Providing a scientific forum for practical applications and theoretical advances of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the life sciences and related disciplines including (but not restricted to):New AI methods for life science researchAdaptation of existing AI concepts for life science applicationsApplication of AI approaches in: Molecular and systems biologyPopulation and disease geneticsBio- and cheminformaticsMedicinal chemistry, chemical biology, and drug discoveryMedical researchPublications are required to contain substantial AI and life science components. Clinical studies reporting routine diagnostic efforts hall outside the scope of AILSCI.Background: Artificial Intelligence originates from computer science and covers a wide range of approaches intended to enhance the ability of machines to make data-driven decisions and accurate predictions of events. In many scientific fields, AI is being increasingly considered and integrated, especially in the context of Big Data. Given their complexity and highly interdisciplinary nature, the life sciences provide ample opportunities for AI to impact R&D efforts in a variety of ways.Key words: Artificial Intelligence; Life Sciences; Drug Discovery; Bio- and Cheminformatics, Machine Learning; Machine Intelligence; Deep Learning; Data Mining; Big Data.
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