The Journal of the Institute of Materia Medica, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association Peer Review under the responsibility of Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical AssociationActa Pharmaceutica Sinica B (APSB) is a monthly journal, in English, which publishes significant original research articles, rapid communications and high quality reviews of recent advances in all areas of pharmaceutical sciences including pharmacology, pharmaceutics, medicinal chemistry, natural products, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical analysis and pharmacokinetics.APSB is a series of journal of Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, which was founded in 1953, indexed in Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus, SciFinder Scholar, Biological Abstracts, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Current Bibliography on Science and Technology, etc. It sponsored by Insititute of Materia Medica, Chineses Acedemy of Medical Sciences and Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
Heliyon considers research from all areas of the physical, applied, life, social and medical sciences. We publish manuscripts reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards. As such Heliyon publishes new insights as well as extensions on existing theories, negative/null results and replication studies.Submissions covering arts, humanities and law are not considered in Heliyon. Authors of these submissions are encouraged to submit directly to our partner journal Social Sciences & Humanities Open.Heliyon classifies manuscripts/articles into different sections based on the research topic discussed. Some sections exclude certain types of studies from their scope. To know more and to see the kind of manuscripts the various sections publish, please visit: dedicated in-house editorial office team, internal editors as well as external academic section and associate editors handle your manuscript and manage the publication process, giving your research the editorial support and quality control it deserves.If it's important to you, it's important to us. Submit your paper today.
The Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology is an international journal devoted to drug delivery and pharmaceutical technology. It is the Offical Journal of the Association de Pharmacie Galenique Industrielle (APGI), Associazione Docenti e Ricercatori Italiani di Tecnologie e Legislazione Farmaceutiche (ADRITELF), and Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan (APSTJ).The journal covers all innovative aspects of all pharmaceutical dosage forms and the most advanced research on: • Controlled release • Bioavailability and drug absorption • Nanomedicines • Gene delivery • Tissue engineering, etc.Hot topics, related to manufacturing processes and quality control, are also welcomed.