Publication of the Institution of Chemical Engineers Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical EngineeringChERD aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in chemical engineering.Papers showing how research results can be used in chemical engineering design, and accounts of experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research, are particularly welcome. Contributions that deal with new developments in plant or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are encouraged. The journal is especially interested in papers that extend the boundaries of traditional chemical engineering.The journal publishes regular special issues focusing on specific topics, and issues dedicated to selected papers from major conferences.Core topic areas:Distillation and absorption• Sustainable process design, operation and intensification• Process modelling, simulation and optimization• Process equipment characterization, design and selection• Hydrodynamics, heat and mass transfer in separation equipment• Physical properties and thermodynamic models/methodsFluid flow• Fluid flow and mixing in process equipment• Laminar to turbulent flow• Reactive flow• Multiphase flow• Flow of Non-Newtonian fluids• Flow in porous media• Interfacial flows, coating & wetting phenomena• Microfluidics• Computational fluid dynamics• Flow visualization and advanced experimental flow measurementHeat and mass transfer• Mechanisms of heat and mass transfer • Multicomponent mass transfer • Simulation of heat and mass transfer processes • Simultaneous heat and mass transferMaterials processing and product development• Fundamental properties of interest to processing of materials • Injection moulding of materials • In-line measurement and control of material processes • Morphological development processes • Pre-processing, shaping, multi-layering and finishing of final product form • Product design based on chemical engineering tools • Structure-function relationships in products and relevant systems • Tailoring chemical products and materials for end-use applicationsParticle technology• Formation and synthesis of particulates• Crystallisation and precipitation• Product formulation and rheology• Mechanics of particulate solids• Particle-fluid and particle-particle interactions• Physics-based and data-driven modelling of particle systems• Measurement and characterisation of particulate systems• Comminution, attrition, agglomeration and coating• Processing, handling and storage of particulate solids and dispersions• Mixing and separation of particulate systems• Fluidisation and multiphase flow• Dust formation and control• Design and control of systems, processes and equipment operating with particulates• Applications of particulates in processes and materialsPharmaceutical engineering• Advanced (Bio)pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Modelling, quality-by-design, digitalization, digital twins, process analytical technologies, smart manufacturing, new unit operations, continuous manufacturing, modular and decentralized production, etc.• Design, characterisation and modelling of drug delivery systems• Formulation, modified release, etc.• Data Science for Pharmaceutical Engineering• Supply chain, personalized medicine, reaction condition prediction, solid-state form prediction, in-silico prediction of pharmacokinetics, etc.Process systems engineering• Process design and integration• Process modelling, simulation and optimization• Process dynamics, control and monitoring• Information modelling and analysis• Machine Learning in Process Design and Operations• Techno-economic analysis• Production planning/scheduling and supply chain• Domain application (bioprocesses, energy and environmental systems engineering)Reaction engineering• Catalysis engineering • Process intensification • Reaction kinetics • Reactive flows • Reactor development, modelling and scale-upSeparation processes• Adsorption Science and Technology• Molecular Separations: membranes, chromatography• Phase Separations: clarification, flocculation, coagulation, centrifugation, cyclone separation, etc.• Reactive Separations: hybrid and integrated separation techniques• Other Separations: extraction, leaching, novel separation processes, etc.• Intensification and Integration of Separation Processes: process optimization, machine learning and AI, Industry 4.0, and digitalization, etc.For more information on the IChemE journals published in partnership with Elsevier and to find out about some of the top research published in the journals, please see this page:
Our VisionOur vision is of a world improved through the positive impact of research published in Chemical Engineering Science.Chemical Engineering is a critical force for a better future enabling humanity to address many of the global challenges we face.Affordable clean energy, clean water, responsible production, sustainable communities, and good health and well-being, all require advanced chemical engineering knowledge and its application.Our Aims and ScopeOur aim is to selectively publish outstanding research that has as its foundations the Scienceof Chemical Engineering. We welcome all top-shelf research in the continually evolvingdiscipline of chemical engineering. The Engineering Science section continues its long leadership of publishing importantdevelopments in the fundamentals of the discipline since 1951. The Catalysis, Green and Sustainable, Environmental and Novel Materials sections publishnovel, innovative, and high-impact applications of Chemical Engineering Science reported bychemical engineers and their allied peers.
