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Journals in Toxicology

Elsevier's Toxicology collection provides essential insights for researchers and scientists into mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on organisms, covering research, analysis, risk assessment, detection, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of toxic exposure. Including toxicity testing, environmental toxicology it offers valuable knowledge for addressing public health and safety challenges by examining the adverse effects of contaminants on human health, animals, and the environment.

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International Immunopharmacology

  • ISSN: 1567-5769
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 4.8
International Immunopharmacology is the primary vehicle for the publication of original research papers pertinent to the overlapping areas of immunology, pharmacology, cytokine biology, immunotherapy, immunopathology and immunotoxicology. Review articles that encompass these subjects are also welcome.The subject material appropriate for submission includes: • Clinical studies employing immunotherapy of any type including the use of: bacterial and chemical agents; thymic hormones, interferon, lymphokines, etc., in transplantation and diseases such as cancer, immunodeficiency, chronic infection and allergic, inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. • Studies on the mechanisms of action of these agents for specific parameters of immune competence as well as the overall clinical state. • Pre-clinical animal studies and in vitro studies on mechanisms of action with immunopotentiators, immunomodulators, immunoadjuvants and other pharmacological agents active on cells participating in immune or allergic responses. • Pharmacological compounds, microbial products and toxicological agents that affect the lymphoid system, and their mechanisms of action. • Agents that activate genes or modify transcription and translation within the immune response. • Substances activated, generated, or released through immunologic or related pathways that are pharmacologically active. • Production, function and regulation of cytokines and their receptors. • Classical pharmacological studies on the effects of chemokines and bioactive factors released during immunological reactions. • Studies on the nature and function of drug and hormone receptors on lymphocytes and other cells in the immune system.• Studies of cell-derived or humoral factors that modify the immune system causing cytotoxicity, inducing antibody production and mediating inflammatory responses. • The development of immunologically based assays and their application to disease, including assays for drugs, hormones, cyclic nucleotides, tumor antigens, etc. • The Editors will be pleased to receive published books for possible independent review.Please Bookmark this URL: These Backfiles include Immunopharmacology and the International Journal of Immunopharmacology .
International Immunopharmacology

Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

  • ISSN: 1752-928X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.4
  • Impact factor: 1.2
An International journal of Forensic and Legal MedicineThe Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine publishes topical articles on aspects of forensic and legal medicine. Specifically, the Journal supports research that explores the medical principles of care and forensic assessment of individuals, whether adult or child, in contact with the judicial system. It is a fully peer-review hybrid journal with a broad international perspective. It is the official journal for the Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians.The Journal accepts submissions of original research, review articles, and pertinent case studies, editorials, and commentaries in relevant areas of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Context of Practice, and Education and Training. All aspects of the medical principles of care and forensic assessment of individuals in contact with the judicial system are examined and the journal has a broad international perspective.Topics covered in the journal include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following, particularly within the clinical setting:Forensic medicine training, forensic medicine national systemsHealthcare in police and prison custody, death in custody and restraint injuriesDeath investigation and causes of deathSuicide, para-suicide and deliberate self-harmChild abuse and neglectInterpersonal violence, assault and injury, personal injury, elder abuse, domestic violenceSexual assaultHuman rights when involving refugee and asylum medicineTraffic and transportation medicineDrug and alcohol misuse, drink and drug drivingMedical law and medical negligenceMass disasterTortureExtra-judicial deathsHuman rightsThe Journal adheres to strict publication ethical guidelines, and actively supports a culture of inclusive and representative publication.
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

Legal Medicine

  • ISSN: 1344-6223
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.4
  • Impact factor: 1.3
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Legal Medicine.Legal Medicine provides an international forum for the publication of original articles, reviews and correspondence on subjects that cover practical and theoretical areas of interest relating to the wide range of legal medicine.Subjects covered include forensic pathology, toxicology, odontology, anthropology, criminalistics, immunochemistry, hemogenetics and forensic aspects of biological science with emphasis on DNA analysis and molecular biology. Submissions dealing with medicolegal problems such as malpractice, insurance, child abuse or ethics in medical practice are also acceptable.
Legal Medicine

Life Sciences

  • ISSN: 0024-3205
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.3
  • Impact factor: 5.2
Life Sciences is an international journal publishing articles that emphasize the molecular, cellular, and functional basis of therapy. The journal emphasizes the understanding of mechanism that is relevant to all aspects of human disease and translation to patients. All articles are rigorously reviewed.The Journal favors publication of full-length papers where modern scientific technologies are used to explain molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms. Articles that merely report observations are rarely accepted. Recommendations from the Declaration of Helsinki or NIH guidelines for care and use of laboratory animals must be adhered to. Articles should be written at a level accessible to readers who are non-specialists in the topic of the article themselves, but who are interested in the research. The Journal welcomes reviews on topics of wide interest to investigators in the life sciences. We particularly encourage submission of brief, focused reviews containing high-quality artwork and require the use of mechanistic summary diagrams.Manuscripts should present novel preclinical findings addressing questions of biological significance to human disease. Studies that fail to do so may be rejected without review. Quantitative conclusions must be based on truly quantitative methods. Life Sciences does not publish work on the actions of biological extracts of unknown chemical composition. Compounds studied must be of known chemical structure and concentration. The study must be reproducible; materials used must be available to other researchers so they can repeat the experiment. Clinical studies may be considered if they expand understanding of mechanism, but the journal does not encourage clinical trial reports.Four common reasons for rejection include: out of scope (the manuscript does not conform to the goal of identification of mechanisms related to therapy for human disease); too preliminary (manuscript is based on a limited amount of experimental data diminishing significance); lack of novelty (manuscript is well done but does not address a significant question); unidentified structure (actions of biological extracts of unknown chemical composition).
Life Sciences

Microbial Risk Analysis

  • ISSN: 2352-3522
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 3
Microbial Risk Analysis considers articles dealing with the study of risk analysis applied to microbial hazards. Manuscripts must cover at least one of the components of risk assessment (risk characterization, exposure assessment, etc.), risk management and/or risk communication in any microbiology field (clinical, environmental, food, veterinary, etc.). The journal also considers articles in the following areas (as long as they integrate some aspect of microbial risk analysis):Predictive microbiologyVector-borne disease risksRisk related to epizootic studies of emerging diseases and plant diseasesQuantitative microbial ecologyMathematical modelingRisk studies applied to microbial ecologyQuantitative microbiology for epidemiological studiesStatistical methods applied to microbiologySystematic reviews and meta-analysis to generate informationEvidence and data that can be used in microbial risk assessmentLaws and regulatory policies aimed at lessening the risk of microbial hazards.Risk studies of viruses, parasites, microbial toxins, antimicrobial resistant organisms, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and recombinant DNA products.
Microbial Risk Analysis

