Animal Behaviour is published for the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour in collaboration with the Animal Behavior Society.First appearing in 1953, Animal Behaviour is a leading international publication with wide appeal, containing research articles (primary research, methods and data set papers), critical reviews, commentaries and book reviews. Special Issues are commissioned on occasion. The journal publishes fundamental and applied empirical work, as well as theory, focused on the behaviour of any animals, including humans.In 1989, the journal expanded to monthly publication. From January 2025, Animal Behaviour publishes online only, with papers appearing with an article number and DOI once proofs are approved. Papers are also collated into monthly collections with Editors’ choices.Each year, prizes are awarded for papers published by students, early-career researchers and authors from institutes in a Low- or Middle-income country in the World Bank’s classification.Animal Behaviour considers any paper where there is a core behaviour focus. Topics of interest include (this is not an exhaustive list): animal welfare, behavioural ecology, conservation, development of behaviour, ethology, evolution of behaviour, global change biology, neuroethology, physiology, population biology, psychology, sensory biology and sociobiology.
Annals of 3D Printed Medicine examines the fast moving 3D printing innovation in the inter-disciplinary medical and biomedical research area.Also widely known by other terms such as additive manufacturing (AM) or rapid prototyping (RP), 3D printing engineering offers in Health and Medical Sciences - as an efficient and customizable manufacturing option - a great opportunity to reduce costs, time, trauma and healing periods:for healthcare professionals and drug and medical device companies to develop tailor-made (and often urgent) new solutions, services and concrete applications,for patients making care affordable, accessible and personalized,with the support of policies and under the pressure of growing expectations and demands.By giving high priority review and early publication to international peer-reviewed research and applications original works, Annals of 3D Printed Medicine is the home to collect innovative use of 3D-printing related technologies in the following medical and clinical situations: preoperative planning, instrumentalization and implantology, state modelling, medical education, storage, patient education, medico-legal, bioprinting, therapeutics.Annals of 3D Printed Medicine publishes:(guest) EditorialsResearch papersReviewsShort surveysTechnical notesShort communicationsLetters to the EditorThe journal endorses the FAIR Guiding Principles to support improved Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse - and follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE Recommendations), as well as the Code of conduct for editors issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).Annals of 3D Printed Medicine is a Gold Open Access e-only journal and is available on ScienceDirect.
Annals of Nuclear Energy provides an international medium for the communication of original research, ideas and developments in all areas of the field of nuclear energy science and technology. Its scope embraces nuclear fuel reserves, fuel cycles and cost, materials, processing, system and component technology (fission only), design and optimization, direct conversion of nuclear energy sources, environmental control, reactor physics, heat transfer and fluid dynamics, structural analysis, fuel management, future developments, nuclear fuel and safety, nuclear aerosol, neutron physics, computer technology (both software and hardware), risk assessment, radioactive waste disposal and reactor thermal hydraulics. Papers submitted to Annals need to demonstrate a clear link to nuclear power generation/nuclear engineering. Papers which deal with pure nuclear physics, pure health physics, imaging, or attenuation and shielding properties of concretes and various geological materials are not within the scope of the journal. Also, papers that deal with policy or economics are not within the scope of the journal. Please read these guidelines for papers submitted to Annals which deal with computer codes and simulations.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Annals of Physics presents original work in all areas of basic theoretic physics research. Ideas are developed and fully explored, and thorough treatment is given to first principles and ultimate applications. Annals of Physics emphasizes clarity and intelligibility in the articles it publishes, thus making them as accessible as possible. Readers familiar with recent developments in the field are provided with sufficient detail and background to follow the arguments and understand their significance.The Editors of the journal cover all fields of theoretical physics. Articles published in the journal are typically longer than 20 pages.
