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Journals in Physical sciences and engineering

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Computers in Biology and Medicine

  • ISSN: 0010-4825
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 7
Computers in Biology and Medicine, a companion title to Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, is a medium of international communication of the revolutionary advances being made in the application of the computer to the fields of bioscience and medicine.The Journal will focus on such areas as:Analysis of Biomedical Systems: Solutions of EquationsSynthesis of Biomedical Systems: SimulationsSpecial Medical Data Processing MethodsSpecial Purpose ComputersClinical Data Processing for Real TimeClinical and Experimental UseMedical Diagnosis and Medical Record ProcessingBiomedical EngineeringMedical InformaticsBioinformaticsMedical Applications of the Internet and World Wide WebHuman GenomicsProteomicsFunctional Brain StudiesThe publication policy is to publish:New, original articles that have been appropriately reviewed by competent scientific people,Surveys of developments in the fields,Pedagogical papers covering specific areas of interest, andBook reviews pertinent to the field.Articles which examine the following topics of special interest are being featured in Computers in Biology and Medicine: Computer aids to the analysis of biochemical systems, computer aids to biocontrol-systems engineering, neuronal simulation by digital-computer gating components, automatic computer analysis of pictures of biological and medical importance, use of computers by commercial pharmaceutical and chemical organizations, radiation-dosage computers, and accumulating and recalling individual medical records, real-time languages, interfaces to patient monitors, clinical chemistry equipment, data handling and display in nuclear medicine and therapy.
Computers in Biology and Medicine

Computers in Industry

  • ISSN: 0166-3615
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.3
  • Impact factor: 8.2
An International, Application Oriented Research JournalThe aim of Computers in Industry is to publish original, high-quality, application-oriented research papers that:• Show new trends in and options for the use of Information and Communication Technology in industry; • Link or integrate different technology fields in the broad area of computer applications for industry; • Link or integrate different application areas of ICT in industry.General topics covered include the following areas:• The unique application of ICT in business processes such as design, engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, physical distribution, production management and supply chain management. This is the main thrust of the journal. It includes research in integration of business process support, such as in enterprise modelling, ERP, EDM. • The industrial use of ICT in knowledge intensive fields such as quality control, logistics, engineering data management, and product documentation will certainly be considered. • Demonstration of enabling capabilities of new or existing technologies such as hard real time systems, knowledge engineering, applied fuzzy logic, collaborative work systems, and intelligence agents are also welcomed. • Papers solely focusing on ICT or manufacturing processes may be considered out of scope.A continuous quality policy, based on strict peer reviewing shall ensure that published articles are:- Technologically outstanding and front-end - Application-oriented with a generalised message - Representative for research at an international levelBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Computers in Industry

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

  • ISSN: 0198-9715
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.5
  • Impact factor: 7.1
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research on urban systems, systems of cities, and built and natural environments , that privileges the geospatial perspective. The journal provides a stimulating presentation of perspectives, research developments, overviews of important new technologies and uses of major computational, information-based, and visualization innovations. Applied and theoretical contributions demonstrate the scope of computer-based analysis fostering a better understanding of urban systems, the synergistic relationships between built and natural environments, their spatial scope and their dynamics.Application areas include infrastructure and facilities management, physical planning and urban design, land use and transportation, business and service planning, coupled human and natural systems, urban planning, socio-economic development, emergency response and hazards, and land and resource management. Examples of methodological approaches include decision support systems, geocomputation, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems and artificial intelligence, visual analytics and geovisualization, ubiquitous computing, and space-time simulation.Contributions emphasizing the development and enhancement of computer-based technologies for the analysis and modeling, policy formulation, planning, and management of environmental and urban systems that enhance sustainable futures are especially sought. The journal also encourages research on the modalities through which information and other computer-based technologies mold environmental and urban systems.Audience: Urban and regional planners and policy analysts, environmental planners, economic geographers, geospatial information scientists and technologists, regional scientists and policy makers, architectural designers.
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

