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Journals in Physics general

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Annals of Physics

  • ISSN: 0003-4916
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 3
Annals of Physics presents original work in all areas of basic theoretic physics research. Ideas are developed and fully explored, and thorough treatment is given to first principles and ultimate applications. Annals of Physics emphasizes clarity and intelligibility in the articles it publishes, thus making them as accessible as possible. Readers familiar with recent developments in the field are provided with sufficient detail and background to follow the arguments and understand their significance.The Editors of the journal cover all fields of theoretical physics. Articles published in the journal are typically longer than 20 pages.
Annals of Physics

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

  • ISSN: 0960-0779
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 5.3
An interdisciplinary journal of nonlinear scienceChaos, Solitons & Fractals has an open access companion journal Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X which has the same aims and scope, editorial board and peer-review process. .Chaos, Solitons & Fractals aims to be the leading journal in the interdisciplinary field of Nonlinear Science.It encourages the submission of high-quality articles (under the form of short communications, regular papers, and review papers) containing results which have a significant impact on the following subjects:nonlinear dynamics and non-equilibrium processes in physics and applied mathematics;complex matter and networks;biophysics, systems biology and computational biology;fluctuations and random processes;artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics;self-organization and emergent phenomena;applications to social science, engineering and econophysics.The journal can only accept papers whose primary subject area lies within the above Aims & Scope.In particular, please take notice of the following, additional, criteria:In order to be acceptable, manuscripts of more mathematical nature should have a clear and explicit connection to physical insight or new qualitative features. The word "Solitons" should be understood as a label especially extended to all nonlinear integrable systems in complex natural phenomena. The paper should not bear on some explicit formulae, some standard solutions, constructions, or asymptotic methods.The journal is interested in articles providing strong insights in the mathematical theory of fractals that are profound for an important particular application, especially in complex systems. Numerical computations should only assist the developed results.The submitted Manuscripts should contain presentations which are a) of interdisciplinary interest, b) easily accessible also to a non-specialized-audience, and c) written in an excellent English style.Notice that if the above criteria are not fulfilled, submissions may be desk-rejected by the Journal's Editors without being sent to reviewers.
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

  • ISSN: 1007-5704
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Aims:The journal publishes original research findings on experimental observation, mathematical modeling, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, for more accurate description, better prediction or novel application, of nonlinear phenomena in science and engineering. It offers a venue for researchers to make rapid exchange of ideas and techniques in nonlinear science.The submission of manuscripts with cross-disciplinary approaches in nonlinear science is particularly encouraged.Topics of interest:High-dimensional Chaos, Turbulence (fluid mechanics, plasma physics, magnetohydrodynamics, nonlinear internal and surface waves, pattern formation and selection, non-Newtonian fluid flows)Hamiltonian Systems and Applications (atomic and molecular physics, accelerator physics, chemical physics, celestial mechanics and astronomy, plasma physics)Time-Series and Signal Analysis, Experimental Methods and Measurements (methods for signal analysis, models in economics and finance, laboratory experiments)Biological Physics (ecology and environmental science, climate modeling, bioengineering, biomechanics, biological data, neuronal systems, cardiac dynamics, haemodynamics, epidemic models and dynamics of infectious diseases, experimental and theoretical analysis in life sciences)Complexity and Networks (neural networks, complex network, engineering oriented complex systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, sociophysics)Synchronization, Lyapunov Analysis and Control (Lyapunov theory in dynamical systems, synchronization in complex systems, optimization and control)Nonlinear Mechanical Systems (MEMS and NEMS devices, continuous mechanics of solids, robotics, viscoelasticity and plasticity, energy production, conversion and storage, acoustics, nonlinear vibrations, nonlinear acoustics, porous media, granular matter)Bifurcations, Attractors and ChaosComputational Methods (modeling, analysis and simulations, numerical methods for ordinary and partial differential equations, symbolic computational methods)Analytical Methods (exact solutions for nonlinear differential equations, asymptotic methods in nonlinear dynamics, Lie group analysis, integrable systems and solitons, symbolic dynamics)Discrete, Stochastic and Hybrid Dynamics (discontinuous dynamical systems, hybrid systems, stochastic processes)Fractional Dynamics (fractional dynamics and control, fractional calculus)No length limitation for contributions is set, but only concisely written manuscripts are published. Brief papers are published on the basis of Short Communications. Discussions of previously published papers are welcome.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

