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Journals in Environmental chemistry substances and processes

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Focus on Surfactants

  • ISSN: 1351-4210
An International Newsletter Monitoring Technical and Commercial Developments for all Surface Active AgentsFocus on Surfactants reports on business and technical developments across the industry. Published monthly, each issue starts with a brief editorial and then provides a series of concise summaries on business, market and technical developments from a global perspective. The newsletter covers: • market news, including statistical, e-commerce and administrative reports • company and business news • new product information and news • environmental issues • book reviews.
Focus on Surfactants

Infrared Physics & Technology

  • ISSN: 1350-4495
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 3.1
The Journal covers the entire field of infrared physics and technology: theory, experiment, application, devices and instrumentation. Infrared' is defined as covering the near, mid and far infrared (terahertz) regions from 0.75um (750nm) to 1mm (300GHz.) Submissions in the 300GHz to 100GHz region may be accepted at the editors discretion if their content is relevant to shorter wavelengths. The very near infrared, VNIR, defined as 750nm-1200nm is subject to special consideration.Where a submission utilises the VNIR alone, or in conjunction with longer wavelengths and uses typically `infrared? technology such as InGaAs detectors, it is in scope.Where a submission utilises the VNIR and shorter wavelengths in the visible, and uses typically visible region technology such as silicon detectors, it is unlikely to be appropriate to this Journal. Submissions must be primarily concerned with and directly relevant to this spectral region. Its core topics can be summarized as the generation, propagation and detection, of infrared radiation; the associated optics, materials and devices; and its use in all fields of science, industry, engineering and medicine.Infrared techniques occur in many different fields, notably spectroscopy and interferometry; material characterization and processing; atmospheric physics, astronomy and space research. Scientific aspects include lasers, quantum optics, quantum electronics, image processing and semiconductor physics. Some important applications are medical diagnostics and treatment, industrial inspection and environmental monitoring.A fuller though not exhaustive list of topics would include: Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space ResearchAtmospheric transmission, turbulence and scatteringBiomedical and Medical applicationsCultural heritageEnvironmental applications: pollution and monitoringDetectors: quantum and thermalImage processingIndustrial applicationsInfrared lasers including free electron lasersMaterial properties, processing and characterizationNon-destructive testing, active and passive.• Optical elements: lenses, polarizers, filters, mirrors, fibres, etc.Radiometry: techniques, calibration, standards and instrumentationRemote sensing and range-findingSolid-state physicsThermal imaging: device design, testing and applicationsSynchroton radiation in the infraredDuring submission, please suggest at least one and a maximum of five potential reviewers. You are strongly encouraged to submit recommendations for appropriately senior and knowledgeable referees having no connection to your work and not located at your institution, as this may speed up the processing of your manuscript. The editorial office may not use your suggestions, but they are greatly appreciated. Where the author works in a country with a small community of research workers in his or her field, it is highly desirable that at least two of the suggested referees are from another country.To be suitable for submission to this Journal, manuscripts should advance the field of Infrared Physics and Technology. Their target audience should be those working in the field of Infrared Physics and Technology. Papers using infrared methods, such as FTIR spectroscopy or thermography, in an essentially routine way to advance some other field, and of interest to other readerships, and generally not suited to this Journal.The Journal does include within its scope genuinely new applications of established infrared methods. In the field of medical applications such as the detection of breast cancer or diabetic pathology, submissions to IRPT should normally include advances in hardware or data collection protocols etc. Such studies are required to have adequate sized and well characterized cohorts. Clinical studies using standard equipment are generally not within the scope of the Journal. Similarly in the fields of hyperspectral imaging and near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy application of standard hardware and signal processing methods to a different agricultural product etc does not normally fall within our scope, whereas novel hardware or signal processing does.The Journal only publishes papers which are purely based on computer modelling without support from experimental results in exceptional circumstances when there is a clear reason to do so. These might, for example, include comparative studies of designs for large pieces of equipment such as satellites, FELs etc.Papers on advances in modelling techniques, appropriately validated, are welcome.
Infrared Physics & Technology

