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Journals in Business management and accounting

Our business, management, and accounting titles are essential reading for students and professionals, and cover a range of foundational and advanced topics across actuarial science, quantitative assets management and investment modelling, business venturing, business law, and human resource management, among other topics

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Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

  • ISSN: 2213-0780
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.6
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism offers a dedicated outlet for research relevant to social sciences and natural resources. The journal publishes peer reviewed original research on all aspects of outdoor recreation planning and management, covering the entire spectrum of settings from wilderness to urban outdoor recreation opportunities. It also focuses on new products and findings in nature based tourism and park management. JORT is an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary journal, articles may focus on any aspect of theory, method, or concept of outdoor recreation research, planning or management, and interdisciplinary work is especially welcome, and may be of a theoretical and/or a case study nature. Depending on the topic of investigation, articles may be positioned within one academic discipline, or draw from several disciplines in an integrative manner, with overarching relevance to social sciences and natural resources. JORT is international in scope and attracts scholars from all reaches of the world to facilitate the exchange of ideas. As such, the journal enhances understanding of scientific knowledge, empirical results, and practitioners' needs. Therefore in JORT each article is accompanied by an executive summary, written by the editors or authors, highlighting the planning and management relevant aspects of the article.
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

  • ISSN: 1478-4092
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.2
  • Impact factor: 6.8
The mission of the Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management is to publish original, high-quality and significant empirical research within the field of purchasing and supply management (PSM).The Journal supports diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the research and publication process.The Journal covers the acquisition of external resources (materials, services, works, knowledge, etc.) by organizations in any sector (private, public, profit, non-profit), focusing in particular on strategy, design, management and evaluation of procurement and sourcing activities.The Journal ensures that high-quality research is collected and disseminated widely, and provides a forum for debate on emerging topics. Articles should contribute to testing or developing PSM theory and provide valuable insights for practice and policy.The Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management is positioned as a multi-disciplinary journal, focusing on a particular set of study objects rather than a specific discipline. The journal is liberal with respect to the methodologies and style of research, but largely empirically focused. The journal does not publish mathematical modelling papers that do not also have a strong empirical grounding. The journal promotes the submission of original manuscripts that leverage purchasing and supply management to address the current challenges of economic and social systems.Key topics include:• Purchasing and supply in a strategic or policy contexts • Organisational buying behaviour / decision making • Make-or-buy/outsourcing strategy • Procurement policy and strategies • Global/international or local sourcing • Social, ethical and environmental supply issues • Supplier relationships and development • Collaboration, alliances and intermediaries • Procurement and innovation • Tendering and contracting • Costing and pricing • Negotiation • Purchasing and supply organisation and development • PSM performance • Digitalization in purchasing • Sustainable sourcing • Supply chain management • Supply networks and complex systems of supply • Public procurement
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

  • ISSN: 0969-6989
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.2
  • Impact factor: 11
Forging the Link between Research and PracticeThe journal is an international and interdisciplinary forum for research and debate in the rapidly developing - and converging - fields of retailing and services studies. It focuses particularly on consumer behaviour and on policy and managerial decisions, encouraging contributions from academics across a wide range of relevant disciplines. The Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services covers:• The retailing and selling of goods• The selling of consumer services such as transportation, tourism and leisure.The journal is interested receiving submissions that contribute to the research frontier in retailing and consumer services, based on generalizable empirical results from representative samples. In principle, we do not consider papers based on student or convenience samples.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services

