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Journals in Physical sciences and engineering

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Fusion Engineering and Design

  • ISSN: 0920-3796
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.9
An International Journal for Fusion Energy and Technology devoted to Experiments, Theory, Methods and DesignThe journal accepts papers about experiments (both plasma and technology), theory, models, methods, and designs in areas relating to technology, engineering, and applied science aspects of magnetic and inertial fusion energy. Specific areas of interest include:MFE and IFE design studies for experiments and reactors;Fusion nuclear technologies and materials, including blankets, shields and divertorAnalysis of reactor plasmasPlasma heating, fuelling, and vacuum systemsDrivers, targets, and special technologies for IFEControls and diagnosticsFuel cycle analysis and tritium reprocessing and handlingOperations and remote maintenance of reactorsSafety, decommissioning, and waste managementEconomic and environmental analysis of components and systemsClassification of Interest (New Proposal)Energy systems economic and environmental analysisExperimental device mechanical engineeringFuelling and vacuum systemsFusion applicationsFusion nuclear technologyFusion safetyFusion reactor design and analysisFusion/fission systemsMaterialsNeutronicsInertial fusion experimentsPlasma control and diagnosticsPlasma facing componentsPlasma heating and current drive systemsRemote maintenance systemsSuperconducting magnetsThermal hydraulics and Liquid metal MHDTritium fuel cycle
Fusion Engineering and Design

Future Generation Computer Systems

  • ISSN: 0167-739X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 6.2
The International Journal of eScienceComputing infrastructures and systems are rapidly developing and so are novel ways to map, control and execute scientific applications which become more and more complex and collaborative. Computational and storage capabilities, databases, sensors, and people need true collaborative tools. Over the last years there has been a real explosion of new theory and technological progress supporting a better understanding of these wide-area, fully distributed sensing and computing systems. Big Data in all its guises require novel methods and infrastructures to register, analyze and distill meaning.FGCS aims to lead the way in advances in distributed systems, collaborative environments, high performance and high performance computing, Big Data on such infrastructures as grids, clouds and the Internet of Things (IoT).The Aims and Scope of FGCS cover new developments in:[1] Applications and application support:Novel applications for novel e-infrastructuresComplex workflow applicationsBig Data registration, processing and analysesProblem solving environments and virtual laboratoriesSemantic and knowledge based systemsCollaborative infrastructures and virtual organizationsMethods for high performance and high throughput computingUrgent computingScientific, industrial, social and educational implicationsEducation[2] Methods and tools:Tools for infrastructure development and monitoringDistributed dynamic resource management and schedulingInformation managementProtocols and emerging standardsMethods and tools for internet computingSecurity aspects[3] Theory:Process specification;Program and algorithm designTheoretical aspects of large scale communication and computationScaling and performance theoryProtocols and their verification
Future Generation Computer Systems

