AIMS AND SCOPEThe Journal aims to serve as a forum for worldwide exchange of up-to-date knowledge between the academic world and industry on progress in aircraft design technology. The basic engineering disciplines (mechanical, aerodynamic, electrical, electronic and materials science) are integrated with principles of design functionality, ergonomics, environmental acceptability and sustainable engineering. The journal therefore invites contributions which are essentially applications orientated in the following areas:• Design specifications and missions • Integration of new technologies •Design of specific aircraft (projects) • Advanced aerospace propulsion systems and engines • Aerodynamic design • Structural materials and design • Handling qualities, flight control technology and simulation • Aircraft systems • Production and Manufacturing technology • Design Concepts and patents • Operational requirements and procedures • Maintainability, reliability, supportability • Design-to-cost, value engineering • Weight engineering • Design automation and information technology • Multi-discipline optimization • Systems engineering
Materials Characterization features original articles and state-of-the-art reviews on theoretical and practical aspects of the structure and behaviour of materials. The Journal focuses on all characterization techniques, including all forms of microscopy (light, electron, acoustic, etc.,) and analysis (especially microanalysis and surface analytical techniques), and must include microstructural imaging. Developments in both this wide range of techniques and their application to the quantification of the microstructure of materials are essential facets of the Journal. While X-ray, spectroscopic, and mechanical behaviour measurements are all important aspects of characterization, they are not sufficient on their own to satisfy the scope of the journal. The Journal provides the Materials Scientist/Engineer with up-to-date information on many types of materials with an underlying theme of explaining the behavior of materials from a microstructural standpoint using novel and established characterization approaches. Materials covered by the journal include:1. Metals & Alloys2. Ceramics3. Biomedical materials (only metal or ceramic based)4. Composites (only metal or ceramic based)5. Nanomaterials with structural characterization as the focus of the workPlease note that not all topics or materials fall within the scope of Materials Characterization. Submissions focused on the topics listed below will not be considered for publication, potential alternative journals are indicated in brackets: i) layered bulk materials are included, but thin films are not (Thin Solid Films; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing) ii) polymers or polymer composites (Elsevier polymer titles; Composites structures) iii) cementitious materials (Cement, Cement and Concrete Composites) iv) mechanical, electrical or other property measurements without any accompanying microstructural characterization (depending on the focus, please consider submitting to Corrosion Science; Wear; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials & Design)v) computation, theory or analysis papers without an accompanying microstructural characterization component (Computational Materials Science; Materials Science & Engineering A; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials Science & Engineering C)
Progress in Aerospace Sciences is an invitation only international review journal designed to be of broad interest and use to all those concerned with research in aerospace sciences and their applications in research establishments, industry and universities. The journal is devoted primarily to the publication of specially commissioned review articles designed to bring together under one cover current advances in the ever-broadening field of aerospace sciences. No artificial limits are imposed on the length of papers and authors are encouraged to provide specialist readers with an orderly and concise summary of recent work, including sufficient detail for more general aerospace readers to be informed of recent developments in fields other than their own.The coverage of the journal includes timely reviews in aeronautics and astronautics, especially in important aerospace areas such as aero- and gas dynamics, aero-and space structures, flight mechanics of air and space vehicles, materials, vibrations, aeroelasticity, acoustics, aero- and space propulsion, avionics, and occasionally some related areas as well, such as wind engineering and hydrodynamics. "While the emphasis is on reviews of current developments, papers providing historical perspectives on important past developments and their pioneers are also welcome. Occasionally, the journal also publishes reviews of new books on aerospace topics."