An International Publication for Research Findings Related to Animal Nutrition.Animal Nutrition encompasses the full gamut of animal nutritional sciences and reviews including, but not limited to, fundamental aspects of animal nutrition such as nutritional requirements, metabolic studies, body composition, energetics, immunology, neuroscience, microbiology, genetics and molecular and cell biology related to primarily to the nutrition of farm animals and aquatic species. More applied aspects of animal nutrition, such as the evaluation of novel ingredients, feed additives and feed safety will also be considered but it is expected that such studies will have a strong nutritional focus.The strict peer-review procedure guarantees the academic level and helps raise the reputation of the journal.Animal Nutrition is indexed in SCIE, PubMed Central, Scopus, DOAJ, etc.Animal Nutrition provides many author benefits, such as Open Access in ScienceDirect or the highest possible exposure to the public, free PDFs and much more.We warmly invite you to submit your recent findings and expert reviews to Animal Nutrition.Editorial Board
Animal Reproduction Science publishes results from studies relating to reproduction and fertility in animals.Animal Reproduction Science aims to publish fundamental research and applied studies, including management practices that increase our understanding of the biology and manipulation of reproduction. It publishes articles on animals that are useful to humans including food and fibre-producing.Submissions on reproduction in aquatic animals are particularly welcomed. Manuscripts that include in vitro spermatozoa, oocyte, and embryo development are welcome, but the work must include research that goes beyond the general assessment of viability, quality, and in vitro development.The journal publishes topics including:companion/recreational; captive; and endangered species including zoo animalsreproductive physiology and endocrinologystudy of reproductive physiology and endocrinologyreproductive cyclesnatural and artificial control of reproductionpreservation and use of gametes and embryospregnancy and parturitioninfertility and sterility, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.Animal Reproduction Science does not accept submissions on reproduction in insects or laboratory animals unless the results of the study provide new information that impacts the basic understanding of the biology or manipulation of reproduction. We do not accept manuscripts concluding that any improved performance of gametes embryos or gametes in an in vitro environment will improve pregnancy outcomes without providing in vivo data to support the conclusion.Authors with any concerns are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief to enquire about the suitability of the content of their paper for submission. The Editorial Board of Animal Reproduction Science has decided not to publish papers in which there is an exclusive examination of the in vitro development of oocytes and embryos; however, there will be consideration of papers that include in vitro studies where the source of the oocytes and/or development of the embryos beyond the blastocyst stage is part of the experimental design.
Animals and Zoonoses is an international peer-reviewed, open access, professional academic journal: all accepted articles are immediately and permanently available on ScienceDirect, and are free to read, download and share. It focuses on emerging zoonotic diseases and publishes the latest research results, case reports, short communication and reviews in veterinary medicine, animal science and biomedicine. The primary aim of the journal is to promote academic exchange through prompt publication and dissemination.The journal covers the following areas:Zoonotic diseases section focuses on tracing the original source of epidemic, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and detection, prevention and vaccine development of epidemic diseases.Veterinary medicine section focuses on veterinary physiology, pathology, anatomy, veterinary epidemiology and public health, veterinary microbiology and immunology, veterinary virology and parasitology, etc.Animal science section focuses on animal genetic breeding and bioinformatics, animal nutrition and metabolic diseases, animal food safety, and laboratory zoology, etc.Biomedical science section focuses on molecular biology, cell biology and biochemistry, etc.We welcome manuscripts on original research results and reviews of basic and cutting-edge research. We also encourage submissions of relevant research that are not listed above. For detailed information on the submission categories, please refer to the Guide for Authors before submission.Editorial Board
Production and Hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain-Shams University. Peer review under the responsibility of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain-Shams UniversityAnnals of Agricultural Sciences (AOAS) is the official journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. AOAS is an open access peer-reviewed journal publishing original research articles and review articles on experimental and modelling research at laboratory, field, farm, landscape, and industrial levels. AOAS aims to maximize the quality of the agricultural sector across the globe with emphasis on the Arabian countries by focusing on publishing the high-quality applicable researches, in addition to the new methods and frontiers leading to maximizing the quality and quantity of both plant and animal yield and final products. The journal will consider research that uses comprehensive and explanatory approaches. The AOAS covers the following topics:Animal & Plant PhysiologyAnimal Breeding and NutritionAnimal & Plant