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Free Radical Biology & Medicine

  • ISSN: 0891-5849
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.9
  • Impact factor: 7.1
An official JOURNAL of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine and the Society for Free Radical Research-Europe; affiliate journal of the International Society for Free Radical Research (SFRRI)Free Radical Biology and Medicine is the premier forum for publishing ground-breaking research in the redox biology of both health and disease. We focus on signal transduction and redox signaling; oxidative stress; reductive stress; redox stress; nitrosative stress; aging and age-related diseases; redox biology in skeletal and cardiac muscle, exercise science, and sports medicine; metabolic regulation and metabolic diseases; mitochondrial function and signaling; homeostatic mechanisms and adaptive responses; redox chemistry and mechanisms; materials and nanomaterials; non-thermal plasmas; microorganisms, fungi, plants, insects, animals, and humans; and antioxidant enzymes, pathways, and networks. We welcome both full-length and short Research Communications, Hypothesis Papers, Reviews, Mini Reviews, Graphical Reviews, and Critical Methods Papers. Free Radical Biology and Medicine also commissions themed Special Issues aimed at highlighting recent advances in both basic and clinical fields, with a particular focus on mechanisms underlying altered metabolism and redox signalling.
Free Radical Biology & Medicine

Journal of Aerosol Science

  • ISSN: 0021-8502
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International JournalFounded in 1970, the Journal of Aerosol Science is the first journal specifically devoted to publishing research on the behavior of suspensions of particles and droplets in a gas, i.e. aerosols. The editors and editorial advisory board consider it the prime vehicle for the publication of original work as well as reviews related to fundamental and applied aerosol research, including aerosol instrumentation. Its content is directed at scientists working in engineering disciplines, as well as physics, chemistry, and environmental sciences. Manuscripts can focus on topics of long-standing interest in aerosol science, as well as emerging areas of interest. Editorial decisions are made based on the perceived quality and thoroughness of the submission, fit within the scope categories noted below, and novelty of the work, but not based upon speculation of the work's short term impact (i.e. perceived number of citations). While the Journal of Aerosol Science does not have any length requirements for submissions, authors are strongly encouraged to make use of online supporting information to describe particularly detailed methods, and to present supplementary results and diagrams which aid readers in understanding the main narrative.The editors specifically welcome submissions of papers describing recent experimental, numerical, and theoretical research related to the following topics. In the cover letter accompanying each submission, authors should identify the single number-letter combination which best classifies their manuscript, and explain why it is a novel contribution in this topic area.1. Fundamental Aerosol Science: a. Transport and Deposition b. Nucleation, Condensation, & Evaporation c. Radiative Absorption and Emission d. Collision Dynamics: Coagulation, Aggregation, & Charging e. Cluster Science; Atomistic Modeling and Measurements f. Aerosolization: Fluidized Beds, Atomization and Spraysg. Resuspension h. Dusty Plasmas & Non-Equilibrium Aerosols i. Population Balance Modeling2. Applied Aerosol Science: a. Aerosol-based Synthesis & Manufacturing b. Control Technology & Filtration c. Lung Deposition & Aerosol Medicine d. Inhalation Toxicology e. Bioaerosols & Aerosol based Disease Transmission f. Nuclear Aerosols g. Industrial Emission h. Combustion (Soot) & High Temperature Aerosols i. Indoor Aerosols3. Instrumentation & Measurement Methods a. Mobility Analysis b. Mass Spectrometry c. Light Scattering and Spectroscopic Techniques d. Novel Inertial Separation Schemes e. Condensation Particle Counter Developments f. Single Particle Trapping Methods g. Improved Data Inversion; Machine Learning h. Low Cost Sensors & Measurement NetworksBeside originality, a very important criterion for acceptance of a submission is its ability to communicate conclusions of general relevance to a given field.There are topics which the journal specifically does not cover, due to adequate coverage in numerous other publications. The Journal of Aerosol Science is not intended to archive data such as environmental/ambient monitoring measurements, unless new methodologies are involved or broadly relevant new conclusions for aerosol behavior are reached. Work on source apportionment, as well as global & regional climate modeling is better suited to journals with focuses on atmospheric chemistry and air quality. Routine applications of existing instruments and measurement approaches are not considered suitable for the journal. Work on instrumentation must demonstrate a significant advancement or novel implementation of the instrument or method in question. Manuscripts focusing on numerical case studies with widely available computational fluid dynamics software and built-in particle trajectory models are not appropriate for the Journal of Aerosol Science, unless the uniqueness and novelty of the approach employed is clearly evident. Numerical or analytical solutions to aerosol growth models must demonstrate that they are a significant advance over existing approaches and must not contain overly-simplified assumptions rendering them incapable of predicting the behavior of real aerosols.
Journal of Aerosol Science

Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

  • ISSN: 0165-2370
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 5.8
The Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis (JAAP) is devoted to the publication of papers dealing with innovative applications of pyrolysis processes, the characterization of products related to pyrolysis reactions, and investigations of reaction mechanism. To be considered by JAAP, a manuscript should present significant progress in these topics. The novelty must be satisfactorily argued in the cover letter. A manuscript with a cover letter to the editor not addressing the novelty is likely to be rejected without review.More specifically, the Scope of the Journal includes:Fundamental pyrolysis research on chemical substances and materials comprising: - experimental studies of pyrolysis reactions such as chemical mechanism and kinetic investigations; this includes preparative pyrolysis methods for the synthesis of novel compounds and mechanisms of high temperature reactions; - computational and theoretical studies of reaction mechanism, kinetics, and thermodynamics are acceptable, provided they are directly related to experimental data, either new or previously published, but they must be described adequately in the paper; - computational processing of pyrolysis data, such as advanced pattern recognition and principal component analysis and other multivariate analyses.Analytical pyrolysis, i.e. the characterization of a material in inert atmosphere by thermally induced degradation reactions; - exploring chemical composition and structure of materials by revealing thermal and chemical decomposition reactions leading to products fully identified by chemical and spectroscopic methods; - applications of analytical pyrolysis in environmental, biological, medical, forensic, cultural heritage, food, geochemical, polymer, and materials science; - new instrumentation and new analytical methods using pyrolysis reactions or to unravel the chemical composition of pyrolysis products.Applied pyrolysis dealing with the development of pyrolysis processes for producing valuable chemicals and/or energy carriers (gas, liquid, solid or electricity) and/or materials from fossil or renewable feedstock or waste, the recycling of materials, and the disposal of toxic substances. The manuscript must discuss the relationships between pyrolysis conditions and product characteristics. This topic includes:- various feedstock (fossil fuels, biomass, wastes, polymers, etc.) and the co-processing of different feedstock;- various thermal processes (slow and fast pyrolysis, torrefaction, carbonization, high pressure pyrolysis, catalytic pyrolysis, deoxygenation, hydropyrolysis, solvent liquefaction).The combination of a pyrolysis process with other types of treatment (mechanical, biological, or chemical) or materials characterization is within the scope of the journal only if the main focus of the manuscript is the pyrolysis process. Integrated processes combining pyrolysis reactors and products purification are welcome, if different pyrolysis conditions are studied. The computational modeling of pyrolysis reactors or processes should be related to experimental data, either new or previously published, but they must be described adequately in the paper.The pyrolysis conditions should be described thoroughly (residence times of solid and vapors, temperature distributions, etc.). The pyrolysis products must be chemically characterized. Catalysts should be physically and chemically characterized before reaction, and, when feasible analysis of catalysts after reaction is also desirable. While this may not always be possible, at least qualitative assessments should be made.The investigation of pyrolysis of a new feedstock or material with conventional methods, but without new development of the pyrolysis process is not sufficiently novel to be considered by JAAP.Review articles are invited by the Editors but may also be proposed in writing to the Review Editor. The subject of review articles should be broad enough to appeal to a wide range of readers. Discussion should be concise, but adequate. More detailed discussion may be appropriate in some cases. It is expected that reviews should be critical rather than just catalogs of published data. They should include the most important, recent advances in the topic, whereas papers of low scientific significance should be given very limited coverage.Out of the scope of JAAPThe Journal does not consider studies based on:- the activation of carbons and characterization of activated carbons;- thermal analysis, mass yields without characterization of the pyrolysis products by chemical and spectroscopic methods;- characterization and application of pyrolysis products, unless clearly related to/aimed at understanding the influence/details of pyrolysis processes and conditions;- theoretical studies, kinetic modelling etc. which are not complemented with or validated by experimental data- combustion, gasification or incineration unless specifically related to the interplay between pyrolysis and oxidation reactions.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis

Journal of Archaeological Science

  • ISSN: 0305-4403
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 2.6
The Journal of Archaeological Science is aimed at archaeologists and scientists with particular interests in advancing the development and application of scientific techniques and methodologies to all areas of archaeology. This established monthly journal publishes focus articles, original research papers and major review articles, of wide archaeological significance.The journal provides an international forum for archaeologists and scientists from widely different scientific backgrounds who share a common interest in developing and applying scientific methods to inform major debates through improving the quality and reliability of scientific information derived from archaeological research.The Journal of Archaeological Science is interested in papers that are: • Presenting major advances in scientific methods and techniques in archaeology • Showcasing innovative science • Shaping global debates • Addressing questions of broad significance • Describing studies with far-reaching applicability.If your article is concerned with the use of an established technique, please consider our sister journal Journal of Archaeological Science: ReportsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Archaeological Science

Journal of Cultural Heritage

  • ISSN: 1296-2074
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.5
A Multidisciplinary Journal of Science and Technology for Conservation and Awareness.The Journal of Cultural Heritage (JCH) is a multidisciplinary journal of science and technology for studying problems concerning the conservation and awareness of cultural heritage in a wide framework. The main purpose of JCH is to publish original papers which comprise previously unpublished data and present innovative methods concerning all scientific aspects related to heritage science.The journal aims to offer a venue to scientists from different disciplines whose common objective is developing and applying scientific methods to improve the research and knowledge on cultural heritage, in particular in the following fields: • Safeguarding, conservation and exploitation of cultural heritage; • Heritage management and economic analyses; • Computer sciences in cultural heritage; • Sustainable development and cultural heritage; • Impact of climate change on cultural heritage and management of the change.Specifically, papers should deal with the following topics:1. Analysis, knowledge and conservation of heritage assets, developing: • Novel methodologies or analytical methods for studying the composition, provenance, dating, conservation state; • New materials and methods for the preservation of objects and their assessment; • Evaluation of degradation mechanisms and prediction of possible decay processes.2. Conservation of Built Heritage (historical buildings, monuments and archaeological sites, modern and industrial buildings): • Analysis of historical materials and construction techniques; • Novel inspection, testing and monitoring techniques; • Novel or multidisciplinary analyses of materials and structures; • Energy efficiency and refurbishment.3. Innovative studies on the interaction between heritage items and the environment (climate, microclimate, light, pollution, VOC, …), including the impact of climate change, risk assessment of cultural heritage and mitigation.4. Digital technologies for knowledge, conservation and restoration, in particular: • Multimodal digitization (3D scanning, photogrammetry, multispectral imaging, X-ray, terahertz imaging, …), and data fusion; • Heterogenous data analysis, modelling, interlinking and browsing; • Semantic-aware representation of multi-dimensional digital artefacts; • Virtual, augmented and mixed reality environments; • Digital continuum (from digitization to fabrication); • Long-term preservation of digital assets.5. Economic studies about the Economy and Management of heritage assets and cultural organizations; articles must use scientific research methods (e.g., econometric and statistical analysis, economic modelling, …) and report innovative research to address economic issues and problems in the field.6. Museum conservation and technologies for the management and improvement of museum collections.The studies should be multidisciplinary, and ideally interdisciplinary, possibly spanning across some of the categories listed above.The Journal of Cultural Heritage is interested in papers: • Reporting significant advances in scientific methods and techniques; • Presenting multidisciplinary research; • Dealing with issues of wide/global interest; • Review papers dealing with specific topics in which an up-to-date "state of the art" is presented.The articles must be suitable and considered of great interest for a wide audience; thus, it is foreseen that the number of articles dealing with case studies will be reduced, in order to favor original articles. The journal is not interested in papers related to one well established technique applied to shed light on questions of local interest, nor in papers based on subjective observations or descriptive approaches. Reports on restoration/conservation activities should be avoided unless they present a specific technical or scientific novelty.Occasionally, thematic issues are published as ordinary issues or supplements.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Journal of Cultural Heritage

Journal of Ethnopharmacology

  • ISSN: 0378-8741
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.8
The Journal of Ethnopharmacology is the Official Journal of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology. The journal is dedicated to the exchange of information and understandings about people's use of plants, fungi, animals, microorganisms and minerals and their biological and pharmacological effects based on the principles established through international conventions.The Journal of Ethnopharmacology publishes original articles concerned with the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities of plant and animal substances used in the traditional medicine of past and present cultures, which document indigenous medical knowledge, study indigenous medicines in order to contribute in the long-run to improved health care in the regions of study, and which report on pharmacologically unique principles from existing indigenous remedies.The journal will particularly welcome interdisciplinary papers with an ethnopharmacological, an ethnobotanical or an ethnochemical approach to the study of indigenous drugs. It is imperative that experimental studies are aligned and related to the traditional use(s).Furthermore:Reports of anthropological and ethnobotanical field studies fall within the journal's scope.Studies involving pharmacological and toxicological mechanisms of action are especially welcome.Clinical studies on efficacy will be considered if contributing to the understanding of specific ethnopharmacological problems.The journal welcomes review articles in the above-mentioned fields especially those highlighting the multi-disciplinary nature of ethnopharmacology.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0022-1139
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.7
The Journal of Fluorine Chemistry contains reviews, original papers and short communications. The journal covers all aspects of pure and applied research on the chemistry as well as on the applications of fluorine, and of compounds or materials where fluorine exercises significant effects. This can include all chemistry research areas (inorganic, organic, organometallic, macromolecular and physical chemistry) but also includes papers on biological/biochemical related aspects of Fluorine chemistry as well as medicinal, agrochemical and pharmacological research. The Journal of Fluorine Chemistry also publishes environmental and industrial papers dealing with aspects of Fluorine chemistry on energy and material sciences. Preparative and physico-chemical investigations as well as theoretical, structural and mechanistic aspects are covered. The Journal, however, does not accept work of purely routine nature. For reviews and special issues on particular topics of fluorine chemistry or from selected symposia, please contact the Regional Editors for further details.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry

Materials Characterization

  • ISSN: 1044-5803
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.8
An International Journal on Materials Structure and BehaviorMaterials Characterization features original articles and state-of-the-art reviews on theoretical and practical aspects of the structure and behaviour of materials.The Journal focuses on all characterization techniques, including all forms of microscopy (light, electron, acoustic, etc.,) and analysis (especially microanalysis and surface analytical techniques). Developments in both this wide range of techniques and their application to the quantification of the microstructure of materials are essential facets of the Journal.The Journal provides the Materials Scientist/Engineer with up-to-date information on many types of materials with an underlying theme of explaining the behavior of materials using novel approaches. Materials covered by the journal include:Metals & AlloysCeramicsNanomaterialsBiomedical materialsOptical materialsCompositesNatural MaterialsPlease note that not all topics fall within the scope of Materials Characterization. Submissions focused on the topics listed below will not be considered for publication, potential alternative journals are indicated in brackets:i) thin film semiconductors (Thin Solid Films; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing) ii) polymers or polymer composites (Elsevier polymer titles; Composites structures) iii) mechanical, electrical or other property measurements without any accompanying microstructural characterization (depending on the focus, please consider submitting to Corrosion Science; Wear; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials & Design) iv) computation, theory or analysis papers without an accompanying microstructural characterization component (Computational Materials Science; Materials Science & Engineering A; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials Science & Engineering C)
Materials Characterization

Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

  • ISSN: 0167-2789
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Physica D (Nonlinear Phenomena) publishes research and review articles reporting on theoretical and experimental work, techniques, and ideas that advance the understanding of nonlinear phenomena. The scope of the journal encompasses mathematical methods for nonlinear systems including: wave motion, pattern formation and collective phenomena in physical, chemical and biological systems; hydrodynamics and turbulence; integrable and Hamiltonian systems; and data-driven dynamical systems. The journal encourages submissions in established and emerging application domains, for example applications of nonlinear science to artificial intelligence, robotics, control theory, complex networks, and social and economic dynamics.
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena

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