Journal of Aerosol Science

  • ISSN: 0021-8502
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International JournalFounded in 1970, the Journal of Aerosol Science is the first journal specifically devoted to publishing research on the behavior of suspensions of particles and droplets in a gas, i.e. aerosols. The editors and editorial advisory board consider it the prime vehicle for the publication of original work as well as reviews related to fundamental and applied aerosol research, including aerosol instrumentation. Its content is directed at scientists working in engineering disciplines, as well as physics, chemistry, and environmental sciences. Manuscripts can focus on topics of long-standing interest in aerosol science, as well as emerging areas of interest. Editorial decisions are made based on the perceived quality and thoroughness of the submission, fit within the scope categories noted below, and novelty of the work, but not based upon speculation of the work's short term impact (i.e. perceived number of citations). While the Journal of Aerosol Science does not have any length requirements for submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to make use of online supporting information to describe particularly detailed methods, and to present supplementary results and diagrams which aid readers in understanding the main narrative.The editors specifically welcome submissions of papers describing recent experimental, numerical, and theoretical research related to the following topics. In the cover letter accompanying each submission, authors should identify the single number-letter combination which best classifies their manuscript, and explain why it is a novel contribution in this topic area.1. Fundamental Aerosol Science: a. Transport and Deposition b. Nucleation, Condensation, & Evaporation c. Radiative Absorption and Emission d. Collision Dynamics: Coagulation, Aggregation, & Charging e. Cluster Science; Atomistic Modeling and Measurements f. Aerosolization: Fluidized Beds, Atomization and Spraysg. Resuspension h. Dusty Plasmas & Non-Equilibrium Aerosols i. Population Balance Modeling2. Applied Aerosol Science: a. Aerosol-based Synthesis & Manufacturing b. Control Technology & Filtration c. Lung Deposition & Aerosol Medicine d. Inhalation Toxicology e. Bioaerosols & Aerosol based Disease Transmission f. Nuclear Aerosols g. Industrial Emission h. Combustion (Soot) & High Temperature Aerosols i. Indoor Aerosols3. Instrumentation & Measurement Methods a. Mobility Analysis b. Mass Spectrometry c. Light Scattering and Spectroscopic Techniques d. Novel Inertial Separation Schemes e. Condensation Particle Counter Developments f. Single Particle Trapping Methods g. Improved Data Inversion; Machine Learning h. Low Cost Sensors & Measurement NetworksBeside originality, a very important criterion for acceptance of a submission is its ability to communicate conclusions of general relevance to a given field.There are topics which the journal specifically does not cover, due to adequate coverage in numerous other publications. The Journal of Aerosol Science is not intended to archive data such as environmental/ambient monitoring measurements, unless new methodologies are involved or broadly relevant new conclusions for aerosol behavior are reached. Work on source apportionment, as well as global & regional climate modeling is better suited to journals with focuses on atmospheric chemistry and air quality. Routine applications of existing instruments and measurement approaches are not considered suitable for the journal. Work on instrumentation must demonstrate a significant advancement or novel implementation of the instrument or method in question. Manuscripts focusing on numerical case studies with widely available computational fluid dynamics software and built-in particle trajectory models are not appropriate for the Journal of Aerosol Science, unless the uniqueness and novelty of the approach employed is clearly evident. Numerical or analytical solutions to aerosol growth models must demonstrate that they are a significant advance over existing approaches and must not contain overly-simplified assumptions rendering them incapable of predicting the behavior of real aerosols.
Journal of Aerosol Science

