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Journals in Analysis and design structures

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Design Studies

  • ISSN: 0142-694X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Design Studies The Interdisciplinary Journal of Design ResearchMission Our mission at Design Studies is to foster contemporary discourse and discoveries in the field of design. We commit to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and champion inclusivity in academic contributions. We welcome submissions from a diverse spectrum of individuals and perspectives globally. We invite an engaged community of authors to advance design through research, scholarship and creative practice.Aims Design Studies is a leading international academic journal dedicated to the comprehensive examination and discourse of design.The editorial aim is to publish work that is relevant to a broad audience of researchers, educators, and practitioners. We welcome original scholarly research papers concerned with the process, perspectives and outcomes of designing in all its application areas. Insights into the process of design from experimental or empirical research, the design of objects, environments, and systems and their impacts on society and the environment, and critical theory and analysis should galvanize thought leadership and community.Design Studies fills a unique niche among design publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between theoretical and practical modes of inquiry, to produce critical understandings of design practice and its effects in society through the following distinctive aims.Foster Interdisciplinary Design Discussions: Create a space for interdisciplinary discussions on fundamental design elements, including process, cognition, and philosophy, while emphasising research, theory, and innovative outcomes.Explore Design's Theoretical Evolution: Assess the history and future of design by examining its development and contributing to future practices, focusing on rigorous research approachesCritically Analyse Design Practices: Encourage critical evaluations of design methodologies and outcomes, including ethical, social, and environmental considerations.Embrace Diverse Design Contexts: Examine design within various cultural, socio-economic, organisational and political settings, highlighting its impact on social change, sustainability, and community empowerment.Expand the Design Conversation: Welcome a wide range of contributions, including practical case studies, theoretical explorations, and methodological critiques, to engage in a comprehensive design discourse.Scope Design Studies seeks to expand the boundaries of design knowledge and practice. We invite authors to submit papers that not only challenge traditional norms and methodologies but also promote a forward-thinking and inclusive dialogue within the design community. Our scope encompasses a wide range of design domains, including but not limited to engineering design, industrial design, product design, systems design, innovation, and current design thinking paradigms within the overarching research context.Design Studies welcomes articles on a wide range of topic areas across design's core facets centred on the main aims of the journal.Design Theory • Design Process • Philosophy of Design • Design Conceptualisations and Perspectives • Design ThinkingDesign Research and Methodology • Design Research Methods • Interdisciplinary Design Research • Co-DesignDesign Practice • Practice-led Design Research • Design Innovation • Design JusticeDesign Education • Design Pedagogy • Design Teaching and Learning • Design DialogueDesign Impact • Human Factors in Design • Design Manufacturing and Materials • Product Engineering • Design Sustainability
Design Studies

Energy and Buildings

  • ISSN: 0378-7788
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 6.6
An international journal devoted to investigations of energy use and efficiency in buildingsEnergy and Buildings is an international journal publishing articles with explicit links to energy use in buildings. The aim is to present new research results, and new proven practice aimed at reducing the energy needs of a building and improving indoor environment quality. Energy and Buildings considers and publishes articles considerably advancing Building Science. Preference is given to practical and experimental research articles reporting considerable innovations. Articles reporting advances in theoretical and simulation methods are welcome once results are fully validated using appropriate experimental data, and so are the articles reporting application of numerical or theoretical methods for the analysis of new technology and materials and innovative designs.Topics covered include: Energy demands and consumption in existing and future buildings - prediction and validationIndoor environment quality, including health and thermal comfort vis-à-vis energyNatural, mechanical and mixed ventilationAir distribution in buildingsApplication of solar and other renewable energy sources in buildingsEnergy balances in building complexes (residential, commercial, industrial, public and other buildings)Energy efficiency improvement measures of HVAC&R and other technical systems in residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, and semi open built spacesHeat recovery systems in buildingsBuildings and district heating and coolingEnergy conservation in built environmentEnergy efficient buildingsBuilding physicsEnergy sustainability, resilience and climate adaptability of buildingsEvaluation and control of indoor thermal and lighting systemsBuilding's total performance and intelligent buildingsLinks between architectural design, mechanical and lighting systemsNew materials in buildings and their impact on energy demandsExternal and internal design conditions for energy efficient buildingsBuilding envelope materials and structure energy performanceThermal energy storage and thermally active building systems - TABSEnergy performance of buildings and modeling predictive controlZero CO2 emission - zero energy and energy plus buildings and their smart grid harmonized operationResidential/municipal energy refurbishment and renovationLife cycle energy efficiency of buildings and embodied energyArchitectural structure - construction energy efficiencyEnergy related aspects of buildings after catastrophic events Papers with results based on simulations are welcome but those with clear links to laboratory or field measurements are preferred. These links may include calibration, benchmarking, or comparisons of results. Replication Studies: This journal encourages the submission of replication studies. When submitting your manuscript ensure the original study is clearly referenced, and provide a link to the original study. Replication studies should include [brief] introduction and discussion sections that succinctly report the goal of the original paper. The original paper should be the work of a different author or group of authors. For replication studies please also deposit your data in Mendeley data or another trusted repository and ensure your data is properly cited. Please refer to the section on Research data for further guidance on data deposition and citation.Please follow and tag the journal on one of our Social media accounts if you are sharing a link to your paper on ScienceDirect: Twitter (@ENBJournal) and LinkedIn.
Energy and Buildings

