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Journals in Mechanical engineering

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International Journal of Thermal Sciences

  • ISSN: 1290-0729
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 4.9
Founded as Revue Générale de Thermique in 1962The International Journal of Thermal Sciences is devoted to the publication of original research papers concerned with fundamental studies on the physics of processes involving heat transfer and their coupling with mass transfer and/or fluid flow. The journal especially welcomes papers aiming at a better understanding of the coupling of local mechanisms and their interactions in larger scale systems.Papers submitted for publication may contain either experimental results, numerical simulations or discussions of models, and must present a significant scientific contribution.The fundamental subjects considered within the scope of the journal are:• Heat and relevant mass transfer at all scales (nano, micro and macro) and in all types of materials (heterogeneous, composites, biological,...) and fluid flow • Forced, natural or mixed convection in reactive or non-reactive media • Single or multi-phase fluid flow with or without phase change • Near-and far-field radiative heat transfer • Combined modes of heat transfer in complex systems (for example, plasmas, biological or geological systems,?) • Multiscale modelling.Manuscripts dedicated to stability analysis studies, or with developed codes, can be considered if their focus is on the physics of heat and mass transfer processes. Experimental validation for the actual problem or a related case is strongly encouraged. They are, however, outside the scope of our journal, if such papers are centered on mathematical developments.In all cases, the paper must present a physical discussion of the mathematical model and a clear justification of the underlying assumptions.Papers dedicated to applications in different fields of engineering or natural sciences may be considered provided that they analyze the coupling of heat transfer modes with other mechanisms and their influence on the system's behavior.The International Journal of Thermal Sciences will not accept papers with the following characteristics:• Studies which belong to already established specialized journals, such as computational techniques, combustion, thermodynamic cycles,? • Papers with purely descriptive or empirical content, • Mere applications of classical equations to complex fluids (e.g. colloidal suspensions) or to the complex combination of basic mechanisms (divided media, external forces,?) • Numerical simulations without a thorough validation of the code and convergence study, • Numerical results using commercial CFD codes, unless new insights into the physics of the process are presented. Even in such cases, experimental validation is mandatory for the actual problem. • Experimental reports without uncertainty analysis or presenting results without error margins, • Experimental or numerical studies which do not provide a physical interpretation of the observed behavior, • Studies presenting the global performance of industrial systems, • Papers on the characterization of materials, • Statistical techniques describing the process as a black box.Articles can be submitted in English or French. Before submitting a Review Article, the main author should contact one of the Editors-in-Chief.
International Journal of Thermal Sciences

Journal of Fluids and Structures

  • ISSN: 0889-9746
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.4
The Journal of Fluids and Structures publishes original papers on all aspects of the interaction between fluids and solids. Studies of single-physics fluid or solid mechanics problems are welcome too, provided they are motivated by and directly contribute to the understanding of an associated fluid-structure interaction problem.The journal publishes theoretical, computational and experimental studies that provide new insight into the underlying physics and/or present novel methodologies. Studies dealing with specific engineering applications are welcome, provided they address clearly posed questions that are of wider interest, i.e. go beyond mere case studies.Authors must clearly identify the novelty of their work and should provide conclusions that put the specific result obtained in their study into a wider context.Numerical studies must include a clear assessment of associated errors via the provision of suitable mesh/timestep convergence studies; similarly, experimental studies must provide an assessment of experimental uncertainties.The journal has no hard page limits but expects authors to provide a brief statement justifying the length of their manuscript if it is close to or exceeds 25 pages (including figures and tables, both embedded in the text, which should be typeset with a reasonable layout, e.g. 10 or 12 pt font size and standard font).
Journal of Fluids and Structures