  • ISSN: 0020-7462
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.8
The International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics provides a specific medium for dissemination of high-quality research results in the various areas of theoretical, applied, and experimental mechanics of solids, fluids, structures, and systems where the phenomena are inherently non-linear.The journal brings together original results in elasticity, plasticity, dynamics, vibrations, wave-propagation, rheology, fluid-structure interaction systems, stability, biomechanics, micro- and nano-structures, materials, metamaterials, and in other diverse areas.Papers may be analytical, computational or experimental in nature. Treatments of non-linear differential equations wherein solutions and properties of solutions are emphasized but physical aspects are not adequately relevant, will not be considered for possible publication. Both deterministic and stochastic approaches are fostered. Contributions pertaining to both established and emerging fields are encouraged.
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics

Journal of Aerosol Science

  • ISSN: 0021-8502
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International JournalFounded in 1970, the Journal of Aerosol Science is the first journal specifically devoted to publishing research on the behavior of suspensions of particles and droplets in a gas, i.e. aerosols. The editors and editorial advisory board consider it the prime vehicle for the publication of original work as well as reviews related to fundamental and applied aerosol research, including aerosol instrumentation. Its content is directed at scientists working in engineering disciplines, as well as physics, chemistry, and environmental sciences. Manuscripts can focus on topics of long-standing interest in aerosol science, as well as emerging areas of interest. Editorial decisions are made based on the perceived quality and thoroughness of the submission, fit within the scope categories noted below, and novelty of the work, but not based upon speculation of the work's short term impact (i.e. perceived number of citations). While the Journal of Aerosol Science does not have any length requirements for submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to make use of online supporting information to describe particularly detailed methods, and to present supplementary results and diagrams which aid readers in understanding the main narrative.The editors specifically welcome submissions of papers describing recent experimental, numerical, and theoretical research related to the following topics. In the cover letter accompanying each submission, authors should identify the single number-letter combination which best classifies their manuscript, and explain why it is a novel contribution in this topic area.1. Fundamental Aerosol Science: a. Transport and Deposition b. Nucleation, Condensation, & Evaporation c. Radiative Absorption and Emission d. Collision Dynamics: Coagulation, Aggregation, & Charging e. Cluster Science; Atomistic Modeling and Measurements f. Aerosolization: Fluidized Beds, Atomization and Spraysg. Resuspension h. Dusty Plasmas & Non-Equilibrium Aerosols i. Population Balance Modeling2. Applied Aerosol Science: a. Aerosol-based Synthesis & Manufacturing b. Control Technology & Filtration c. Lung Deposition & Aerosol Medicine d. Inhalation Toxicology e. Bioaerosols & Aerosol based Disease Transmission f. Nuclear Aerosols g. Industrial Emission h. Combustion (Soot) & High Temperature Aerosols i. Indoor Aerosols3. Instrumentation & Measurement Methods a. Mobility Analysis b. Mass Spectrometry c. Light Scattering and Spectroscopic Techniques d. Novel Inertial Separation Schemes e. Condensation Particle Counter Developments f. Single Particle Trapping Methods g. Improved Data Inversion; Machine Learning h. Low Cost Sensors & Measurement NetworksBeside originality, a very important criterion for acceptance of a submission is its ability to communicate conclusions of general relevance to a given field.There are topics which the journal specifically does not cover, due to adequate coverage in numerous other publications. The Journal of Aerosol Science is not intended to archive data such as environmental/ambient monitoring measurements, unless new methodologies are involved or broadly relevant new conclusions for aerosol behavior are reached. Work on source apportionment, as well as global & regional climate modeling is better suited to journals with focuses on atmospheric chemistry and air quality. Routine applications of existing instruments and measurement approaches are not considered suitable for the journal. Work on instrumentation must demonstrate a significant advancement or novel implementation of the instrument or method in question. Manuscripts focusing on numerical case studies with widely available computational fluid dynamics software and built-in particle trajectory models are not appropriate for the Journal of Aerosol Science, unless the uniqueness and novelty of the approach employed is clearly evident. Numerical or analytical solutions to aerosol growth models must demonstrate that they are a significant advance over existing approaches and must not contain overly-simplified assumptions rendering them incapable of predicting the behavior of real aerosols.
Journal of Aerosol Science