Engineering Structures

  • ISSN: 0141-0296
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.8
  • Impact factor: 5.6
Engineering Structures provides a forum for a broad blend of scientific and technical papers to reflect the evolving needs of the structural engineering and structural mechanics communities. Particularly welcome are contributions dealing with new developments or innovative applications of structural and mechanics principles and digital technologies for the analysis and design of engineering structures. The journal aspires to a broad and integrated coverage of these principles and technologies to structures and structural components, considering all classes of engineering structural materials (steel, steel and fiber reinforced concrete, composite, masonry, glass, wood, novel (smart) materials such as nanomaterials and bio-inspired materials).The scope of Engineering Structures encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas: infrastructure engineering; earthquake engineering; structural dynamics; structure-fluid-soil interaction; wind engineering; fire engineering; blast engineering; structural reliability/stability; life assessment/integrity; structural health monitoring; multi-hazard engineering; structural optimization; digital design methods; data-driven analysis methods; experimental methods; additive manufacturing and modular construction of engineering structures; performance-based design; multiscale analysis; and value engineering.Topics of interest include, for example: tall buildings; innovative structures; environmentally responsive structures; bridges; stadiums; commercial and public buildings; transmission towers; television and telecommunication masts; foldable structures; cooling towers; wind power generation structures; plate and shell structures; suspension structures; protective structures; smart structures; nuclear reactors; dams; pressure vessels; pipelines; tunnels.Engineering Structures also publishes review articles* , short communications, discussions and a diary on international events related to any aspect of structural engineering and structural mechanics. Manuscripts should present relevant advances as compared to the state of research. Case studies and multiple part papers are, in general, not accepted, and could be considered only if they are related to a clear and high-level scientific or technical innovation. *Authors wishing to submit a review article to the journal should first contact the Editors-in-Chief responsible for their region with a proposal, including a description/abstract, list of all authors, corresponding author's CV and a list of the work they have done or published in the area of the review paper. The Editors will assess this proposal and invite the author to submit if they feel the proposal/topic is of interest for the journal and has high-level technical merits. Unsolicited review articles will unfortunately be declined without review.Author duties: All Authors are required to use institutional/professional email addresses instead of generic email address e.g. Gmail, Hotmail, Acceptance of a manuscript for publication in the journal carries with it an understanding that the author, when requested, will fulfil an obligation to contribute their expertise to the review of others' manuscripts. Authors are also requested to name independent referees together with institutional email addresses. The named possible referees must not be from their own institution.
Engineering Structures

Finite Elements in Analysis and Design

  • ISSN: 0168-874X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3.5
An International Journal for Innovations in Computational Methodology and ApplicationThe aim of this journal is to provide ideas and information involving the use of the finite element method and its variants, both in scientific inquiry and in professional practice. The scope is intentionally broad, encompassing use of the finite element method in engineering as well as the pure and applied sciences. The emphasis of the journal will be the development and use of numerical procedures to solve practical problems, although contributions relating to the mathematical and theoretical foundations and computer implementation of numerical methods are likewise welcomed. Review articles presenting unbiased and comprehensive reviews of state-of-the-art topics will also be accommodated.All submissions to FINEL will be peer reviewed, and must have archival value to be suitable for publication. Reflecting the aforementioned emphasis on solution of practical problems, numerical demonstration of proposed methodologies will generally be considered a necessary ingredient for papers appearing in FINEL. Conversely, applications of existing finite element techniques to widely studied problems will typically not be favorably considered for publication, except where such presentations are particularly novel or enlightening, either with respect to the results obtained or the method of application used.The journal encompasses any field where numerical solution procedures for initial/boundary value problems are needed to meet design and analysis needs. Although the following list is not exhaustive, contributions are sought in structural mechanics, geomechanics, mechanical engineering, mechanics of materials, fluid mechanics, thermal sciences, hydrology, chemical engineering, biomechanics, electrical engineering, aero/astro engineering, and environmental engineering and science. In addition to contributions focused directly on numerical methodologies, submissions dealing with computer-aided engineering methods, parallel computing, optimal design strategies, mesh generation and post processing, code validation, experimental verification, and visualization are also solicited.Related Conferences will be found via the links on the right menu bar under 'Related websites'.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design

Journal of Constructional Steel Research

  • ISSN: 0143-974X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.2
  • Impact factor: 4
The Journal of Constructional Steel Research provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments in structural steel research and their applications. It is aimed not only at researchers but also at those likely to be most affected by research results, i.e. designers and fabricators. Original papers of a high standard dealing with all aspects of steel and metal structures including theoretical and experimental research on elements, assemblages, connection and material properties are considered for publication.Those presenting research findings in a form suitable for practical use are especially welcome. Papers reporting work in progress will also be included, provided the long-term practical implications of the research are evident, as will state-of-the-art papers, or those by designers and fabricators dealing with issues bearing directly on research.The journal will also present technical notes, book reviews, discussions and letters to the Editor. It is intended that at intervals summaries will be included indicating current research activities throughout the world, and reports of conferences and meetings related specifically to constructional steelwork. Announcements of conference and symposia are also included in the form of a calendar.
Journal of Constructional Steel Research

