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Journals in Algebra and number theory

Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques

  • ISSN: 0007-4497
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 1.3
Articles in French and English For more information on our journals visit: in 1870, by Gaston Darboux, the Bulletin publishes original articles covering all branches of pure mathematics. During the last few years the Bulletin has published contributions by T. Aubin, H. Bauer, R. Beals, L. De Branges, L. Carleson, A. Chang, G. Choquet, J. Dixmier, J.P. Demailly, L. Ehrenpreis, P. Erdös, B. Gaveau, P. Greiner, A. Koranyi, T. Levasseur, P. Malliavin, H. Moscovici, O.G. Pisier, H. Rosenberg, E. Stein, M. Talagrand, A. Tognoli, A. Varchenko, N. Varopoulos, A. Weinstein, H. Widom, M. Yor.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques

Expositiones Mathematicae

  • ISSN: 0723-0869
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.9
  • Impact factor: 0.8
This journal publishes articles in English, French or German in all branches of mathematics under the headings “Survey Articles”, "Main Research Articles" and "Short Research Notes". Survey articles - are expositions on contemporary mathematical research written in a way that a research student or a mathematician who may not be an expert on the topic can read them profitably. There is no page limit for survey articles.Main research articles - must contain significant new results, provide enough background information on the research topic and make high level research accessible to a broad audience. Main research articles are expected to have at least fifteen pages. Short research notes - can be slightly higher-level research on a specialized topic and are expected to contain ten or fewer pages. Clarity of exposition, accuracy of the details, quality of research results, and the relevance and interest of the subject matter will be the decisive factors in our acceptance for publication of an article.
Expositiones Mathematicae

Journal of Algebra

  • ISSN: 0021-8693
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.8
  • Impact factor: 0.8
The Journal of Algebra is a leading international journal and publishes papers that demonstrate high quality research results in algebra and related computational aspects. Only the very best and most interesting papers are to be considered for publication in the journal. With this in mind, it is important that the contribution offer a substantial result that will have a lasting effect upon the field. The journal also seeks work that presents innovative techniques that offer promising results for future research.The Computational Algebra SectionThe Computational Algebra section has been introduced to provide an appropriate forum for contributions which make use of computer calculations and to broaden the scope of the Journal.The following papers are particularly welcome in the Computational Algebra section of the Journal of Algebra: • Results obtained by computer calculations - to be suitable for publication such results must represent a major advance of mathematics. It is not sufficient to extend previous computations by means of higher computer power. Rather the contribution has to exhibit new methods and mathematical results to be accepted. • Classifications of specific algebraic structures (in form of tables, if appropriate), which are not easily obtained and are useful to the algebraic community. • Description and outcome of experiments, to put forward new conjectures, to support existing conjectures, or to give counter examples to existing conjectures. • Papers emphasizing the constructive aspect of algebra, such as description and analysis of new algorithms (not program listings, nor, in the first instance, discussions of software development issues), improvements and extensions of existing algorithms, description of computational methods which are not algorithms in the strict sense (since, e.g., they need not terminate). • Interactions between algebra and computer science, such as automatic structures, word problems and other decision problems in groups and semigroups, preferably, but not necessarily, with an emphasis on practicality, implementations, and performance of the related algorithms. • Contributions are welcome from all areas of algebra, including algebraic geometry or algebraic number theory, if the emphasis is on the algebraic aspects.Contributions describing applications of algebraic results or methods, for example in coding theory, cryptography, or the algebraic theory of differential equations are highly welcome. An important general criterion for the publication of a paper in the Computational Algebra section is its emphasis on the constructive aspects.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.
Journal of Algebra

Journal of Computational Algebra

  • ISSN: 2772-8277
The Journal of Computational Algebra publishes novel research about computation in, and with, algebraic or discrete structures, such that both mathematics and algorithms contribute to the new result. This includes:Description and design of new algorithms for calculations in algebraic structures, and analysis of such algorithms.New and interesting mathematical results, such as classifications or the resolving of open conjectures, that have been obtained through computation, going beyond the application of standard methods or standard use of existing implementations.Algorithms for concrete (real-world) applications, that use or build on algebraic or discrete structures.Survey articles that describe algorithmic methods within the scope of the journal, which have not been properly described in the scientific literature.Results obtained are expected to be mathematically correct and to contain new mathematics and algorithmic approaches should go beyond a brute-force exhaustion of possibilities. Purely heuristic results, or results whose correctness cannot be established, would in general not be appropriate.While publicly available implementations, in particular if general purpose, are welcome, papers whose main contribution is a new implementation of existing algorithms, or whose focus or novelty is purely on the side of software engineering would similarly be not appropriate.The journal publishes Full-Length Research Articles, Review Articles and Short Communications.Short Communications, comprising not more than 5 pages (including references and examples), should contain new results of interest to the community, give sufficient references to place themselves in the context of the literature, include a justification (such as proofs or timings) and be meaningful without supplemental publications. They should not aim to give a comprehensive history of a problem, or present a full theoretical and practical analysis of a new method.Short Communications could, for example, be about:- Modifications to, or new strategies for, existing algorithms. - Improved analyses / justifications of known algorithms. - Utilization or combination of existing techniques or mathematical tools in a new context. This could include example calculations. - Pointing out (previously not observed) cases in which "standard" computational methods do not work well. - Presenting a concrete computational problem that has arisen in another area of mathematics, is not directly related to known problems and, so far, is lacking a fully satisfactory computational approach.
Journal of Computational Algebra

Linear Algebra and its Applications

  • ISSN: 0024-3795
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 1
A journal affiliated with the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)Linear Algebra and its Applications publishes articles that contribute new information or new insights to matrix theory and finite dimensional linear algebra in their:algebraic,analytic,arithmetic,combinatorial,geometric,numerical aspects.It also publishes articles that give significant applications of matrix theory or linear algebra to other branches of mathematics and to other sciences provided they contain ideas and/or statements that are interesting from linear algebra point of view.Expository articles are occasionally published provided they concern an essential topic.Articles that have previously been published - fully or in part - in conference or similar proceedings which have been made available outside of the conference should not be submitted for publication in Linear Algebra and Its Applications.In addition to regular issues, special issues are published which focus on a theme of current interest, which honor a prominent individual within the field of linear algebra, or which are devoted to papers presented at a conference. Inquiries should be addressed to one of the editors-in-chief.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.
Linear Algebra and its Applications