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Journals in Corrosion

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Dyes and Pigments

  • ISSN: 0143-7208
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 4.1
Dyes and Pigments covers the scientific and technical aspects of the chemistry and physics of dyes, pigments and their intermediates. Emphasis is placed on the properties of the colouring matters themselves rather than on their applications or the system in which they may be applied.Thus the journal accepts research and review papers on the synthesis of dyes, pigments and intermediates, their physical or chemical properties, e.g. spectroscopic, surface, solution or solid state characteristics, the physical aspects of their preparation, e.g. precipitation, nucleation and growth, crystal formation, liquid crystalline characteristics, their photochemical, ecological or biological properties and the relationship between colour and chemical constitution. However, papers are considered which deal with the more fundamental aspects of colourant application and of the interactions of colourants with substrates or media.The journal will interest a wide variety of workers in a range of disciplines whose work involves dyes, pigments and their intermediates, and provides a platform for investigators with common interests but diverse fields of activity such as cosmetics, reprographics, dye and pigment synthesis, medical research, polymers, etc.
Dyes and Pigments

Journal of Nuclear Materials

  • ISSN: 0022-3115
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.8
The Journal of Nuclear Materials publishes high quality papers in materials research for nuclear applications, primarily fission reactors, fusion reactors, and similar environments including radiation areas of charged particle accelerators. Both original research and critical review papers covering experimental, theoretical, and computational aspects of either fundamental or applied nature are welcome.Papers submitted to JNM should exhibit a high degree of novelty and contain a significant discussion section that analyzes and interprets the results with outcomes that advance our understanding and push the field forward. Incremental research papers are not acceptable.The breadth of the field is such that a wide range of processes and properties in the field of materials science and engineering is of interest to the readership, spanning atom-scale processes, microstructures, thermodynamics, mechanical properties, physical properties, and corrosion, for example.Topics covered by JNM Fission reactor materials, including fuels, cladding, core structures, pressure vessels, coolant interactions with materials, moderator and control components, fission product behavior.Materials aspects of the entire fuel cycle.Materials aspects of the actinides and their compounds.Performance of nuclear waste materials; materials aspects of the immobilization of wastes.Fusion reactor materials, including first walls, blankets, insulators and magnets.Neutron and charged particle radiation effects in materials, including defects, transmutations, microstructures, phase changes and macroscopic properties.Interaction of plasmas, ion beams, electron beams and electromagnetic radiation with materials relevant to nuclear systems.Topics NOT covered by JNMTopics in nuclear engineering and other areas not addressing materials, such as:Particle transport, cross-sections, shielding or isotope ratios (Radiation Physics and Chemistry; Annals of Nuclear Energy, Applied Radiation and Isotopes)Process engineering (Materials Science and Engineering A; Materials and Design)Leaching or chemical kinetics studies in aqueous, salt or other media (Hydrometallurgy; Chemical Engineering Science)Thermal hydraulics or properties of fluids (Nuclear Engineering and Design)Uranium extraction, uranium ore processing, and isotope separation processes (Nuclear Engineering and Design; Progress in Nuclear Energy)Fission or fusion reactor design and technology (Nuclear Engineering and Design; Fusion Engineering & Design)Plasma physics (Physics Letters A)Materials topics not addressing nuclear applications, such as general studies in:Physical and chemical properties including modeling and simulation (Materials Science and Engineering A; Materials Letters)Metallurgy (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Materials Science and Engineering A)Corrosion (Corrosion Science)Welding and joining (Journal of Alloys and Compounds; Materials and Design)Ceramics (Journal of the European Ceramics Society; Ceramics international)
Journal of Nuclear Materials

Progress in Organic Coatings

  • ISSN: 0300-9440
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 6.5
The aim of this international journal is to analyse and publicise the progress and current state of knowledge in the field of organic coatings and related materials. The Editors and the Editorial Board members will solicit both review and research papers from academic and industrial scientists who are actively engaged in research and development or, in the case of review papers, have extensive experience in the subject to be reviewed. Unsolicited manuscripts will be accepted if they meet the journal's requirements. The journal publishes papers dealing with such subjects as:• Chemical, physical and technological properties of organic coatings and related materials• Problems and methods of preparation, manufacture and application of these materials• Performance, testing and analysis.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Organic Coatings

Surface and Coatings Technology

  • ISSN: 0257-8972
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 5.3
An international journal devoted to the science and application of advanced surface treatments for improvement of material propertiesSurface and Coatings Technology is an international archival journal publishing scientific papers on significant developments in surface and interface engineering to modify and improve the surface properties of materials for protection in demanding contact conditions or aggressive environments, or for enhanced functional performance. Contributions range from original scientific articles concerned with fundamental and applied aspects of research or direct applications of metallic, inorganic, organic and composite coatings, to invited reviews of current technology in specific areas. Papers submitted to this journal are expected to be in line with the following aspects in processes, and properties/performance:A. Processes: Physical and chemical vapour deposition techniques, thermal and plasma spraying, surface modification by directed energy techniques such as ion, electron and laser beams, thermo-chemical treatment, wet chemical and electrochemical processes such as plating, sol-gel coating, anodization, plasma electrolytic oxidation, etc., but excluding painting.B. Properties/performance: friction performance, wear resistance (e.g., abrasion, erosion, fretting, etc), corrosion and oxidation resistance, thermal protection, diffusion resistance, hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity, and properties relevant to smart materials behaviour and enhanced multifunctional performance for environmental, energy and medical applications, but excluding device aspects.Articles must go beyond the technical recipe format and gain substantial new understanding and insight based on detailed characterization of coatings and processes. Experimental papers should provide complete information on the process parameters and an appropriate microstructural characterization. Also, papers which include test data should provide full details of the test equipment and parameters. Such papers should report on the synthesis-characterization-properties-performance relationships.Manuscripts must be written in good English and contain a balanced and up-to-date reference list formatted according to the guide-for-authors.Note to authors: In order to be considered for publication, the Covering Letter with your paper should clearly explain the novelty and originality of your research and its scientific contribution beyond previously published papers. If not, your submission will not be considered for publication and will not be sent out for peer-review.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Surface and Coatings Technology

Thin Solid Films

  • ISSN: 0040-6090
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 2
International Journal on the Science and Technology of Condensed Matter Films Thin Solid Films is an international journal which serves scientists and engineers working in the fields of thin film synthesis, characterization, modelling, and applications. The topical scope of Thin Solid Films reflects a wide range of thin film related themes: Thin film synthesis, with particular emphasis on the control of growth for desired physical propertiesSurfaces and interfacesSolar energy conversionCatalysisBatteries and other electrochemical devicesMetallurgical, protective, and hard coatingsElectronics, optics, and opto-electronicsMagnetics and magneto-opticsSuperconductivityNote to authors Contributions to Thin Solid Films should concern thin films and their potential applications. Details of film synthesis are required, together with the reproducibility of achieved results. Simulations should always be compared with corresponding original or published experimental data.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Thin Solid Films