Fuzzy Sets and Systems

  • ISSN: 0165-0114
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.2
An International Journal in Information Science and Engineering Official Publication of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA)Since its launching in 1978, the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has been devoted to the international advancement of the theory and application of fuzzy sets and systems. The theory of fuzzy sets now encompasses a well organized corpus of basic notions including (and not restricted to) aggregation operations, a generalized theory of relations, specific measures of information content, a calculus of fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy sets are also the cornerstone of a non-additive uncertainty theory, namely possibility theory, and of a versatile tool for both linguistic and numerical modeling: fuzzy rule-based systems. Numerous works now combine fuzzy concepts with other scientific disciplines as well as modern technologies.In mathematics fuzzy sets have triggered new research topics in connection with category theory, topology, algebra, analysis. Fuzzy sets are also part of a recent trend in the study of generalized measures and integrals, and are combined with statistical methods. Furthermore, fuzzy sets have strong logical underpinnings in the tradition of many-valued logics.Fuzzy set-based techniques are also an important ingredient in the development of information technologies. In the field of information processing fuzzy sets are important in clustering, data analysis and data fusion, pattern recognition and computer vision. Fuzzy rule-based modeling has been combined with other techniques such as neural nets and evolutionary computing and applied to systems and control engineering, with applications to robotics, complex process control and supervision. In thefield of information systems, fuzzy sets play a role in the development of intelligent and flexible manBmachine interfaces and the storage of imprecise linguistic information. In Artificial Intelligence various forms of knowledge representation and automated reasoning frameworks benefit from fuzzy set-based techniques, for instance in interpolative reasoning, non-monotonic reasoning, diagnosis, logic programming, constraint-directed reasoning, etc. Fuzzy expert systems have been devised for fault diagnosis,and also in medical science. In decision and organization sciences, fuzzy sets has had a great impact in preference modeling and multicriteria evaluation, and has helped bringing optimization techniques closer to the users needs. Applications can be found in many areas such as management, production research, and finance. Moreover concepts and methods of fuzzy set theory have attracted scientists in many other disciplines pertaining to human-oriented studies such as cognitive psychology and some aspects of social sciences.The scope of the journal Fuzzy Sets and Systems has expanded so as to account for all facets of the field while emphasizing its specificity as bridging the gap between the flexibility of human representations and the precision and clarity of mathematical or computerized representations, be they numerical or symbolic.The journal welcomes original and significant contributions in the area of Fuzzy Sets whether on empirical or mathematical foundations, or their applications to any domain of information technology, and more generally to any field of investigation where fuzzy sets are relevant. Applied papers demonstrating the usefulness of fuzzy methodology in practical problems are particularly welcome. Fuzzy Sets and Systems publishes high-quality research articles, surveys as well as case studies. Separate sections are Recent Literature, and the Bulletin, which offers research reports, book reviews and conference announcements and various news items. Invited review articles on topics of general interest are included and special issues are published regularly.
Fuzzy Sets and Systems

Games and Economic Behavior

  • ISSN: 0899-8256
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.2
  • Impact factor: 1
Games and Economic Behavior (GEB) is a general-interest journal devoted to the advancement of game theory and its applications. Game theory applications cover a wide range of subjects in social, behavioral, mathematical and biological sciences, and game theoretic methodologies draw on a large variety of tools from those sciences.Publication criteria: GEB publishes general-interest papers that significantly advance the frontiers of game theory and its applications. This is a high bar, but the journal's editors are open-minded about the interpretations and trade-offs involved. For example, a paper in industrial organization that deals with corporate takeover might be of general game-theoretic interest if it contributes to our understanding of coalition formation. Similarly, the analysis of games played by computer algorithms might be relevant to modeling strategic thinking. The editors are also open-minded about the frontiers. They are happy to publish papers that, while not in currently popular areas, lead to significant new frontiers in game theory and applications. Authors are therefore encouraged to make a clear case, in the paper itself, that it meets these publication criteria. Evaluation procedure: Each paper is initially assigned by GEB's chief editor to one of the seven editors (including himself), who has final decision authority. In determining their decisions, editors consult with advisory editors and reviewers who are anonymous to the authors. The assigned editor then (non-anonymously) communicates her/his decision to the corresponding author in a decision letter, usually accompanied by one or more referees' and/or advisory editors' reports. Currently GEB publishes about 15% of the submitted papers. However, when editors decide that a submitted paper does not have a chance of meeting the journal publication criterion, they "desk-reject" the paper without going through the standard, lengthy evaluation process. About one third of the submitted papers are desk-rejected.In case of questions regarding Games and Economic Behavior or a submission, please contact [email protected] Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Games and Economic Behavior

Gas Science and Engineering

  • ISSN: 2949-9089
The objective of Gas Science and Engineering is to bridge the gap between the science and engineering of natural gases by publishing articles that are intelligible to both scientists and engineers working in the Earth Sciences and Energy Research.The journal aims to advance the environmentally sustainable exploration, processing, and utilization of gas resources to support energy transition and net-zero carbon goals. General topics include, but are not limited to, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), hydrogen, and underground gas storage. Application of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics in gas science and engineering are encouraged.Research articles, review articles, short communications, and letters to the editor are accepted. Review articles are generally by invitation only. The occasional special issue on a topic of current interest will be considered after approval by the editors.Formerly known as Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, with a 2022 IF of 5.3 and 2022 CiteScore of 8.9.
Gas Science and Engineering