BiotechnologyAnimal & Plant Molecular BiologyGenetic Diversity in Animal and Plant SpeciesFood Science and TechnologyPlant Production and Management Including Irrigation, Fertilization and Soil ManagementPlant EcophysiologyPlant Ecology and FloraPlant Abiotic and Biotic Stress Physiology and Adaptation ProcedureBotanyMedicinal Plants and Natural Active CompoundsTissue Culture TechnologyPlant-Soil RelationshipsSoil Sciences and Soil FertilityLand Resources, Land Use, and Remote SensingWater ManagementPlant NutritionOrganic AgriculturePhytoremediationModelling of Crop and Animal SystemsBionergy And Energy CropsPlant Quality and Post-Harvest PhysiologyPost-Harvest TechnologyFarming and Cropping SystemsAgroecosystems and The EnvironmentPlant-Weed Interactions and ManagementHorticultural CropsBreeding and production of Pomology, Vegetables and Ornamental plantsAgriculture Arid Land ReclamationSoilless CultureAgronomy and Crop ScienceAgricultural MicrobiologyAgricultural Virology and BacteriologyPlant-Microbe RelationshipsAgricultural EngineeringAgricultural Mechanization, Modern Irrigation Systems, Renewable Energy and BiosystemsAgricultural EconomicsFarm ManagementPlant Pest ManagementPlant ProtectionAgricultural Economic EntomologyPlant PathologyPoultry Breeding, Physiology & NutritionFish Breeding & ProductionFor queries related to the journal, please contact [email protected]
Anatomischer AnzeigerAnnals of Anatomy publish peer reviewed original articles as well as brief review articles. The journal is open to original papers covering a link between anatomy and areas such as• molecular biology, • cell biology • reproductive biology • immunobiology • developmental biology, neurobiology • embryology as well as • neuroanatomy • neuroimmunology • clinical anatomy • comparative anatomy • modern imaging techniques • evolution, and especially also • agingMoreover, manuscripts dealing with all forms of anatomical teaching and new forms of curricula will be considered for publication. Priority will be given to experimental studies; merely descriptive studies will only be published if the Editors consider that they are of functional significance.For more than a century the Annals of Anatomy have been one of the most famous and widespread journals on morphology. The journal is the official journal of the Anatomische Gesellschaft (Anatomical Society).
Antiviral Research aims to publish manuscripts in the field of prevention and treatment of viral diseases in humans and vertebrate animals, and encourages authors to the submit manuscripts describing the activity of well-defined chemical compounds for the treatment of viral diseases. The journal is an Official Publication of the International Society for Antiviral Research. The types of papers published in Antiviral Research includes original research reports, short communications, commentaries and invited review* articles on the control of viral infections in humans. The journal’s scope encompasses:antiviral drugs, antibodies and host-response modifiers, including their synthesis, in vitro and in vivo testing and mechanisms of action.identification and validation of new drug targets;laboratory animal models of viral diseases for antiviral efficacy testing;evolution of drug-resistant viruses and the development of effective counter measures;pathogenesis of viral diseases and mechanisms of viral evasion of host immune responses;assessments of drug safety;new or improved vaccines against viral infections of humans; the prevention and treatment of viral diseases of vertebrate animals, and reports of the testing of veterinary vaccines in the target animal species. All papers must include a sufficiently detailed description of methods to permit other investigators to replicate the experiments. Authors reporting the antiviral effect of a novel small-molecule drug must reveal its chemical structure. Claims of in vitro or in vivo efficacy of a drug or vaccine must be supported by appropriate statistical analysis that must be clearly described in the manuscript.Antiviral Research journal does not publish reports on viral diseases of plants or of insects, crustaceans or other invertebrates. Studies of viral diseases of livestock and companion animals must be clearly related to the development of realistic therapies. Papers on veterinary vaccines should report findings in the target animal species.We discourage the submission of manuscripts reporting the antiviral activity of unpurified natural products, or of partially purified substances of natural origin for which a mechanism of action has not been determined. Manuscripts claiming an antiviral effect of homeopathic products or other highly diluted preparations, or which fail to clearly identify the biological ingredient or molecule responsible for the antiviral activity of an experimental therapy, will not be considered for publication. Articles describing antiseptics with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity will not be accepted. We discourage the submission of in silico docking studies or other computer-based predictions of antiviral activity that are not supported by data from biological assays. Citations of reports that have not undergone peer review must include the note "[not peer-reviewed]."ISAR members Authors who are ISAR members are encouraged to contact ISAR after their paper has been accepted for publication in order to benefit from their published work being highlighted in ISAR postings on their social media platforms (further details on this will be given in the AVR acceptance letter). *Antiviral Research journal has started a new initiative to publish at least two thematic special issues per year, containing invited reviews in addition to the ad hoc invitations to experts in the areas within the scope of the journal.