Journal of Materials Processing Technology

  • ISSN: 0924-0136
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 6.7
Formerly: Journal of Mechanical Working TechnologyThe Journal of Materials Processing Technology covers the processing techniques used in manufacturing components from metals and other materials. The journal aims to publish full research papers of original, significant and rigorous work and so to contribute to increased production efficiency and improved component performance.Areas of interest to the journal include:Casting and formingAdditive processing and joining technologiesMaterial removal processesProcessing for surface engineeringEvolution of material properties and functionality caused by different processing conditionsDesign and behaviour of equipment and toolsThe core interest of the journal is the processing of metals, ceramics, polymers, composites and other advanced materials, where the article is focused on the influence of the process on the materials and where there are not other more appropriate dedicated journals. For example, ductile forming of polymers is of interest, but the influence of polymer composition on properties is well covered in dedicated polymer journals.A typical article will examine the influence of process design, tool design, or process operating conditions on the properties of the material or the future performance of the equipment. Most articles combine appropriate quantitative analysis with well-designed experiments. The sciences of materials, tribology and thermodynamics are well covered in other dedicated journals, so these topics are of interest to this journal only when applied specifically to give insight into the processing techniques used in manufacturing components.The journal's Editorial Policy defines our basis for considering submissions. Typical published articles will contribute significant new transferable knowledge in the form of (a) an innovation or (b) a new insight into material processing in the form of a transferable qualitative or quantitative explanation of a difference between experimental measurements and the predictions of existing theory. 'Transferable' knowledge applies to materials or processing conditions broader than those tested within the article.The Journal of Materials Processing Technology generally does not accept papers in the following areas:Simulation with no experimental verification and/or which gives no new insight into the process.Experimental reports which do not provide a convincing analytical or physical explanation of observed behaviour.Topics that properly belong to the materials science literature. Examples include the synthesis of materials, chemical experiments and studies of material composition.The analysis of material properties, surfaces or product performance without reference to the processing which caused them.Statistical methods or techniques from Artificial Intelligence which treat the process as a black box.The operation of equipment, without reference to materials (such as tool path design in CNC machining), or the management of factory systems.As stated in the journal's editorial policy, the Journal of Materials Processing Technology does not accept multiple-part papers or case studies.
Journal of Materials Processing Technology

Journal of Sound and Vibration

  • ISSN: 0022-460X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.3
  • Impact factor: 4.3
Join our growing Twitter presence, shared with the journal Applied Acoustics and join the conversation: @AcousticalSciThe Journal of Sound and Vibration (JSV) is an independent journal devoted to the prompt publication of original papers, both theoretical and experimental, that communicates new knowledge or reviews on important aspects of sound or vibration. There is an emphasis on fundamental work that has potential for practical application within a wider context than the specific situation reported.JSV was founded and operates on the premise that the subject of sound and vibration requires a journal that publishes papers of a high technical standard across the various subdisciplines, thus facilitating awareness of techniques and discoveries in one area that may be applicable in others.Papers published in JSV should contain new insights of value to the acoustics and vibration community.JSV welcomes papers in the following subject areas: A. Active and adaptive control of sound and vibration: Analysis, design, smart structures and materials B. Passive control of sound and vibration: Damping processes, design optimization, meta-materials, materials for optimum damping C. Measurement techniques and hardware; transducers with sound/vibration as input or as output D. Inverse problems in acoustics and vibration (linear); techniques for source or system identification; statistical methods E. Engineering sources of noise and vibration (including combustion, high-speed flow, aeroacoustic or aeroelastic instabilities, and fluid machinery) F. Structural vibration/elastic wave propagation (including fluid-loaded structures, piezoelectric materials, and granular media); Numerical modelling or physical experiments; dynamics of nano-systems* G. Acoustics/vibroacoustics (including sound propagation in the atmosphere and ocean, structure-acoustic coupling, flow ducts, and porous materials): Numerical modelling or physical experiments H. High-frequency approximations for wave propagation or multimode system response: Ray methods, SEA, power flow, semiclassical refinements; probabilistic descriptions of complex systems I. Nonlinear aspects of sound and vibration; dynamical systems applications; perturbation methods; nonlinear impact dynamics, damage, fatigue and transient loads** J. Analytical methods and modeling for linear vibration and acoustics; benchmark solutions K. Signal processing for sound and vibration applications, including source/system identification and active control; data reduction and filtering M. Human and biologically-related issues in sound and vibration, including human and human-induced vibrations, effects of sound and vibration on, or caused by, other living organisms*** N. Multiphysics*Category F — Guidance Notes: It is now part of JSV editorial policy not to consider submissions that predict the dynamics of nano-systems based on the continuum theories unless a comparison is included with either molecular simulations or experiments** Category I — Guidance Notes: It is now part of formalised JSV editorial policy not to publish papers whose original contribution is solely in the mathematical treatment of a system of ODEs of motion, unless the method of solution is demonstrable shown (a) to be novel and superior to existing methods or (b) to be applicable to significant physical problems in such a way that it clearly and unambiguously engenders new insights*** Category M — Guidance Notes:In all cases submissions should address the physics of the phenomena through appropriately advanced theoretical approaches or by experimental investigations. Submissions based on experimental work should give new insight into the physics of the system dynamics, for example by including comparison with predictions from models or numerical simulationsAreas of interest: whole body vibration, hand-arm vibration, human-structure interaction, dynamic interaction with structures, seats, hand tools, etc., sound production, auditory systemOutside of scope: empirical studiesBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.Rapid Communications JSV encourage Rapid Communications and to this end one referee is sought to prepare a report on each manuscript. Referees are requested to keep to a strict timeline and in order to fast track these manuscripts a second opinion is sought from either the Editor-in-Chief, or one of the Receiving Editors, after which authors are notified of a decision.
Journal of Sound and Vibration