Continental Shelf Research

  • ISSN: 0278-4343
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Continental Shelf Research publishes articles dealing with the biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography of the shallow marine environment, from coastal and estuarine waters out to the shelf break. The continental shelf is a critical environment within the land-ocean continuum, and many processes, functions and problems in the continental shelf are driven by terrestrial inputs transported through the rivers and estuaries to the coastal and continental shelf areas. Manuscripts that deal with these topics must make a clear link to the continental shelf. Examples of research areas include: Physical sedimentology and geomorphologyGeochemistry of the coastal ocean (inorganic and organic)Marine environment and anthropogenic effectsInteraction of physical dynamics with natural and manmade shoreline featuresBenthic, phytoplankton and zooplankton ecologyCoastal water and sediment quality, and ecosystem healthBenthic-pelagic coupling (physical and biogeochemical)Interactions between physical dynamics (waves, currents, mixing, etc.) and biogeochemical cyclesEstuarine, coastal and shelf sea modelling and process studiesEmphasis is placed on interdisciplinary process-oriented contributions, and encouragement is given to the publication of the results of innovative experimental studies with the potential for upscaling and a broad contribution. Regional descriptions and data summaries are discouraged.Continental Shelf Research publishes research papers, occasional review articles and short communications and technical notes (instruments and methods).Continental Shelf Research also publishes Special Issues dedicated to results of large interdisciplinary studies or topical issues on specific subjects. Contact one of our Editors for more information on Special Issue proposals.Note to Authors: When considering submission of a manuscript to CSR, bear in mind that recent analyses show that published papers are downloaded by scientists from over 90 countries world-wide. This level of usage emphasizes the need for authors to present their research results in a broad context, to be of interest to this international community. Likewise, when suggesting the four reviewers for a manuscript, an international perspective of individual scientists (not necessarily affiliated with CSR) should be considered.
Continental Shelf Research


  • ISSN: 0010-7824
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.8
An international reproductive health journal The Official Journal of the Society of Family PlanningThe journal Contraception wishes to advance reproductive health through the rapid publication of the best and most interesting new scholarship regarding contraception and related fields such as abortion. The journal welcomes manuscripts from investigators working in the laboratory, clinical and social sciences, as well as public health and health professions education.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.

Control Engineering Practice

  • ISSN: 0967-0661
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 5.4
A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlControl Engineering Practice strives to meet the needs of industrial practitioners and industrially related academics and researchers. It publishes papers which illustrate the direct application of control theory and its supporting tools in all possible areas of automation. As a result, the journal only contains papers which can be considered to have made significant contributions to the application of advanced control techniques. It is normally expected that practical results should be included, but where simulation only studies are available, it is necessary to demonstrate that the simulation model is representative of a genuine application. Strictly theoretical papers will find a more appropriate home in Control Engineering Practice's sister publication, Automatica. It is also expected that papers are innovative with respect to the state of the art and are sufficiently detailed for a reader to be able to duplicate the main results of the paper (supplementary material, including datasets, tables, code and any relevant interactive material can be made available and downloaded from the website). The benefits of the presented methods must be made very clear and the new techniques must be compared and contrasted with results obtained using existing methods. Moreover, a thorough analysis of failures that may happen in the design process and implementation can also be part of the paper.The scope of Control Engineering Practice matches the activities of IFAC.Papers demonstrating the contribution of automation and control in improving the performance, quality, productivity, sustainability, resource and energy efficiency, and the manageability of systems and processes for the benefit of mankind and are relevant to industrial practitioners are most welcome.Fields of applications in control and automation: •Automotive Systems •Aerospace Applications •Marine Systems •Intelligent Transportation Systems and Traffic Control •Autonomous Vehicles •Robotics •Human Machine Systems •Mechatronic Systems •Scientific Instrumentation •Micro- and Nanosystems •Fluid Power Systems •Gas Turbines and Fluid Machinery •Machine Tools •Manufacturing Technology and Production Engineering •Logistics •Power Electronics •Electrical Drives •Internet of Things •Communication Systems •Power and Energy Systems •Biomedical Engineering and Medical Applications •Biosystems and Bioprocesses •Biotechnology •Chemical Engineering •Pulp and Paper Processing •Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing •Water/Gas/Oil Reticulation Systems •Environmental Engineering •Agricultural Systems •Food Engineering •Other Emerging Control ApplicationsApplicable methods, theories and technologies: •Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Model Validation •System Identification and Parameter Estimation •Observer Design and State Estimation •Soft Sensing •Sensor Fusion •Optimization •Adaptive and Robust Control •Learning Control •Nonlinear Control •Control of Distributed-Parameter Systems •Model-based Control Techniques •Optimal Control and Model Predictive Control •Controller Tuning •PID Control •Feedforward Control and Trajectory Planning •Networked Control •Stochastic Systems •Fault Detection and Isolation •Diagnosis and Supervision •Actuator and Sensor Design •Measurement Technology in Control •Software Engineering Techniques •Real-time and Distributed Computing •Intelligent Components and Instruments •Architectures and Algorithms for Control •Real-time Algorithms •Computer-aided Systems Analysis and Design •Implementation of Automation Systems •Machine Learning •Artificial Intelligence Techniques •Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems •Production Planning and Scheduling •Automation •Data Mining •Data Analytic •Performance Monitoring •Experimental Design •Other Emerging Control Theories and Related Technologies
Control Engineering Practice