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

  • ISSN: 0169-7722
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.5
The Journal of Contaminant Hydrology is an international journal publishing scientific articles contributing to a broad understanding of contamination of water resources. Emphasis is placed on investigations of the physical, chemical, and biological processes influencing the behaviour and fate of organic and inorganic contaminants in the aqueous environment including ecological impacts. Water-based science, technology and management approaches that monitor, assess, control and mitigate contamination and its eco-environmental impacts at multiple scales are invited. Broad latitude is allowed in identifying contaminants of interest, and includes legacy and emerging pollutants, nutrients, nanoparticles, microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, and protozoa), microplastics, and various constituents associated with energy production (e.g., methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide).The journal's scope embraces a wide range of topics that include: surface and subsurface hydrology as it relates to contamination; experimental and computational investigations of contaminant sorption, diffusion, biological and chemical transformation, volatilization and transport in the surface and subsurface; characterization of soil and sediment properties only as they influence contaminant behaviour; development and testing of mathematical models of contaminant behaviour; innovative techniques for restoration of contaminated sites; development of new tools or techniques for monitoring the extent of soil, sediment, and water contamination; development of mathematical models and system analysis techniques for understanding and managing surface and subsurface water resources systems including hyporheic zone processes; analyses of interactions between water-use activities and the environment; carbon sequestration and turnover; and water contamination issues associated with energy production.Types of paper There are some types of papers that are not suitable for publication in the journal, namely: Environmental monitoring. We are pleased to see field data, but we do not publish reports of, for example, unusual observations in the field unless they are interpreted at a process level. Similarly, we do not act as a public repository for datasets unless they are interpreted. Case studies. We will not publish case studies unless they provide insight into processes relevant to other sites or conditions. Thus, a paper based on a particular site must draw out principles, prove a conceptual model, or develop and test a method; these principles, models, or methods must have broader applicability than to a site of study. Methods. We are keen to see new methods of analysis, experimentation, field investigation, or interpretation developed and published. However the journal will not publish papers that present only method development, nor methods that have no major advance over existing approaches. Manuscripts that demonstrate how new or existing methods lead to new insights, or that extend the scope or demonstrate the practical use of existing methods will be welcome. Normally, measured data or observations will be used to validate the method.The last comments on Methods apply particularly to the development of new analytical and numerical solutions to flow, transport and reaction equations. A new mathematical solution must be a significant and useful advance over present methods. The new solution should also lead to new understanding of contaminant behavior. When possible, new analytical or numerical solutions should be compared with existing methods and/or with real data/observations. The inverse of these comments on new models applies to papers that focus on experimental and field investigations. It is not sufficient to present data, no matter how elegant the experiment or interesting the field site! Data must be interpreted with a conceptual model of processes so that the results are potentially valuable to other sites and experiments.Despite these comments, the editors are not trying to set up a rigid or bureaucratic system. If you believe your paper should be an exception, explain this simply in your cover letter at submission. We are all active researchers, and we do not want to discourage our peers from submitting any manuscript that they feel is significant and important for the journal. Rather, we hope you will join us in our wish to ensure that all the papers in the journal have real value to the community.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology

Journal of Cultural Heritage

  • ISSN: 1296-2074
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.5
A Multidisciplinary Journal of Science and Technology for Conservation and Awareness.The Journal of Cultural Heritage (JCH) is a multidisciplinary journal of science and technology for studying problems concerning the conservation and awareness of cultural heritage in a wide framework. The main purpose of JCH is to publish original papers which comprise previously unpublished data and present innovative methods concerning all scientific aspects related to heritage science.The journal aims to offer a venue to scientists from different disciplines whose common objective is developing and applying scientific methods to improve the research and knowledge on cultural heritage, in particular in the following fields: • Safeguarding, conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage; • Heritage management and economic analyses; • Computer sciences in cultural heritage; • Sustainable development and cultural heritage; • Impact of climate change on cultural heritage and management of the change.Specifically, papers should deal with the following topics:1. Analysis, knowledge and conservation of heritage assets, developing: • Novel methodologies or analytical methods for studying the composition, provenance, dating, conservation state; • New materials and methods for the preservation of objects and their assessment; • Evaluation of degradation mechanisms and prediction of possible decay processes.2. Conservation of Built Heritage (historical buildings, monuments and archaeological sites, modern and industrial buildings): • Analysis of historical materials and construction techniques; • Novel inspection, testing and monitoring techniques; • Novel or multidisciplinary analyses of materials and structures; • Energy efficiency and refurbishment.3. Innovative studies on the interaction between heritage items and the environment (climate, microclimate, light, pollution, VOC, …), including the impact of climate change, risk assessment of cultural heritage and mitigation.4. Digital technologies for knowledge, conservation and restoration, in particular: • Multimodal digitization (3D scanning, photogrammetry, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, …), and data fusion; • Heterogenous data analysis, modelling, interlinking and browsing; • Semantic-aware representation of multi-dimensional digital artefacts; • Virtual, augmented and mixed reality environments; • Digital continuum (from digitization to fabrication); • Long-term preservation of digital assets.5. Economic studies about the Economy and Management of heritage assets and cultural organizations; articles must use scientific research methods (e.g., econometric and statistical analysis, economic modelling, …) and report innovative research to address economic issues and problems in the field.6. Museum conservation and technologies for the management and improvement of museum collections.The studies should be multidisciplinary, and ideally interdisciplinary, possibly spanning across some of the categories listed above.The Journal of Cultural Heritage is interested in papers: • Reporting significant advances in scientific methods and techniques; • Presenting multidisciplinary research; • Dealing with issues of wide/global interest; • Review papers dealing with specific topics in which an up-to-date "state of the art" is presented.The articles must be suitable and considered of great interest for a wide audience; thus, it is foreseen that the number of articles dealing with case studies will be reduced, in order to favor original articles. The journal is not interested in papers related to one well established technique applied to shed light on questions of local interest, nor in papers based on subjective observations or descriptive approaches. Reports on restoration/conservation activities should be avoided unless they present a specific technical or scientific novelty.Occasionally, thematic issues are published as ordinary issues or supplements.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Journal of Cultural Heritage

