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Journals in Tribology

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Surface and Coatings Technology

  • ISSN: 0257-8972
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 5.3
An international journal devoted to the science and application of advanced surface treatments for improvement of material propertiesSurface and Coatings Technology is an international archival journal publishing scientific papers on significant developments in surface and interface engineering to modify and improve the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments, or for enhanced functional performance. Contributions range from original scientific articles concerned with fundamental and applied aspects of research or direct applications of metallic, inorganic, organic and composite coatings, to invited reviews of current technology in specific areas. Papers submitted to this journal are expected to be in line with the following aspects in processes, and properties/performance:A. Processes: Physical and chemical vapour deposition techniques, thermal and plasma spraying, surface modification by directed energy techniques such as ion, electron and laser beams, thermo-chemical treatment, wet chemical and electrochemical processes such as plating, sol-gel coating, anodization, plasma electrolytic oxidation, etc., but excluding painting.B. Properties/performance: friction performance, wear resistance (e.g., abrasion, erosion, fretting, etc), corrosion and oxidation resistance, thermal protection, diffusion resistance, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, and properties relevant to smart materials behaviour and enhanced multifunctional performance for environmental, energy and medical applications, but excluding device aspects.Articles must go beyond the technical recipe format and gain substantial new understanding and insight based on detailed characterization of coatings and processes. Experimental papers should provide complete information on the process parameters and an appropriate microstructural characterization. Also, papers which include test data should provide full details of the test equipment and parameters. Such papers should report on the synthesis-characterization-properties-performance relationships.Manuscripts must be written in good English and contain a balanced and up-to-date reference list formatted according to the guide-for-authors.Note to authors: In order to be considered for publication, the Covering Letter with your paper should clearly explain the novelty and originality of your research and its scientific contribution beyond previously published papers. If not, your submission will not be considered for publication and will not be sent out for peer-review.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Surface and Coatings Technology

Tribology International

  • ISSN: 0301-679X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Tribology is the science of rubbing surfaces and contributes to every facet of our everyday life, from live cell friction to engine lubrication and seismology. As such tribology is truly multidisciplinary and this extraordinary breadth of scientific interest is reflected in the scope of Tribology International.Tribology International seeks to publish original research papers of the highest scientific quality to provide an archival resource for scientists from all backgrounds. Written contributions are invited reporting experimental and modelling studies both in established areas of tribology and emerging fields. Scientific topics include the physics or chemistry of tribo-surfaces, bio-tribology, surface engineering and materials, contact mechanics, nano-tribology, lubricants and hydrodynamic lubrication.
Tribology International


  • ISSN: 0043-1648
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.2
  • Impact factor: 5.3
An International Journal on the Science and Technology of Friction, Lubrication and WearWear journal is dedicated to the advancement of basic and applied knowledge concerning the nature of wear of materials. Broadly, topics of interest range from development of fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of wear to innovative solutions to practical engineering problems. Authors of experimental studies are expected to comment on the repeatability of the data, and whenever possible, conduct multiple measurements under similar testing conditions. Further, Wear embraces the highest standards of professional ethics, and the detection of matching content, either in written or graphical form, from other publications by the current authors or by others, may result in rejection.Submissions are invited on such subjects as:(a) Wear modelling and validation. This includes modelling of fundamental mechanisms as well as the modelling of tribosystems. Approaches may employ contact mechanics, frictional considerations and lubrication concepts in the development of the model, and will always include physical validation of the model.(b) The development and use of new wear testing methods and standards. This includes the rationale behind their development (including a critique of existing test methodologies where appropriate).(c) New wear diagnostic tools. The need for these tools and examples of their use in either basic research or engineering should be illustrated.(d) The development of wear-resistant materials, coatings, or surface treatments. Such papers should include, for example, benchmarking against materials currently employed in targeted engineering applications, or presenting a basic hypothesis underlying the work that can be validated as an advance over the current state-of-the-art. The criteria used to select the test methods employed (and the conditions under which those tests were conducted) must be robustly justified with regard to the targeted engineering applications. The proposed mechanisms of wear must be discussed in the context of data and observations that support those conclusions.(e) Relationships between the composition, structure, properties, and processing of materials and their wear behavior. Such submissions should include the basic rationale for the work, its foundation in prior knowledge, and how the current approach is implemented to explore these relationships. The criteria used to select the tests or analytical methods employed shall be explained with respect to the purpose of the research, be it fundamental or applied.(f) The role of lubricants or other interfacial species in the wear of materials. Such submissions will focus on the mechanisms of wear in the presence of well-characterized interfacial environments.The Abstracts of all submissions, whether a full paper or a shorter communication, should summarize the purpose and approach to the given problem, indicate the materials under investigation, and present the primary conclusions in a brief and concise manner. Overt commercialism or product promotion is unacceptable. Submissions to Wear will be peer-reviewed to assess their archival quality, clarity of communication, and the novelty of their contributions to the science and technology of wear.