Scope of the Journal The journal Annals of Pure and Applied Logic publishes high quality papers in all areas of mathematical logic as well as applications of logic in mathematics, in theoretical computer science and in other related disciplines. All submissions to the journal should be mathematically correct, well written (preferably in English)and contain relevant new results that are of significant interest to a substantial number of logicians. The journal also considers submissions that are somewhat too long to be published by other journals while being too short to form a separate memoir provided that they are of particular outstanding quality and broad interest. In addition, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic occasionally publishes special issues of selected papers from well-chosen conferences in pure and applied logic.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The field of Control is changing very fast now with technology-driven “societal grand challenges” and with the deployment of new digital technologies. Indeed, increasingly both economic developments and societal needs depend upon collections of diverse systems working together to provide needed services, comfort, health, safety, and security. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for methodological and technical approaches which allow multiple, independent, heterogeneous systems to interoperate cooperatively providing broader capabilities than available from individual systems. Such considerations apply in many different domains including transportation, health care, energy and water management, smart cities, defense and security, social services, manufacturing systems, supply chains and more. The design of such systems requires understanding the joint dynamics of computers, software, networks, physical, chemical, biological processes and human-in-the-loop.The aim of Annual Reviews in Control is to provide comprehensive and visionary views of the field, by publishing the following types of review articles: Survey Article: Review papers on main methodologies or technical advances adding considerable technical value to the state of the art. Note that papers which purely rely on mechanistic searches and lack comprehensive analysis providing a clear contribution to the field will be rejected.Vision Article: Cutting-edge and emerging topics with visionary perspective on the future of the field or how it will bridge multiple disciplines, andTutorial research Article: Fundamental guides for future studies.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), visit their homepage at
Antiviral Research aims to publish manuscripts in the field of prevention and treatment of viral diseases in humans and vertebrate animals, and encourages authors to the submit manuscripts describing the activity of well-defined chemical compounds for the treatment of viral diseases. The journal is an Official Publication of the International Society for Antiviral Research. The types of papers published in Antiviral Research includes original research reports, short communications, commentaries and invited review* articles on the control of viral infections in humans. The journal’s scope encompasses:antiviral drugs, antibodies and host-response modifiers, including their synthesis, in vitro and in vivo testing and mechanisms of action.identification and validation of new drug targets;laboratory animal models of viral diseases for antiviral efficacy testing;evolution of drug-resistant viruses and the development of effective counter measures;pathogenesis of viral diseases and mechanisms of viral evasion of host immune responses;assessments of drug safety;new or improved vaccines against viral infections of humans; the prevention and treatment of viral diseases of vertebrate animals, and reports of the testing of veterinary vaccines in the target animal species. All papers must include a sufficiently detailed description of methods to permit other investigators to replicate the experiments. Authors reporting the antiviral effect of a novel small-molecule drug must reveal its chemical structure. Claims of in vitro or in vivo efficacy of a drug or vaccine must be supported by appropriate statistical analysis that must be clearly described in the manuscript.Antiviral Research journal does not publish reports on viral diseases of plants or of insects, crustaceans or other invertebrates. Studies of viral diseases of livestock and companion animals must be clearly related to the development of realistic therapies. Papers on veterinary vaccines should report findings in the target animal species.We discourage the submission of manuscripts reporting the antiviral activity of unpurified natural products, or of partially purified substances of natural origin for which a mechanism of action has not been determined. Manuscripts claiming an antiviral effect of homeopathic products or other highly diluted preparations, or which fail to clearly identify the biological ingredient or molecule responsible for the antiviral activity of an experimental therapy, will not be considered for publication. Articles describing antiseptics with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity will not be accepted. We discourage the submission of in silico docking studies or other computer-based predictions of antiviral activity that are not supported by data from biological assays. Citations of reports that have not undergone peer review must include the note "[not peer-reviewed]."ISAR members Authors who are ISAR members are encouraged to contact ISAR after their paper has been accepted for publication in order to benefit from their published work being highlighted in ISAR postings on their social media platforms (further details on this will be given in the AVR acceptance letter). *Antiviral Research journal has started a new initiative to publish at least two thematic special issues per year, containing invited reviews in addition to the ad hoc invitations to experts in the areas within the scope of the journal.
Heat, Power and ProcessA sister journal of Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceApplications in Energy and Combustion Science provides a forum for information on research, development, and innovation in areas relevant to applications using combustion and other forms of chemical energy conversion. The journal targets contributions to the generalizable understanding that can be gained from studies of applications and devices, and articulations of the transition of fundamental understanding to design, improvement, and integration of actual applications and devices.Applications in Energy and Combustion Science is also concerned with relevant fuels research, unconventional chemical energy conversion systems, aftertreatment, system and life-cycle analysis, and aspects of energy policy. Authors are specifically encouraged to submit manuscripts bridging the gaps between fundamental research and application while addressing these topics.The journal publishes short communications, full length original research articles, and review articles. The review articles are by invitation of the editors only. All articles are Gold Open Access, which ensures easy and free access worldwide and especially also for interested parties from the commercial sector.
Applications in Engineering Science, a companion title to the International Journal of Engineering Science, is devoted to applied aspects of engineering science, covering a wide range of subfields that are in keeping with the aims and scope of the International Journal of Engineering Science. Its core interest lies in issues concerning the following sub-disciplines: Mechanics, Engineering Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Bio-Engineering and Chemical Engineering. High quality applied papers outside these specific sub-disciplines but within engineering will be considered for review.The journal publishes short communications and full-length original research articles. All articles are open access, which ensures easy and free access worldwide and especially also for interested parties from the commercial sector.Published articles:Are fully peer reviewedPermitted re-use defined by the author's choice of Creative Commons user licensesPublished with CrossMark® to maintain the publication recordThe Editors reserve the right to reject papers without sending them out for review.
Applied Acoustics is a leading international journal that publishes full-length original research articles and solicited reviews in acoustics with broad impact in engineering applications. Applied Acoustics spans a wide range of fields including:Architectural and building acousticsUnderwater acousticsEngineering noise controlEnvironmental and industrial noiseAcoustic materialsAcoustic signal processingAeroacousticsPhysical acoustics, metamaterials, ultrasonicsSoundscape, sound quality and psychoacousticsPapers should include an experimental component or experimental validation of a proposed theoretical or numerical model, with application to a practical acoustical problem. Papers describing laboratory experiments must demonstrate significant advances in methodology or new insights provided by the data. Cutting-edge multidisciplinary research that includes advances in acoustics are welcome.