Journal of Computational Physics

  • ISSN: 0021-9991
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 3.8
The Journal of Computational Physics (JCP) focuses on the computational aspects of physical problems. JCP encourages original scientific contributions in advanced mathematical and numerical modeling reflecting a combination of concepts, methods and principles which are often interdisciplinary in nature and span several areas of physics, mechanics, applied mathematics, statistics, applied geometry, computer science, chemistry and other scientific disciplines as well: the Journal's editors seek to emphasize methods that cross disciplinary boundaries.JCP also encourages the submission of papers that develop innovative methods bridging mathematical, physical modeling and algorithmization, e.g. at the frontier between predictive simulation and machine learning. When addressing problems previously covered by other approaches, a comparison should be provided. As for any paper in JCP, the efficacy, robustness, computational complexity, as well as reproducibility should be addressed.JCP also publishes short notes of 4 pages or less (including figures, tables, and references but excluding title pages). Letters to the Editor commenting on articles already published in this Journal will also be considered. Neither notes nor letters should have an abstract. Review articles providing a survey of particular fields are particularly encouraged. Full text articles have a recommended length of 25 pages for the initial submission. Submissionssignificantly exceeding this limit will not be considered. In order to estimate the page limit, please use our template.Published conference papers are welcome provided the submitted manuscript is a significant enhancement of the conference paper with substantial additions.Reproducibility, that is the ability to reproduce results obtained by others, is a core principle of the scientific method. As the impact of and knowledge discovery enabled by computational science and engineering continues to increase, it is imperative that reproducibility becomes a natural part of these activities. The journal strongly encourages authors to make available all software or data that would allow published results to be reproduced and that every effort is made to include sufficient information in manuscripts to enable this. This should not only include information used for setup but also details on post-processing to recover published results.
Journal of Computational Physics

Materials Characterization

  • ISSN: 1044-5803
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.8
An International Journal on Materials Structure and BehaviorMaterials Characterization features original articles and state-of-the-art reviews on theoretical and practical aspects of the structure and behaviour of materials.The Journal focuses on all characterization techniques, including all forms of microscopy (light, electron, acoustic, etc.,) and analysis (especially microanalysis and surface analytical techniques). Developments in both this wide range of techniques and their application to the quantification of the microstructure of materials are essential facets of the Journal.The Journal provides the Materials Scientist/Engineer with up-to-date information on many types of materials with an underlying theme of explaining the behavior of materials using novel approaches. Materials covered by the journal include:Metals & AlloysCeramicsNanomaterialsBiomedical materialsOptical materialsCompositesNatural MaterialsPlease note that not all topics fall within the scope of Materials Characterization. Submissions focused on the topics listed below will not be considered for publication, potential alternative journals are indicated in brackets:i) thin film semiconductors (Thin Solid Films; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing) ii) polymers or polymer composites (Elsevier polymer titles; Composites structures) iii) mechanical, electrical or other property measurements without any accompanying microstructural characterization (depending on the focus, please consider submitting to Corrosion Science; Wear; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials & Design) iv) computation, theory or analysis papers without an accompanying microstructural characterization component (Computational Materials Science; Materials Science & Engineering A; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials Science & Engineering C)
Materials Characterization


