not eligible for, an Impact Factor as it does not publish primary research, full length, peer reviewed articles.Why should conference organizers choose Transportation Research Procedia for their proceedings papers? There is no limit to the amount of papers a Transportation Research Procedia issue can contain and pricing is affordable, clear and transparent. Transportation Research Procedia offers immediate access for all, with papers online within 8 weeks of submission to the Publisher, and open access for end users providing maximum exposure for individual papers and the related conference. Organizers are credited on the actual issue and are fully responsible for quality control and the review process.What are the costs associated with the Transportation Research Procedia? There is an agreed fee, payable by the conference organizer, based on the number of papers included in the proceedings. This fee is kept to a minimum and is charged to cover the costs of preparing and publishing the volume, hosting it online, ensuring future accessibility on ScienceDirect and providing free access to all readers. A quote for costs will be provided upon receipt of a completed proposal form and based on the information provided - see below.In addition to the online version there is the possibility, for an additional fee, to request paper copies, CD-ROMs and USB sticks. Moreover, interactive media possibilities such as webcasts and web seminars can be acquired for extra exposure both before and after the conference.Can Transportation Research Procedia be sponsored? We are open to discussing sponsoring possibilities at all times. Sponsors can include funding bodies, government agencies and/or industry. Benefits to sponsors include visibility amongst a scientific audience and the opportunity to communicate messages via a peer-reviewed platform. Benefits to authors and conference organizers are extra exposure of the conference and reduced costs to the overall conference budget.What is the process for submitting conference proceedings to the Transportation Research Procedia?Proposals should be prepared using the template [here]( proposal.doc) and sent to:Riadh Khelil
Senior Publisher, Social Sciences [email protected]
Please note that we do not accept proposals from individual authors for Procedia titles.