Journal of Vocational Behavior

  • ISSN: 0001-8791
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.4
  • Impact factor: 5.2
The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes original empirical and theoretical articles that contribute novel insights to the fields of career choice, career development, and work adjustment across the lifespan and which are also valuable for applications in counseling and career development programs in colleges and universities, business and industry, government, and the military.The Journal primarily focuses on investigations of individual decision-making about work and careers rather than studies of employer or organizational-level variables. Example topics include initial career choices (e.g., choice of major, initial choice of work or organization, organizational attraction), the development of a career, work transitions, work-family management, work adjustment and attitudes within the workplace (such as work commitment, multiple role management, turnover).Editors will consider manuscripts that make significant contributions to the literature in the following areas: Studies of individuals' career and work-related choices examining topics such as: • Theories of career choice; occupational interests and their measurement • The inter-relation of abilities, needs, values, and personality • Occupational aspirations and the vocational decision-making process • Career adaptability; vocational development processes and stages • The effects of culture, demographic variables, and experiential factors on vocational choice • Career exploration • Job search • Organizational socialization. Studies of work decisions and adjustment within the workplace, investigating topics such as: • Job performance and satisfaction • Career success; • Theories of work adjustment • Adult vocational development and career patterns • Organizational commitment and job involvement • Multiple-role management and the work-family interface • Work-role salience • Culture, demographic variables, and experiential factors on workplace decisions • Work-leisure relations • Midlife career change • Occupational re-entry and transition from work to retirement. • Individual job characteristics and job design. • Work-related stress and well-being. The journal also publishes research on career interventions; mentoring; and psychometric research that reports the construction and initial validation of new inventories as well as studies that evaluate the reliability and validity of instruments that measure career related constructs. Please note: the Journal does not publish research on organization-, team-, or group-level variables nor does it publish studies on vocational education.
Journal of Vocational Behavior

Journal of World Business

  • ISSN: 1090-9516
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.2
  • Impact factor: 8.9
The Journal of World Business is a premier journal in the field of International Business. The Journal's history dates to 1965, when it was founded as the Columbia Journal of World Business. JWB publishes cutting-edge research that reflect important developments in International Business. The Journal seeks to publish research that advances new theoretical directions and new ways of thinking about International Business phenomena. As such, to match the domain statement of the journal, submissions must have an explicit multinational, cross-border, or international comparative orientation and be relevant to the study of management and organizations. The journal especially encourages submissions that break new ground or demonstrate novel or counterintuitive findings challenging established theories or assumptions. The journal has no theoretical preferences and encourages submissions from a variety of conceptual and theoretical traditions, including those drawn from allied social sciences and behavioral sciences. Submissions should develop new theory or test existing theory. Empirical papers may employ a range of qualitative, quantitative and other methodologies provided the methods are rigorous and appropriate. Although JWB's primary readers are scholars and researchers, the journal values contributions that explore and explicate implications for Multinational Enterprises and their managers, as well as consequences for public policy and the broader role of business in society.JWB welcomes manuscripts in the following areas that intersect with International Business: Global Political and Economic Environments; Strategic Management; Organization Theory; Organizational Behavior; Cross-Cultural Management; Leadership; Human Resources Management; Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability; Information Systems; Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship; Finance and Accounting; and Marketing and Consumer Behavior.
Journal of World Business

Long Range Planning

  • ISSN: 0024-6301
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.2
  • Impact factor: 7.4
International Journal of Strategic ManagementLong Range Planning (LRP) is a leading international journal for the field of strategic management. The journal has forged a strong reputation for publishing original research since 1968. We encourage submissions of articles that involve empirical research and theoretical articles, including studies that review and assess the current state of knowledge in important areas of strategy.The majority of users of LRP come from the academic world, and the journal serves two functions in that world: the transmission of research findings among academic researchers, and the transmission of ideas that are useful in the classroom. Articles may be written for practicing managers and students in professional programs, or they may be directed primarily to academic researchers. LRP takes an inclusive approach to empirical research, publishing studies based on primary survey data, archival data, case study and other recognized approaches to data collection.LRP welcomes work from scholars based in all parts of the world, including emerging and transitional economies. All work must meet a high standard and is assessed for originality and quality through a rigorous peer review process. The areas of work published by LRP include, among others: corporate strategy and governance, business strategy and new business models, international dimensions of strategy, strategies for emerging markets, entrepreneurship, innovation, organizational structure and design, corporate social responsibility, management of technology, methods for strategy research, and business processes. In addition to publication of high quality individual articles, LRP also publishes topically-themed special issues.
Long Range Planning

Management Accounting Research

  • ISSN: 1044-5005
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.2
Management Accounting Research aims to serve as a vehicle for publishing original scholarly work in the field of management accounting. The Journal welcomes original research papers using archival, case, experimental, field, survey or any other relevant empirical method, as well as analytical modelling, framework or thought pieces, substantive review articles, and shorter papers such as comments or research notes subject to peer review. The Journal provides an international forum for the dissemination of original scholarly contributions drawing on any relevant source discipline suitable to examine and elicit novel implications for management accounting practices or systems in use in any type of organization globally.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Management Accounting Research