Journal of the Franklin Institute

  • ISSN: 0016-0032
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Engineering and Applied MathematicsAs the second oldest continuously published American journal devoted to science and technology, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has an established reputation for publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics.As a peer-reviewed journal, its goal is to promote inspiring advancements in the fields of engineering and applied mathematics by voices from the scientific and academic communities.As of 2022, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has expanded its content focus to include research under the field of Data Science. The journal welcomes high quality original manuscript submissions that fall under three main topic areas:• Control Systems • Complex Networks & Dynamic Systems • Data Science & Signal ProcessingAside from original manuscripts, the Journal of The Franklin Institute encourages authors to put forth evolving new special issue proposals for publication, provided they fall broadly within the scope of the journal. Special issues with a strong conceptual foundation in newly evolving topics are continuously planned for future issues. These special issues are reviewed based on their novelty and possible lasting value to the field of study.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of the Franklin Institute

Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers

  • ISSN: 1876-1070
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 5.5
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (formerly known as Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers) publishes original works, from fundamental principles to practical applications, in the broad field of chemical engineering with special focus on three aspects: Chemical and Biomolecular Science and Technology, Energy and Environmental Science and Technology, and Materials Science and Technology. Authors should choose for their manuscript an appropriate aspect section and a few related classifications when submitting to the journal online.
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers


  • ISSN: 0263-2241
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 5.2
Journal of the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO)Contributions are invited on novel achievements in all fields of measurement and instrumentation science and technology. Authors are encouraged to submit novel material representing achievements in the field, whose ultimate goal is an enhancement of the state-of-the-art of subjects such as: measurement and metrology fundamentals, measurement science, sensors, measurement instruments, measurement and estimation techniques, measurement data processing and fusion algorithms, evaluation procedures for performance analysis of measurement systems, processes and algorithms, mathematical models for measurement-oriented purposes, and distributed measurement systems in a connected world.Notes:Papers including measurement results that, although important to validate any given scientific study but which offer no new insights in an area different from measurement science or technology, do not fall within the scope of this journal;The disciplined usage of well-known metrological terms is strongly required. Authors can access information on all relevant terms such as measurement accuracy, uncertainty, the law of propagation of uncertainty and other, similar terms: these are defined in internationally approved guidelines such as the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) and Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), which are freely available on;The paper must clearly describe the measurement context in which the research was carried out by undertaking a critical review of the state-of-the-art of the relevant body of knowledge in instrumentation and measurement and by showing how the research presented advances it;The letter accompanying the submission must describe clearly how the paper satisfies the above requirements.Papers that focus on image processing or fault diagnosis with little or no elements of measurement science or technology will not be considered within the journal scope.Authors please note: The journal Measurement is receiving an increasing number of papers in the area of machine learning/neural networks and other techniques based on artificial intelligence. These submissions will be desk rejected unless they:prove that the described research advances the state-of-the-art in measurement science and is not just an application of an available tool to known or novel problems, that is used without an appreciation of measurement-related aspects;show that the usage of these tools is put into the correct measurement-related context and not just in the context of machine-learning/neural network applications;contain enough information about the used tools, data, and results to allow, in principle, anyone to replicate the described results;display the use of specific metrics to strengthen the results of research activities.It must be recalled that Measurement is interested in publishing new methods, techniques, procedures, algorithms, and alike that show how to better measure in nature and in the world. Thus, the capability to describe metrological-related details of the proposed research represents a major difference between papers published by this journal and by other journals publishing papers on similar topics. This major difference must be evident also in papers covering applications of machine learning and soft computing techniques. Failing to adhere to these guidelines will result in a paper desk-reject decision.Authors whose manuscripts focus on the research, development and application of the science, engineering and technology of sensors and sensor systems, are welcome to submit to the journal's open access companion title, Measurement: Sensors .Authors whose manuscripts focus on food and nutrition measurements may also wish to submit to the journal's second open access companion title, Measurement: Food.Authors whose manuscripts focus on energy sources, heat and power generation and all other relevant fields may be interested to submit to the journal's third open access companion title, Measurement: Energy.