  • ISSN: 0968-4328
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.2
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The International Research and Review Journal for MicroscopyMicron is an interdisciplinary forum for all work that involves new applications of microscopy or where advanced microscopy plays a central role. The journal publishes research papers on the design, methods, application, practice or theory of microscopy and microanalysis, including reports on light optical, electron-beam, X-ray microtomography, ion microscopy and scanning-probe imaging.It also carries review papers, short communications, thematic issues on contemporary developments in microscopy & microanalysis, as well as tutorial papers describing microscopy techniques for current practitioners or newcomers in the field. The journal embraces original research in which microscopy has contributed significantly to knowledge in biology, life science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science and engineering.Authors are encouraged to contact one of the Editors directly to discuss Review or Tutorial proposals: to authorsWe provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.Micron enables researchers to rapidly share their most exciting work with their colleagues. The expected time from submission to final decision is approximately 5 weeks.The journal does not have page limits, so supplementary text is unnecessary and should be avoided.Authors are encouraged to deposit supplementary materials during submission, e.g. videos and research data, in a relevant data repository such as Mendeley Data and cite and link to this dataset in their article. There are several ways you can share your data, which helps you get credit for your work and make your data accessible and discoverable for your peers. To deposit your data please follow the Research Data Guidelines.Note to the authorsNo changes in the list authors will be accepted during the review process or after acceptance unless such a claim is duly justified by the authors.

Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications

  • ISSN: 1569-4410
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The Journal features mainly original research work in experiment, theory and applications related to nanophotonic structures. Papers suitable for publication significantly advance our understanding of nanophotonic materials and structures and cover topics such as:• Metamaterials and metasurfaces; • Photonic crystals and related micro- and nanophotonic materials; • Investigation and characterization of photonic crystal properties such as optical nonlinearities, photonic band gap effects, spontaneous emission; • Fabrication of nanophotonic structures and devices using various methods, including lithography, self-assembly, holography, etc.; • Subwavelength optics of structured materials; • Metallic and metallo-dielectric nanophotonic structures; • Subwavelength structures for terahertz optics; • Plasmonics; • Chiral and bianisotropic media; • Structured photonic topological insulators and optics of PT-symmetric nanostructures; • Optics of nanostructured 2D materials; • Random and complex structured optical media; • Frequency selective surfaces; • High-impedance surfaces; • Metamaterials for antenna and circuit technology; • Metamaterial-based devices; • Acoustic and elastic metamaterials; • Photonic crystal fibers and "holey" fibers; • Integration of photonic crystals; • Micro-optical-electro-mechanical-systems (MOEMS); • Nanostructured optical microcavities and photonic "dots"; • Inverse design and machine-learning-driven design of nanophotonic structures; • Novel approaches to micro- and nanophotonics; • Critical assessment of new application fields (light sources, lasers, biophotonics, detectors, optical components, atom and molecule confinement).
Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications

Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

  • ISSN: 1386-9477
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Physica E: Low-dimensional systems and Nanostructures contains papers and invited review articles on the fundamental and applied aspects of physics in low-dimensional electron systems, in semiconductor heterostructures, oxide interfaces, quantum wells and superlattices, quantum wires and dots, novel quantum states of matter such as topological insulators, and Weyl semimetals.Both theoretical and experimental contributions are invited. The journal publishes articles on spin related phenomena, optical and transport properties, many-body effects, integer and fractional quantum Hall effects, quantum spin Hall effect, single electron effects and devices, Majorana fermions, and other novel phenomena.The journal publishes topics including: topological insulators/superconductors, majorana fermions, Wyel semimetals;quantum and neuromorphic computing/quantum information physics and devices based on low dimensional systems;layered superconductivity, low dimensional systems with superconducting proximity effect;2D materials such as transition metal dichalcogenides;oxide heterostructures including ZnO, SrTiO3 etc;carbon nanostructures (graphene, carbon nanotubes, diamond NV center, etc.)quantum wells and superlattices;quantum Hall effect, quantum spin Hall effect, quantum anomalous Hall effect;optical- and phonons-related phenomena;magnetic-semiconductor structures;charge/spin-, magnon-, skyrmion-, Cooper pair- and majorana fermion- transport and tunneling;ultra-fast nonlinear optical phenomena;novel devices and applications (such as high performance sensor, solar cell, etc);novel growth and fabrication techniques for nanostructuresNote Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures