The interdisciplinary journal of Nonlinear Science, and Nonequilibrium and Complex PhenomenaChaos, Solitons & Fractals: X offers authors with high-quality research who want to publish in a gold open access journal the opportunity to make their work immediately, permanently, and freely accessible.Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X authors will pay an article publishing charge (APC), have a choice of license options, and retain copyright.Please check the APC on the journal home page. The journal is indexed in Scopus.Chaos, Solitons & Fractals: X aims to be a leading journal in the interdisciplinary field of Nonlinear Science. It encourages the submission of articles containing results which have a significant impact on the following subjects: dynamics; non-equilibrium processes in physics; complex matter and networks; computational biology; fluctuations and random processes; self-organization; social phenomena; technology.The journal can only accept papers whose primary subject area lies within the above Aims & Scope. In particular, please take notice of the following:In order to be acceptable, manuscripts of more mathematical nature should at least attempt a connection to physical insight or new qualitative features. The word "Solitons" should be understood as a label especially extended to all nonlinear integrable systems in complex natural phenomena. The paper should not bear on some explicit formulae, some standard solutions, constructions, or asymptotic methods.The journal is interested in articles providing strong insights in the mathematical theory of fractals that play an important role either in understanding the general theory or are profound for an important particular application, especially in complex systems. Numerical computations should only assist the developed results. Also welcome are the discovery of new fractals that are crucial for important applications.The subject listing is specified further in the journal's classification list. Authors are required to specify matching classifications upon submission of their work.Authors are encouraged to link to their data posted in a repository or uploaded to Mendeley Data.Authors can submit separate research elements describing their data to Data in Brief and software to Software X.
The aim of the journal is to publish papers that advance the field of computational materials science through the application of modern computational methods alone or in conjunction with experimental techniques to discover new materials and investigate existing inorganic materials, such as metals, ceramics, composites, semiconductors, nanostructures, 2D materials, metamaterials, and organic materials, such as polymers, liquid crystals, surfactants, emulsions, and also hybrid materials combining both inorganic and organic components such as polymer nanocomposites, nanocrystal superlattices or surfactant nanoparticle mixtures.Papers that report on the development of new methods, enhancement of existing approaches or significant technical computational advances are of interest.Papers with a focus on simulations must contain new conceptual or computational advances. For example, molecular dynamics using standard force fields, ordinary techniques and reporting conventional average quantities will be rejected without review. Validation of non-first-principles methods and transferability of methods must be included as part of each submission. In-depth discussion of impact, physical properties, and motivation for the system under study is strongly recommended.Studies including experimental data are of interest, but they must address a relevant theoretical/computational question. Papers that are deemed to be primarily experimental with some supporting theory will be returned without review.Data-driven materials research and materials informatics has emerged as a powerful technique to complement traditional computational materials science. Consistent with established best practices in data science, it is important that data and code associated with materials informatics studies adhere to FAIR data principles by being Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. FAIR data access also ensures a robust peer review process where results can be reproduced by referees. In a few rare cases, some limitations may prevent the complete public sharing of code and data; for instance, when the data or code is subject to copyright or intellectual property. However, these cases should be rare and considered on a case-by-case basis.The scope of the journal includes:obtaining new or enhanced insights into material behavior, properties and phenomena,predicting structure-property relationships for new materials in conjunction with data informatics,novel capabilities of computational methods and algorithms, technical software and shareware, or cyberinfrastructures.Contributions are accepted in the form of critical reviews, articles, letters and perspectives. Occasional special issues will be organized around a particular theme and some of these will be guest edited.Not all topics that potentially fall under the category of computational materials science will be considered; to find out more please visit the Guide for Authors.Guide for Authors:Research articles will be assessed based on originality, uniqueness and scientific merit. Manuscripts with significant overlap with existing reported works are likely to be inadmissible. Not all topics that potentially fall under the category of computational materials science will be accepted. For example, submissions that emphasize small molecules or clusters, focus on the design of components for structural applications, describe performance of an electronic device, or characterize thermal or mass transport without extensive accompanying input and associated discussion from computational materials science methods are best suited for other specialized journals. Additionally, papers that focus on continuum mechanical responses of broad classes of materials are likely better suited for journals that specialize in the mechanics of materials. Papers on biomolecules, drugs, bone, or medical applications will not be considered. In addition, papers on materials such as asphalt, cement, concrete, and related materials will be rejected without review.