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification is the premier publication for innovative research contributions on process intensification for chemical, biotechnological and functional materials manufacturing, energy, and environmental applications. The journal especially welcomes research contributions that aim for sustainable development. Articles should address progress on fundamentals, novel methodologies or practical chemical engineering applications, using, e.g., structured materials, miniaturized equipment, alternative energy sources for physicochemical activation (e.g., light, electricity, microwaves, plasma, and ultrasound), dynamics (e.g., periodic operation), external forcing (e.g., vibration, oscillatory flow), integrated separations and reactions, and other synergies between unit operations, as well as innovative process systems designs, digital manufacturing, and modularized production to achieve desirable targets, such as defossilization and higher resource efficiency, compactness, safety, and resilience.The journal has been endorsed by the Working Party on Process Intensification of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE).Keywords: chemical process intensification, structured reactors, intensification of transport phenomena and separations, miniaturization, alternative activation methods, synergistic process integration, dynamic operation, digital manufacturing, digitalization, energy, environmental engineering, functional materials, sustainability, modularization.
Chemical Geology incorporates the journal previously known as Isotope Geoscience and is the journal affiliated with the European Association of Geochemistry. Chemical Geology publishes geochemical studies of fundamental and broad significance to enhance the understanding of the Earth and the solar system, focusing on chemical and mineralising processes in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary systems, low- and high-temperature mineral-fluid interactions, biogeochemistry, the environment and cosmochemistry.Papers that are field, experimentally, or computationally based are appropriate if they are of broad international interest. The journal generally does not publish papers of mainly regional interest, or which are primarily focused on remediation, applied geochemistry, applied economic geology and pure geochronology.The Journal also welcomes innovative papers dealing with significant analytical advances that are of wide interest in the community and extend significantly beyond the scope of what would be included in the methods section of a standard research paper. This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 6 (Clear water and sanitation), SDG 13, (Climate Action) and SDG 14 (Life below water).
Frontier research on physical phenomena in chemistry, biology and materials scienceCriteria for publication in Chemical Physics are novelty, quality and general interest in experimental and theoretical chemical physics and physical chemistry. Articles are welcome that deal with problems of electronic and structural dynamics, reaction mechanisms, fundamental aspects of catalysis, solar energy conversion and chemical reactions in general, involving atoms, molecules, proteins, clusters, surfaces, interfaces and bulk matter. Reports on new methodologies and comprehensive assessments of existing ones, as well as applications to new types of problems are especially welcome. Experimental papers are expected to be brought into relation with theory, and theoretical papers should be connected to present or future experiments. Manuscripts that apply standard methods to specific physical-chemical problems and/or to specific systems are appropriate if they report novel results for an important problem of high interest and/or if they provide significant new insights.Manuscripts describing routine use or minor extensions or modifications of established and/or published experimental and theoretical methodologies are not appropriate for the journal. In addition, manuscripts describing analytical procedures that use established spectroscopic techniques, such as for sample characterization, will not be accepted for publication, even if they appear new or improved with respect to procedures previously used.In addition to regular research papers, Chemical Physics publishes invited perspectives articles (called ChemPhys Perspectives) and Special Thematic Issues. Each Chemical Physics Special Issue provides a snapshot of the leading edge in current research of a particular field in chemical physics, and contains invited articles by specialists in that field. The objective is to create a collection of articles representative of the newest findings in a field and equivalent to that covered at a topical conference.
Chemical physics research with applications and impactChemical Physics Impact is a new gold open access journal which publishes peer-reviewed papers on how chemical physics impacts areas such as new materials, catalysis, drug discovery, energy production and storage, and climate change.Original papers describing how chemical physics impacts other scientific fields including astrophysics, soft matter, geology, environmental and atmospheric science, biology and medicine are also a major feature. New experimental techniques and their development based on chemical physics is also a focus area of the journal.The field of chemical physics involves fundamental research on atoms, molecules, condensed phases, nanomaterials, interfaces and biosystems. Experimental findings are interpreted by theory and computational or theoretical results are linked to experiment.We particularly welcome papers in the following areas:New Materials, Energy and Catalysis • Energy Conversion and Storage – Heterogeneous catalysis (Bio, Photo and Electro), Photo-electrochemistry, Electrochemistry, Water Splitting, Artificial Photosynthesis, Photovoltaics, Solar energy cells, Solar fuels, Conversion of light fuel cells, Non-Carbon-based fuels (e.g. ammonia, hydrogen, etc.) Carbon capture, Novel materials for batteries, Energy storage, capacitors. • Chemical, Catalytic Activity and Properties of