  • ISSN: 0305-0483
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 6.7
The International Journal of Management ScienceOmega reports on developments in management, including the latest research results and applications. Original contributions and review articles describe the state of the art in specific fields or functions of management, while there are shorter critical assessments of particular management techniques. Other features of the journal are the "Memoranda" section for short communications and "Feedback", a correspondence column. Omega is both stimulating reading and an important source for practising managers, specialists in management services, operational research workers and management scientists, management consultants, academics, students and research personnel throughout the world. The material published is of high quality and relevance, written in a manner which makes it accessible to all of this wide-ranging readership. Preference will be given to papers with implications to the practice of management. Submissions of purely theoretical papers are discouraged. The review of material for publication in the journal reflects this aim.Now Incorporating Optimization and Business Analytics ApplicationsWe seek submissions related to the use of optimization and Business Analytics models and techniques to address practical optimization and Business Analytics challenges. Of particular interest are papers that present effective and contemporary modeling and solution approaches for a novel application area, as well as those papers that contain breakthroughs on solving established problems in application domains of considerable interest.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Organizational Dynamics

  • ISSN: 0090-2616
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Organizational Dynamics' domain is primarily organizational behavior and development and secondarily, HRM and strategic management. The objective is to link leading-edge thought and research with management practice. Organizational Dynamics publishes articles that embody both theoretical and practical content, showing how research findings can help deal more effectively with the dynamics of organizational life.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Organizational Dynamics

Research Policy

  • ISSN: 0048-7333
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.1
  • Impact factor: 7.5
Policy, management and economic studies of science, technology and innovationResearch Policy (RP) articles examine empirically and theoretically the interaction between innovation, technology or research, on the one hand, and economic, social, political and organizational processes, on the other. All RP papers are expected to yield findings that have implications for policy or management.Before submitting, please read the Research Policy Guide for Authors, as well as our guidelines on Journal keywords for submission, and notes for proposing a special issue. If you would like to obtain more information about the scope of RP or the submission process, or if you have any further questions, please see the long list of FAQs at and Scope: Research Policy (RP) is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to analyzing, understanding and effectively responding to the economic, policy, management, organizational, environmental and other challenges posed by innovation, technology, R&D and science. This includes a number of related activities concerned with the creation of knowledge (through research), the diffusion and acquisition of knowledge (e.g. through organizational learning), and its exploitation in the form of new or improved products, processes or services. RP is generally acknowledged to be the leading journal in the field of innovation studies, with its academic status and influence being reflected in a remarkably high 'Impact Factor' for a multi-disciplinary social science journal (please see below). Authors intending to submit a paper to RP should first check whether that paper is consistent with the journal's Editorial Strategy as detailed in the Guide for Authors. RP uses an online submission process, and all papers are subject to a 'double-blind' review process, details as in the Guide for Authors. Besides research articles and notes, RP also publishes a variety of other types of papers including Special Issues (or shorter Special Sections) occasional discussion papers on important topical issues, and book reviews, again further information in the Guide for Authors.Main Subjects Covered: Economics of Innovation/Technology/Science; Entrepreneurs/Entrepreneurship; Evolutionary or (neo-)Schumpeterian Economics; Geography of Innovation - e.g. industrial clusters; Indicators - science, technology, R&D, innovation etc.; Innovation and Sustainability; Innovation Management/Organization/Policy/Strategy; Innovation Systems - national, regional, sectoral, technological; Knowledge - creation/production, diffusion/transfer/exchange, adoption/exploitation etc.; Learning (e.g. organizational) and Experimentation; Product and Process Development; Networks - e.g. research/ R&D collaboration, university-industry links, regional clusters, supply chains; Research and Development (R&D) Management/Policy/Strategy; Research Policy; Resource-Based View of the Firm - competence/capability (e.g. absorptive, core, dynamic); Science Policy; Sociotechnical Paradigms/Regimes; Technological Paradigms/Trajectories; Technological problem-solving; Technology Management/Policy/Strategy.
Research Policy