Differential Geometry and its Applications publishes original research papers and survey papers in differential geometry and in all interdisciplinary areas in mathematics which use differential geometric methods and investigate geometrical structures. The following main areas are covered: differential equations on manifolds, global analysis, Lie groups, local and global differential geometry, the calculus of variations on manifolds, topology of manifolds, and mathematical physics.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The Journal of Geometry and Physics is an International Journal in Mathematical Physics. The Journal stimulates the interaction between geometry and physics by publishing primary research, feature and review articles which are of common interest to practitioners in both fields.The Journal of Geometry and Physics now also accepts Letters, allowing for rapid dissemination of outstanding results in the field of geometry and physics. Letters should not exceed a maximum of five printed journal pages (or contain a maximum of 5000 words) and should contain novel, cutting edge results that are of broad interest to the mathematical physics community. Only Letters which are expected to make a significant addition to the literature in the field will be considered.The Journal covers the following areas of research:Methods of: • Algebraic and Differential Topology • Algebraic Geometry • Real and Complex Differential Geometry • Riemannian Manifolds • Symplectic Geometry • Global Analysis, Analysis on Manifolds • Geometric Theory of Differential Equations • Geometric Control Theory • Lie Groups and Lie Algebras • Supermanifolds and Supergroups • Discrete Geometry • Spinors and TwistorsApplications to: • Strings and Superstrings • Noncommutative Topology and Geometry • Quantum Groups • Geometric Methods in Statistics and Probability • Geometry Approaches to Thermodynamics • Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems • Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems • Classical and Quantum Mechanics • Classical and Quantum Field Theory • General Relativity • Quantum Information • Quantum GravityBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Physica D (Nonlinear Phenomena) publishes research and review articles reporting on theoretical and experimental work, techniques, and ideas that advance the understanding of nonlinear phenomena. The scope of the journal encompasses mathematical methods for nonlinear systems including: wave motion, pattern formation and collective phenomena in physical, chemical and biological systems; hydrodynamics and turbulence; integrable and Hamiltonian systems; and data-driven dynamical systems. The journal encourages submissions in established and emerging application domains, for example applications of nonlinear science to artificial intelligence, robotics, control theory, complex networks, and social and economic dynamics.
The journal Physics Letters A offers a rapid review and publication outlet for novel theoretical and experimental frontier physics.The journal covers the following topics:Condensed matter physics,Quantum information (including artificial intelligence and machine learning),Nonlinear science,Statistical physics,Mathematical and computational physics,AMO and physics of complex systems,Plasma and fluid physics,Optical physics,General and cross-disciplinary physics,Biological physics and nanoscience,Astrophysics, Particle physics and Cosmology.Physics Letters A also publishes Invited Perspective Articles focusing on break-through research in physics.Note to authors: If you wish to be considered for an Invited Perspective Article please contact the Editors. Physics Letters A does not publish articles on High Energy and Nuclear Physics. Plagiarism, or copying text or results from other sources, is unethical behavior and is not tolerated at Physics Letters A. All manuscripts submitted to Physics Letters A will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck please visit
AIMS AND SCOPE Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki was founded in 1961 and is concerned with computational mathematics and various branches of mathematical physics. The chief feature of the journal is that it publishes papers on mathematical problems arising in all fields of science, e.g. physics, mechanics, computer theory, as well as papers of a purely mathematical nature.