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity

  • ISSN: 0265-931X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Affiliated to the International Union of RadioecologyThe Journal of Environmental Radioactivity provides a coherent international forum for publication of original research or review papers on any aspect of the occurrence of radioactivity in natural systems.Relevant subject areas range from applications of environmental radionuclides as mechanistic or timescale tracers of natural processes to assessments of the radioecological or radiological effects of ambient radioactivity. Papers deal with naturally occurring nuclides or with those created and released by man through nuclear weapons manufacture and testing, energy production, fuel-cycle technology, etc. Reports on radioactivity in the oceans, sediments, rivers, lakes, groundwaters, soils, atmosphere and all divisions of the biosphere are welcomed, but these should not simply be of a monitoring nature unless the data are particularly innovative.Research papers are also included which, by either experimental or theoretical approaches, aim towards an improved understanding of the behaviour, transfer and distribution of environmental radionuclides. Predictive modelling is particularly encouraged. Papers on dating methods are acceptable if they have clear geophysical or geochemical significance. Descriptions of experimental methods should be both highly original and specifically related to determination of low-level environmental activities.The journal provides a vehicle for objective, open and peer-reviewed publication and discussion of the more “controversial” aspects of environmental radioactivity, including assessments of health effects, criteria for discharge control and options for ultimate disposal of nuclear wastes. Publication in this field is also encouraged in the related book series Radioactivity in the Environment designed to complement the coverage of the journal.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity

Marine Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0304-4203
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3
An International Journal for Studies of all Chemical Aspects of the Marine EnvironmentMarine Chemistry is an international medium for the publication of original studies and occasional reviews in the field of chemistry in the marine environment, with emphasis on the dynamic approach. The journal endeavours to cover all aspects, from chemical processes to theoretical and experimental work, and, by providing a central channel of communication, to speed the flow of information in this relatively new and rapidly expanding discipline.Marine Chemistry publishes the following article types:Research Paper - provides novel original data on a research topic in Marine Chemistry. These articles should strive to be transformative and broad-reaching in their scope.Review Article - provides an extensive literature-based perspective on a topic in mare Chemistry. These article typically do not contain original data, if they are used to develop a broader scope of synthesis.Perspective Article - provides a unique a viewpoint on an important research area in Marine Chemistry. These articles can be on past, current, and/or future trends, but differ from a Review Article in that they include an objective personal view on how this research has changed or perhaps should change. Perspective articles are solicited by the Editors, but unsolicited contributions are also welcome.Technical Note - Notes are shorter versions of Research Papers that provide new data on new techniques but also can present exciting new results that the authors believe stands alone at an early stage in development.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Marine Chemistry