Coordination Chemistry Reviews

  • ISSN: 0010-8545
  • 5 Year impact factor: 19.9
  • Impact factor: 20.3
The journal offers rapid publication of review articles on topics of current interest and importance in coordination chemistry. The term coordination chemistry is interpreted broadly, and includes aspects of organometallic, supramolecular, theoretical, and bioinorganic chemistry. The journal also publishes review articles on catalysis, materials chemistry and metal-organic frameworks which focus on the coordination chemistry aspects of these topics. In general, the reviews survey developments in a particular area during the last few years, or discuss the results obtained with a particular technique. We welcome reviews both from established researchers and excellent younger chemists.Special issues are published from time to time on topics of current interest and importance. These special issues may also focus on contributions from a specific country or area of the world, or contain the proceedings of invited lectures to major international conferences. Full book length articles also appear occasionally. The journal also incorporates special volumes containing annual reviews of main group chemistry, on transition metal group chemistry, and on organometallic chemistry. Excellent reviews are essential educational tools for those working in the area of coordination chemistry. Coordination Chemistry Reviews will continue to act as a focal point for informative critical surveys of inorganic and physical inorganic chemistry.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Coordination Chemistry Reviews

Corrosion Science

  • ISSN: 0010-938X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.9
  • Impact factor: 7.4
Occurrence of corrosion and its practical control is an area of study covering a wide range of scientific knowledge. Corrosion Science aims to be the medium for the communication of ideas, developments and research in all aspects of this field and includes both metallic and non-metallic corrosion. The scope of this international journal is very extensive. Published papers range from the highly theoretical to the essentially practical and cover such areas as high temperature oxidation, passivity, anodic oxidation, biochemical corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and mechanisms and methods of corrosion control. This journal publishes original papers and critical reviews in the fields of pure and applied corrosion, the degradation of materials, and both surface science and engineering. It forms an important link between metallurgists, materials scientists and all investigators of corrosion and degradation phenomena.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Corrosion Science


  • ISSN: 0010-9452
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.2
A Journal devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior.CORTEX is an international journal devoted to the study of cognition and of the relationship between the nervous system and mental processes, particularly as these are reflected in the behaviour of patients with acquired brain lesions, normal volunteers, children with typical and atypical development, and in the activation of brain regions and systems as recorded by functional neuroimaging techniques. It was founded in 1964 by Ennio De Renzi.

Cretaceous Research

  • ISSN: 0195-6671
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Cretaceous Research provides a forum for the rapid publication of research on all aspects of the Cretaceous Period, including its boundaries with the Jurassic and Palaeogene with emphasis on multidisciplinary research. Authoritative papers reporting detailed investigations of Cretaceous integrated stratigraphy and palaeontology, palaeobiogeography, palaeoceanography, palaeoclimatology, evolutionary palaeoecology, paleobiology, geochronology, global events (e.g., K/Pg boundary, Oceanic Anoxic Events), regional geology, and reviews of recently published books are complemented by short communications of significant new findings.Papers submitted to Cretaceous Research should place the research in a broad context and should be focused to better understand the Cretaceous geology and climate, that are therefore of interest to the diverse, international readership of the journal. Full length papers that focus solely on single disciplines or local theme or restricted geographic area will not be accepted for publication; authors of short communications are encouraged to discuss how their findings are of relevance to the Cretaceous on a broad scale.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Cretaceous Research