materials at the interface – Studies of chemical transformations at solid surfaces, observations and predictions of novel material and surface properties. • Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Nano, Hybrid, and Low-Dimensional Materials – Synthesis, Assembly, Characterization, Theory, Simulation of materials, steady-state, and time-resolved spectroscopy of nano- and 2D materials, plasmonic and photonic materials.Biomaterials, Biophysics, Soft Matter and Liquids • Biomaterials – Experimental, Theoretical and Computational research in biomaterials. • Biophysical and Biochemical Systems and Processes- Experimental, Theoretical and Computational research in biomolecules (nucleic acids, proteins, membranes, enzyme catalysis). • Chemical and Biological Sensing. • Soft Matter, Fluid Interfaces, Colloids, Polymers, and Glassy Materials. • Liquids- Chemical and Dynamical Processes in Solution, properties of liquids, ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents, and fluid interfaces, and solid-liquid interfaces, bulk studies of electrolytes); and spectroscopy, charge, and energy transfer of molecules in solution.Molecules, Clusters and Aerosols • Structure, Spectroscopy, and Reactivity of Molecules and Clusters. • Aerosols, Atmospheric and Environmental Chemistry, Astrochemistry, Geochemistry. • Combustion and Plasma Chemistry.Theory and Computations for Chemical Physics • Quantum Chemistry and Density Functional Theory Computations with novel applications. • Applications of Machine Learning. • New Algorithms and Software.Chemical Physics Impact aspires to be the leading journal in the applications and impact of chemical physics. The journal gives authors a platform to showcase their best research in a flexible new journal that supports a variety of peer-reviewed article types: micro-articles, full length research papers, reports, software, reviews, invited perspectives and special issues.
Frontier research in molecular sciences, materials and biological systemsChemical Physics Letters publishes brief reports on molecules, interfaces, condensed phases, nanomaterials and nanostructures, polymers, biomolecular systems, and energy conversion and storage.Criteria for publication are quality, urgency and impact. Further, experimental results reported in the journal have direct relevance for theory, and theoretical developments or non-routine computations relate directly to experiment. Manuscripts must satisfy these criteria and should not be minor extensions of previous work.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Chemical Thermodynamics and Thermal Analysis is a Gold Open Access peer-review journal that publishes short communications, original research papers and reviews dealing with experimental, theoretical, and applied research that advances the physical and analytical science of thermal phenomena.The scope includes:Equilibrium and transport properties of gases, fluids, mixtures and solutions, solids, and interfaces.Thermoanalytical and calorimetric methods and their application to experimental chemistry, physics, biology and engineering.Studies on systems with variability, such as biological or bio-based materials, gas hydrates.Manuscripts are expected to provide important insights into the thermal phenomena studied or to propose improvements on existing analytical or computational techniques employed in thermal studies. In all cases, authors are encouraged to provide physical or chemical interpretations of the results. Experimental methods should be described in sufficient detail to allow critical assessment of the accuracy claimed.The Journal welcomes review articles, but prospective authors should first consult one of the Editors concerning the suitability of the proposed review.
A journal of molecular, cellular and biochemical toxicologyChemico-Biological Interactions publishes research reports and review articles that examine the molecular, cellular, and/or biochemical basis of toxicologically relevant outcomes. Special emphasis is placed on toxicological mechanisms associated with interactions between chemicals and biological systems. Outcomes may include all traditional endpoints caused by synthetic or naturally occurring chemicals, both in vivo and in vitro. Endpoints of interest include, but are not limited to carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, respiratory toxicology, neurotoxicology, reproductive and developmental toxicology, and immunotoxicology.CBI discourages papers that are descriptive in nature and that do not address toxicological mechanisms (e.g., reports of toxicological effects following chemical exposure in absence of mechanistic experiments). CBI also discourages papers reporting on toxicological effects from materials, such as plant extracts or herbal medicines, that have not been chemically characterized.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids publishes research papers and review articles on chemical and physical aspects of lipids with primary emphasis on the relationship of these properties to biological functions and to biomedical applications.Accordingly, the journal covers: advances in synthetic and analytical lipid methodology; mass-spectrometry of lipids; chemical and physical characterisation of isolated structures; thermodynamics, phase behaviour, topology and dynamics of lipid assemblies; physicochemical studies into lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions in lipoproteins and in natural and model membranes; movement of lipids within, across and between membranes; intracellular lipid transfer; structure-function relationships and the nature of lipid-derived second messengers; chemical, physical and functional alterations of lipids induced by free radicals; enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms of lipid peroxidation in cells, tissues, biofluids; oxidative lipidomics; and the role of lipids in the regulation of membrane-dependent biological processes.Reviews, full articles and short communications will be considered for publication in each issue. Special Issues will consist of invited contributions organized and edited to cover specific themes.