Mutation Research: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis

  • ISSN: 0027-5107
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 1.5
A section of Mutation ResearchMutation Research (MR) provides a platform for publishing all aspects of DNA mutations and epimutations, from basic evolutionary aspects to translational applications in genetic and epigenetic diagnostics and therapy. Mutations are defined as all possible alterations in DNA sequence and sequence organization, from point mutations to genome structural variation, chromosomal aberrations and aneuploidy. Epimutations are defined as alterations in the epigenome, i.e., changes in DNA methylation, histone modification and small regulatory RNAs.MR publishes articles in the following areas:Of special interest are basic mechanisms through which DNA damage and mutations impact development and differentiation, stem cell biology and cell fate in general, including various forms of cell death and cellular senescence.The study of genome instability in human molecular epidemiology and in relation to complex phenotypes, such as human disease, is considered a growing area of importance.Mechanisms of (epi)mutation induction, for example, during DNA repair, replication or recombination; novel methods of (epi)mutation detection, with a focus on ultra-high-throughput sequencing.Landscape of somatic mutations and epimutations in cancer and aging.Role of de novo mutations in human disease and aging; mutations in population genomics.Interactions between mutations and epimutations.The role of epimutations in chromatin structure and function.Mitochondrial DNA mutations and their consequences in terms of human disease and aging.Novel ways to generate mutations and epimutations in cell lines and animal models.MR supports and follows the general direction proposed by all major societies in the field part of the International Association of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Societies (IAEMGS):Asociacion Latinoamericana de Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis y Teratogenesis Ambiental (ALAMCTA)Brazilian Association of Mutagenesis and Environmental Genomics (MutaGen-Brasil)Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society (CEMS)European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS)Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS)Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMS India)Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS)The Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society (JEMS)Korean Environmental Mutagen Society (KEMS)Molecular and Experimental Pathology Society of Australasia (MEPSA)Pan-African Environmental Mutagen Society (PAEMS)Philippines Environmental Mutagen Society (PEMS)Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS)Other Mutation Research sections: DNA Repair Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (MRGTEM) Mutation Research - Reviews (MRR)
Mutation Research: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis

Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis

  • ISSN: 1383-5718
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.3
A section of Mutation ResearchMutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (MRGTEM) publishes papers advancing knowledge in the field of genetic toxicology. Papers are welcomed in the following areas:New developments in genotoxicity testing of chemical agents (e.g., in methodology of assay systems and interpretation of results).Alternatives to and refinement of the use of animals in genotoxicity testing.Nano-genotoxicology, the study of genotoxicity hazards and risks related to novel man-made nanomaterials.Studies of epigenetic changes in relation to genotoxic effects.The use of structure-activity relationships in predicting genotoxic effects.The isolation and chemical characterization of novel environmental mutagens.The measurement of genotoxic effects in human populations, when accompanied by quantitative measurements of environmental or occupational exposures.The application of novel technologies for assessing the hazard and risks associated with genotoxic substances (e.g., OMICS or other high-throughput approaches to genotoxicity testing).Telomere biology as an endpoint for examination of the effects of chemicals and other environmental exposures.MRGTEM is now accepting submissions for a new section of the journal, "Current Topics in Genotoxicity Testing," that will be dedicated to the discussion of current issues relating to design, interpretation, and strategic use of genotoxicity tests. This section is envisaged to include discussions relating to the development of new international testing guidelines, but also to wider topics in the field. The evaluation of contrasting or opposing viewpoints is welcomed as long as the presentation is in accordance with the journal’s aims, scope, and policies.MRGTEM supports and follows the general direction proposed by all major societies in the field part of the International Association of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Societies (IAEMGS):Asociacion Latinoamericana de Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis y Teratogenesis Ambiental (ALAMCTA)Brazilian Association of Mutagenesis and Environmental Genomics (MutaGen-Brasil)Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society (CEMS)European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS)Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS)Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMS India)Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS)The Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society (JEMS)Korean Environmental Mutagen Society (KEMS)Molecular and Experimental Pathology Society of Australasia (MEPSA)Pan-African Environmental Mutagen Society (PAEMS)Philippines Environmental Mutagen Society (PEMS)Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS)Other Mutation Research sections: DNA Repair Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (MR) Mutation Research - Reviews (MRR)
Mutation Research: Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis

Mutation Research: Reviews in Mutation Research

  • ISSN: 1383-5742
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6.4
The subject areas of Mutation Research - Reviews in Mutation Research (MRR) encompass the entire spectrum of the science of mutation research and its applications, with particular emphasis on the relationship between mutation and disease. Thus, this section will cover:Advances in human genome research (including evolving technologies for mutation detection and functional genomics) with applications in clinical genetics, gene therapy and health risk assessment for environmental agents of concernGenetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis (including the factors that modulate the genetic activity of environmental agents) will continue to be prominent topics in this section.MRR supports and follows the general direction proposed by all major societies in the field part of the International Association of Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Societies (IAEMGS):Asociacion Latinoamericana de Mutagenesis, Carcinogenesis y Teratogenesis Ambiental (ALAMCTA)Brazilian Association of Mutagenesis and Environmental Genomics (MutaGen-Brasil)Chinese Environmental Mutagen Society (CEMS)European Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EEMGS)Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS)Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMS India)Iranian Environmental Mutagen Society (IrEMS)The Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society (JEMS)Korean Environmental Mutagen Society (KEMS)Molecular and Experimental Pathology Society of Australasia (MEPSA)Pan-African Environmental Mutagen Society (PAEMS)Philippines Environmental Mutagen Society (PEMS)Thai Environmental Mutagen Society (TEMS)Other Mutation Research sections: DNA Repair Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (MR) Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis (MRGTEM)
Mutation Research: Reviews in Mutation Research


  • ISSN: 0161-813X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Affiliated with the International Neurotoxicology AssociationNeuroToxicology specializes in publishing peer-reviewed original research papers describing the effects of toxic substances on the nervous system across the lifespan as determined in humans and/or experimental models (in vivo, in vitro, in silico). The Journal welcomes papers dealing with the neurotoxic effects of occupationally and environmentally relevant exposures to agents (chemical, physical, biological, pharmacological or naturally occurring), singly or in mixtures, including complex mixtures, such as air pollution. Papers describing neurotoxic outcomes associated with natural disasters, industrial accidents, and terrorist attacks are also welcome.Experimental (animal, in vitro, in silico) papers focused on the neurotoxic effects of undefined commercial formulas (i.e., pesticide formulations) will be considered only if the authors report the chemical composition of the formulation and/or determine whether neurotoxic effects are due to the active chemical ingredient(s), carrier, or combination. For human studies, the components of formulations or other mixtures should be identified, but if not available, the source of exposure (i.e. commercial formulation, air pollution, wildfires, hurricanes, and other natural or industrial disasters) should be described as fully as possible.NeuroToxicology welcomes papers describing interventions for mitigating or reversing neurotoxic outcomes, but will accept papers reporting on neuroprotective or neurorestorative properties of formulations, botanical extracts, or other natural products only if full chemical identification and purification information of the active molecule(s) is provided. NeuroToxicology does not accept case reports.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Neurotoxicology and Teratology

  • ISSN: 0892-0362
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Affiliated with the The Developmental Neurotoxicology Society, formerly known as The Neurobehavioral Teratology Society.Neurotoxicology and Teratology provides a forum for publishing new information regarding the effects of chemical and physical agents on the developing, adult, or aging nervous system. In this context, the fields of neurotoxicology and teratology include studies of agent-induced alterations of nervous system function, with a focus on behavioral outcomes and their underlying physiological, neurochemical, molecular, and immunological mechanisms. The Journal publishes original, peer-reviewed Research Reports of experimental, clinical, and epidemiological studies that address the neurotoxicity and/or functional teratology of pesticides, solvents, heavy metals, nanomaterials, organometals, industrial compounds, mixtures, drugs of abuse, pharmaceuticals, animal and plant toxins, atmospheric reaction products, and physical agents such as radiation and noise. These reports include traditional mammalian neurotoxicology experiments, human studies, studies using non-mammalian animal models, and mechanistic studies in vivo or in vitro. Special Issues, Reviews, Commentaries, and Symposium Papers provide timely updates on areas that have reached a critical point of synthesis, on aspects of a scientific field undergoing rapid change, or on areas that present special methodological or interpretive problems. Theoretical Articles address concepts and potential mechanisms underlying interactions of agents of interest with the nervous system. Short Communications concisely describe a new method, technique, apparatus, or experimental result.
Neurotoxicology and Teratology