Ocean Engineering

  • ISSN: 0029-8018
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Ocean Engineering aims to provide a medium for the publication of original research and development work in the field of ocean engineering.The journal seeks papers in the following topics:Ocean Engineering including:fixed and floating offshore platforms;pipelines and risers;cables and mooring;buoy technology;foundation engineering;ocean mining;marine and offshore renewable energy;aquaculture engineering; environmental protection;subsea engineering.Naval Architecture including:ship and special marine vehicle design;intact and damaged stability;technology for energy efficiency and green shipping;ship production technology;decommissioning and recycling.Polar and Arctic Engineering including:ice mechanics;ice-structure interaction;polar operations;polar design;environmental protection.Automatic Control of Marine Systems including:automatic control;automation and autonomy for marine vehicles and systemsUnderwater Technology including:AUV/ROV design;AUV/ROV hydrodynamics;maneuvering and control; underwater-specific communicating and sensing systems for AUV/ROVs.In these fields, papers on the following technical topics are welcome.Hydro- and Aerodynamics: CFD; vortex induced vibrations; fluid-structure interaction; hydroelasticity; linear and non-linear wave mechanics; buoyancy and stability; ship resistance and propulsion; seakeeping and controls; ship maneuvering; ship-radiated noise; wind-assisted propulsion; energy-efficient devices; hydroacoustics; aeroacoustics from offshore wind turbines.Structural Mechanics: materials; limit state prediction and assessments; fatigue; fracture; structural health monitoring; collision and crash worthiness, degradation; ship strength.Stochastic Calculations: stochastic processes; safety and reliability; risk and limit state design.Experimental Approaches: instrumentation; full-scale measurements; model tests.Marine equipment: risers; pipelines; ballast water treatment; air emissions treatment; underwater noise mitigation; and associated components or equipment.Ocean Environmental Predictions: only for ocean structures and vessel operation and design: extreme event predictions; extreme statistics; wave groups; tsunamis; short-term environment predictions; impact of climate change. Note that broader environmental and climate models, sensing, and data sets should be submitted to climate and oceanographic journals.Automatic Control of Marine Systems: Papers submitted in this subject area should have genuine value in naval architecture and maritime engineering and should include the validation of results preferably, by full-scale measurements or model-scale tests or, when this is not possible, by high-fidelity simulations. Methods used in papers should be validated in conditions that represent realistic marine environments.Human Factors and Maritime Safety including:Maritime accidents; fatigue management; risk assessment; situational awareness; maritime training; human errors; human performance in operation; human factors in maritime accidents; safety culture; human factors taxonomy; all related to maritime engineering.Ocean Engineering does not accept submissions on marine engines and auxiliary systems, heating and cooling systems, pumps, underwater explosions, sediment transport, purely theoretical papers without any application to ocean engineering, broad material science, and corrosion studies without a focus on naval architecture or offshore engineering.Additionally, Ocean Engineering does not accept submissions focusing solely on military applications.*Authors are requested to complete a Review Proposal Form for Editorial approval prior to submission of the review article. Proposals can be submitted to [email protected] or one of the Editors.
Ocean Engineering

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

  • ISSN: 0927-0248
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 6.3
An International Journal Devoted to Photovoltaic, Photothermal, and Photochemical Solar Energy ConversionSolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells is intended as a vehicle for the dissemination of research results on materials science and technology related to photovoltaic, photothermal and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. Materials science is taken in the broadest possible sense and encompasses physics, chemistry, optics, materials fabrication and analysis for all types of materials.Of particular interest are: Solar Cells, covering single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous materials utilising homojunctions and heterojunctions, Schottky barriers, liquid junctions and their applications. Also of interest is analysis of component materials, individual cells and complete systems, including their economic aspects. Photothermal Devices, in the broadest sense, including solar absorber devices, heat storage materials, radiative cooling systems and their applications. Photoelectrochemical and Photochemical Devices, covering photoelectrodes, photocatalysis, photoconversion and solar desalination systems and their applications. Optical Properties of materials, including light trapping, texturising, solar concentrators which include imaging and non-imaging optical collectors. Light Control, including systems for energy efficient architecture and daylighting, chromogenics and smart windows.The pertinent issues are comprehensive and encompass bulk materials, coatings and thin films and surface treatments, from basic as well as from applications-oriented and manufacturing related perspectives.Manuscripts of general interest not being suitable for Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells can be submitted to Refocus, which publishes magazine-style feature articles concerning all aspects of renewable energy. Please e-mail David Hopwood, Editor for further details ([email protected]) and visit articles not specifically related to the materials aspects of Solar Energy conversion can be submitted to Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society. For details, visit journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells