Overview and Aim: Cement is a vital component of concrete, the most used human-made material on the planet. Roughly half of all products manufactured every year are comprised of cementitious materials. It is crucial and exciting to have an open access journal detailing the most innovative findings including translational research regarding cementitious binders. The aim of CEMENT is to broadly disseminate innovative research related to cementitious binders, concrete and composites incorporating these binders (e.g. reinforced concrete) in an open access format.CEMENT is a spinoff partner of Cement and Concrete Research.Scope: The journal will focus on thematic areas related to cement and the influence of the binder characteristics on cement-based composites including sustainability, durability, and innovative solutions, with an emphasis on increasing understanding and rapid translation of high-impact research.SustainabilityNovel cementitious materials, blended cements and individual and blended supplementary cementitious materials that present quantifiable and achievable solutionsThe development and use of cementitious materials to meet the needs of society both from an economical and a resource perspective (e.g. CO2 footprint, embodied energy, energy usage, water demand)Research which addresses social justice and the role of cementitious materials in this aspect of sustainability, including broadening societal access to reliable and modern infrastructureDurabilityService-life prediction tools, including accelerated test methods and model validations on the grounds of experimental work and/or case studies for the long-term performance of cementitious materials, in particular reinforced concreteEnhanced understanding of mechanisms behind premature deterioration and/or innovative solutions to substantially reduce or eliminate particular forms of deterioration.Investigations into combined forms of chemical, electrochemical or physical attackInnovative SolutionsComputational approaches that bring greater understanding to cementitious materials and facilitate their designNovel applications and solutions using cementitious materials to solve grand challenges in science and engineeringSolutions at the interface of fields where cementitious materials are keys to advancement such as socio-economic improvements, post-crisis transition andcountries with developing economies.Types of Papers CEMENT Considers CEMENT accepts original research manuscripts, technical notes and review articles. Special issues related to hot topics and critical needs within cement and cement-based materials are also encouraged and should be coordinated with the Editor-in-Chief.Papers related solely to structural aspects or mechanics of concrete or cement-based materials are not within the scope of CEMENT; there must be a significant focus on improvements to or understanding of the cementitious component.