Mechanics Research Communications

  • ISSN: 0093-6413
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Sponsored by CISM, International Centre for Mechanical SciencesMechanics Research Communications publishes, as rapidly as possible, peer-reviewed manuscripts of high standards but restricted length. Complete articles are now permitted to be NINE pages in length (including figures, tables, and references). It aims to provide:• a fast means of communication • an exchange of ideas among workers in mechanics • an effective method of bringing new results quickly to the public • an informal vehicle for the discussion • of ideas that may still be in the formative stagesThe field of Mechanics will be understood to encompass the behavior of continua, fluids, solids, particles and their mixtures. Submissions must contain a strong, novel contribution to the field of mechanics, and ideally should be focused on current issues in the field involving theoretical, experimental and/or applied research, preferably within the broad expertise encompassed by the Board of Associate Editors. Deviations from these areas should be discussed in advance with the Editor-in-Chief.
Mechanics Research Communications

Mechanism and Machine Theory

  • ISSN: 0094-114X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.5
Mechanism and Machine Theory provides a medium of communication between engineers and scientists engaged in research and development within the fields of knowledge embraced by IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science, therefore affiliated with IFToMM as its official research journal.The main topics are:Design Theory and Methodology;Haptics and Human-Machine-Interfaces;Robotics, Mechatronics and Micro-Machines;Mechanisms, Mechanical Transmissions and Machines;Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control of Mechanical Systems;Applications to Bioengineering and Molecular ChemistryMethodologically, this includes theoretical, experimental, and/or historical approaches, along with their practical application, including education. Substantially, the journal aims at covering all subjects related to mechanisms and machines in general, such as: design theory and methodology, kinematics of mechanisms, rotor dynamics, computational kinematics, multibody dynamics, dynamics of machinery, nonlinear vibrations, linkages and cams, gearing and transmissions, transportation machinery, control and reliability of mechanical systems, including hydraulic and pneumatic systems, experimental test techniques, robots and robotic technologies, mechatronics, micromachines, human-machine interfaces, haptics, among others. Prospective fields of application of mechanism and machine science to other scientific areas such as bioengineering and molecular chemistry are also welcome.For more information on IFToMM, please visit
Mechanism and Machine Theory


  • ISSN: 0957-4158
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.1
The Science of Intelligent Machines An International JournalMission and ScopeA journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlWelcome to Mechatronics: The Science of Intelligent Machines. Mechatronics is a refereed journal that publishes articles that report advances in the state-of-the-art in Mechatronics and Robotics. We welcome original submissions that report creative or innovative methodology and solutions with a synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and control systems of intelligent machines or robotic systems. Submitted manuscripts are expected to report experimental results obtained from laboratory or full-scale mechatronic apparatus. Some of the topics addressed in the published articles include:Mechatronics: Modeling, identification and control of mechatronic systems; motion and vibration control; micro/nano systems and devices; automotive systems; biomedical mechatronic systems; and advanced manufacturing equipment and processes.Robotics: Modeling, control, learning and system issues related to: autonomous vehicles and robots, marine, underwater, and aerial robots, legged robots, soft robots, field robots, industrial robots, medical robots; human-robot interaction; teleoperation; haptics; and multi-robot systems.Types of papersRegular Articles: Articles that describe original research of high quality in Mechatronics or in Robotics.Review Articles: Contain a detailed survey of established or emerging topics of interest to the journal readership.Robotics and Mechatronics Letters: Short manuscripts, no longer than seven printed journal pages, that report important time sensitive results in Robotics or in Mechatronics. These articles will go through a rapid review process overseen by a dedicated Co-Editor-in- Chief.Book Reviews: A detailed review of published textbooks or research monographs of interest to Mechatronics' readership.