Marine Environmental Research

  • ISSN: 0141-1136
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 3
Marine Environmental Research publishes original research papers on chemical, physical, and biological interactions in the oceans and coastal waters. The journal serves as a forum for new information on biology, chemistry, and toxicology and syntheses that advance understanding of marine environmental processes.Submission of multidisciplinary studies is encouraged. Studies that utilize experimental approaches to clarify the roles of anthropogenic and natural causes of changes in marine ecosystems are especially welcome, as are those studies that represent new developments of a theoretical or conceptual aspect of marine science. All papers published in this journal are reviewed by qualified peers prior to acceptance and publication. Examples of topics considered to be appropriate for the journal include, but are not limited to, the following:– The extent, persistence, and consequences of change and the recovery from such change in natural marine systems – The biochemical, physiological, and ecological consequences of contaminants to marine organisms and ecosystems – The biogeochemistry of naturally occurring and anthropogenic substances – Models that describe and predict the above processes – Monitoring studies, to the extent that their results provide new information on functional processes – Methodological papers describing improved quantitative techniques for the marine sciences.
Marine Environmental Research

Marine Pollution Bulletin

  • ISSN: 0025-326X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 5.3
Marine Pollution Bulletin is concerned with the rational use of maritime and marine resources in estuaries, the seas and oceans, as well as with documenting marine pollution and introducing new forms of measurement and analysis. A wide range of topics are discussed not only on effluent disposal and pollution control, but also on the management, economic aspects and protection of the marine environment in general.Papers published may include, but are not limited to:Marine debris and litter study and managementOil spills and their ecological impactsChemical pollution (including inorganic and organic contaminants, e.g., heavy metals, Persistent Organic Pollutants) in marine environmentsMicroplastics and their effectsPollution from shipping and maritime activitiesEutrophication and its consequences on marine ecosystemsHarmful algal blooms (HABs) and their impactsAcidification of oceans due to carbon dioxide absorptionNoise pollution in marine environments and its effects on marine lifePollution from coastal development and runoffRadioactive contamination in marine environmentsEmerging pollutants and their effects on marine ecosystemsPollution from aquaculture and mariculture operationsGlobal initiatives and policies for mitigating marine pollutionUsing artificial intelligence to assess marine environmental conditions and/or to provide policy decisions.A distinctive feature of Marine Pollution Bulletin is the number of different categories of articles which are published: 1. Research Papers form the core of the journal, with a typical length of 6000 words and a maximum of 10000 words. 2. Reviews are between 8000 and 20000 words, on topics cross traditional lines. 3. Short Communications are short research papers, with a typical length of 3000 words, and a maximum of 5000 words, 3 Figures or Tables. 4. Baseline Papers are less than 5000 words, contain an abstract and keywords, brief introductory remarks, methodology with mandatory quality assurance and quality control information, results and short discussion but do not have sections or subsections. These papers are baselines related with marine pollution (including toxicant levels; ecological and ecotoxicological data) and must bring original data and information to support a better understanding of marine environmental issues. 5. Micro Articles are very short papers, less than 3000 words or 2 pages. They must consist of a single, but well-described piece of information, namely: • Original Data and/or a plot plus a description • Description of a new method, experiment or instrumentation •Descriptive case study 6. Perspective papers discuss about subjective positions, viewpoints or new concepts within less than 2000 words.Marine Pollution Bulletin does not publish articles that present only model development or processes in water treatment plants.
Marine Pollution Bulletin

Oceanographic Literature Review

  • ISSN: 0967-0653
Oceanographic Literature Review comprises an annotated bibliography to the international research literature in all fields of oceanography including science, mathematics and methods as well as policy, laws, economics and resource management. It contains some 8000 citations per annum, most accompanied by an abstract. OLR is unique in citing non-oceanographic material in the basic sciences thought to be useful to oceanographers.Regular Contents Include:• Physical oceanography• Marine meteorology• Chemical oceanography• Marine geology and geophysics• Biological oceanography• Environmental oceanography and pollution• Applied oceanography and engineering• Regional studies• GeneralFeatures • Abstracts taken from over 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of the original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverageEach issue contains an abbreviated subject index, a regional and organism index. An annual index will also be produced as a separate volume incorporating a full subject index, a regional index, organism index, author index and a journal listing of all journals sourced.Oceanographic Literature Review is available online as a subset of the database, GEOBASE, through Engineering Village, DIALOG, and Ovid.Oceanographic Literature Review is available as part of the Oceanography Package - Option 1 which comprises Continental Shell Research, Deep Sea Research Parts I & II, Journal of Marine Systems, Oceanographic Literature Review and Progress in Oceanography. See Oceanography Package - Option 1 for details.
Oceanographic Literature Review