Appetite is an international research journal specializing in cultural, social, psychological, sensory and physiological influences on the selection and intake of foods and drinks. It covers normal and disordered eating and drinking and welcomes studies of both human and non-human animal behaviour toward food. Appetite publishes research reports, reviews and commentaries. Thematic special issues appear regularly. From time to time the journal carries abstracts from professional meetings. Submissions to Appetite are expected to be based primarily on observations directly related to the selection and intake of foods and drinks; papers that are primarily focused on topics such as nutrition or obesity will not be considered unless they specifically make a novel scientific contribution to the understanding of appetite in line with the journal's aims and scope.Research areas covered include:• Psychological, social, sensory and cultural influences on appetite • Cognitive and behavioural neuroscience of appetite • Clinical and pre-clinical studies of disordered appetite • Nutritional influences on appetite • Food attitudes and consumer behaviour towards food • Psychology and ethnography of dietary habits • History of food culturesBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
An international journal reporting on the application of ethology to animals managed by humans. Official Journal of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE)This journal publishes relevant information on the behaviour of domesticated and utilized animals.Topics covered include:Behaviour of farm, zoo and laboratory animals in relation to animal management and welfareBehaviour of companion animals in relation to behavioural problems, for example, in relation to the training of dogs for different purposes, in relation to behavioural problemsStudies of the behaviour of wild animals when these studies are relevant from an applied perspective, for example in relation to wildlife management, pest management or nature conservationMethodological studies within relevant fieldsThe principal subjects are farm, companion and laboratory animals, including, of course, poultry. The journal also deals with the following animal subjects:Those involved in any farming system, e.g. deer, rabbits and fur-bearing animalsThose in ANY form of confinement, e.g. zoos, safari parks and other forms of displayFeral animals, and any animal species which impinge on farming operations, e.g. as causes of loss or damageSpecies used for hunting, recreation etc. may also be considered as acceptable subjects in some instancesLaboratory animals, if the material relates to their behavioural requirements
Applied Food Research is an open access scholarly journal devoted to scientific and technological applications of food science and engineering.Applied Food Research complements Elsevier food science Journals such as Food Research International, LWT and Journal of Food Engineering by offering a broader and more inclusive reach to cater for the increased spread of research interests. The Journal will focus on application-oriented works in food manufacturing and engineering and production optimization. Studies on regional products and associated review papers are of interest, as well as reporting food property data using routine procedures. This includes applications in all areas of food and process engineering for food manufacturing, including but not limited to:Novel and emerging food processing, hurdle and minimal processing, thermal processing, extrusion, value addition, dehydration, separations technology, refrigerated and frozen foods, electro-technologies, irradiation, packaging, etc. and related technology development conceptsUse of conventional and innovative extraction approaches to recover high-added value compounds (i.e nutrients and bioactives) to be used as food additives, nutraceuticals (alone or combined).Formulation of new products using optimization strategies for better organoleptic properties, nutritional qualities, environmental impact, shelf life etc.Mathematical and statistical methods for modeling and analyzing a process such as Response Surface Methodology, Artificial Neural Networks, etc.Applications in non-conventional technology areasThe Journal publishes research articles, review type articles, short communications, commentaries, as well as case studies. Case studies are "microarticles" focused on specific technologies/techniques and/or targeted food matrices as short communication (no more than 6000 words) and with a relevant industrial application.
Journal of the International Association of GeoChemistryEstablished in 1986, Applied Geochemistry is an impactful international journal aims to offer a dynamic venue for the global geochemical community to present and share original research, critical reviews, perspective and viewpoints, which have some practical applications or implications to human endeavour and wellbeing. The journal strives to publish rigorous and robust papers for a multidisciplinary and diverse audience of scientists, practitioners, policy makers in the broad environmental geoscience community. Applied Geochemistry facilitated the diffusion of numerous scientifically-novel, policy-changing and thought-leading knowledges in the field. Applied Geochemistry is the official journal of the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC). Applied Geochemistry embrace the global community of geochemical researchers who play the roles as our authors, reviewers, editors and readers. More information about the International Association of GeoChemistry can be found at the society website:http://www.iagc-society.orgAG has been at the forefront of the human endeavours in resource exploration and the (subsequent) environmental protection in the last several decades, serving the geochemical community with a reliable and dynamic source of research and knowledge about the earth systems. Papers on applications of inorganic, organic and isotope geochemistry and geochemical processes are therefore welcome provided they meet the main criterion. Spatial and temporal monitoring case studies are only of interest to our international readership if they present new ideas of broad application. Theoretical and fundamental studies applying geochemical methodologies are also welcome provided they have a well-justified application aspect.Themes covered include:Environmental Geochemistry and Biogeochemical CyclingHydrogeochemistry and HydrogeologyContaminants Processes, Impacts and RemediationGeochemical Dynamics across Air-Water-Soil InterfacesMedical Geochemistry and HealthGeochemistry in Environmental Disasters and SustainabilityMineral and Energy Resources Exploration and RecoveryThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 3 (Good health and well - being), SDG 6 (Clear water and sanitation) and SDG 13, (Climate Action)