  • ISSN: 0016-6995
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.6
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Palaeontology, Stratigraphy, PalaeoecologyGeobios publishes bimonthly in English original peer-reviewed articles of international interest in any area of paleontology, paleobiology, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, (bio)stratigraphy and biogeochemistry. All taxonomic groups are treated, including microfossils, invertebrates, plants, vertebrates and ichnofossils. Geobios welcomes descriptive papers based on original material (e.g. large Systematic Paleontology works), as well as more analytically and/or methodologically oriented papers, provided they offer strong and significant biochronological/biostratigraphical, paleobiogeographical, paleobiological and/or phylogenetic new insights and perspectices. A high priority level is given to synchronic and/or diachronic studies based on multi- or inter-disciplinary approaches mixing various fields of Earth and Life Sciences. Works based on extant data are also considered, provided they offer significant insights into geological-time studies.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 13, (Climate Action) SDG 14 (Life below water) and SDG 15 (Life on land)


  • ISSN: 0009-2819
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Geochemistry (formerly known as Chemie der Erde or as International Journal for Chemical Topics of the Geosciences) is one of the oldest journals for geochemistry-related topics. Geochemistry publishes original research papers, short communications, reviews of selected topics, and high-class invited review articles addressed at broad geosciences audience. Publications dealing with interdisciplinary questions are particularly welcome. Young scientists are especially encouraged to submit their work. The journal offers entry into the world of international scientific communication and promotes interdisciplinary discussion on chemical problems in a broad spectrum of geosciences.The following topics are covered by the expertise of the members of the editorial board (see below):Cosmochemistry, meteoriticsIgneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary petrologyVolcanologyLow & high temperature geochemistryBiogeochemistryExperimental - theoretical - field related studiesMineralogy - crystallographyEnvironmental geosciencesArchaeometry

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

  • ISSN: 0016-7037
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.1
  • Impact factor: 4.5
Journal of The Geochemical Society and The Meteoritical SocietyGeochimica et Cosmochimica Acta publishes research papers in a wide range of subjects in terrestrial geochemistry, meteoritics, and planetary geochemistry. The scope of the journal includes: 1). Physical chemistry of gases, aqueous solutions, glasses, and crystalline solids 2). Igneous and metamorphic petrology 3). Chemical processes in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere of the Earth 4). Organic geochemistry 5). Isotope geochemistry 6). Meteoritics and meteorite impacts 7). Lunar science; and 8). Planetary geochemistry.If you would like more information about the Geochemical Society and Meteoritical Society, visit their Home Pages at and http://www.meteoriticalsociety.orgBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

Geoenergy Science and Engineering

  • ISSN: 2949-8910
The objective of Geoenergy Science and Engineering is to bridge the gap between the engineering and the science of geoenergy and sustainable hydrocarbon production by publishing explicitly written articles intelligible to scientists, engineers, and geologists working in related areas.Geoenergy Science and Engineering covers the fields of geoenergy and sustainable hydrocarbon production in its broadest possible sense. The journal aims to publish articles with a particular focus on energy transition and achieving net-zero emission targets. General topics include: responsible and sustainable energy generation; carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS); geothermal energy; hydrogen production, transport, and storage; underground gas storage; application of artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics in energy industry; and sustainable hydrocarbon exploration and production.Papers will be published with the minimum of publication delay. Research articles, case histories, field process reports, short communications, book reviews, symposia proceedings and review articles are accepted. Generally, review articles on some topic of special current interest will be published.Formerly known as Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, with a 2022 IF of 4.4, and 2022 CiteScore of 8.8.
Geoenergy Science and Engineering

Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography

  • ISSN: 0953-9611
This journal offers unrivalled coverage of current literature in all disciplines relating to the geography of human activity. It forms a broad international bibliographic reference source in the areas of planning, social and economic geography.Features: • Abstracts taken from 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of the original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author index included in subscription priceCoverage comprises:Available online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOGA CD-ROM version is available through Silver Platter on GEOBASE CD ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering
Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography