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Journals in Inflammation and allergy

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International Immunopharmacology

  • ISSN: 1567-5769
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 4.8
International Immunopharmacology is the primary vehicle for the publication of original research papers pertinent to the overlapping areas of immunology, pharmacology, cytokine biology, immunotherapy, immunopathology and immunotoxicology. Review articles that encompass these subjects are also welcome.The subject material appropriate for submission includes: • Clinical studies employing immunotherapy of any type including the use of: bacterial and chemical agents; thymic hormones, interferon, lymphokines, etc., in transplantation and diseases such as cancer, immunodeficiency, chronic infection and allergic, inflammatory or autoimmune disorders. • Studies on the mechanisms of action of these agents for specific parameters of immune competence as well as the overall clinical state. • Pre-clinical animal studies and in vitro studies on mechanisms of action with immunopotentiators, immunomodulators, immunoadjuvants and other pharmacological agents active on cells participating in immune or allergic responses. • Pharmacological compounds, microbial products and toxicological agents that affect the lymphoid system, and their mechanisms of action. • Agents that activate genes or modify transcription and translation within the immune response. • Substances activated, generated, or released through immunologic or related pathways that are pharmacologically active. • Production, function and regulation of cytokines and their receptors. • Classical pharmacological studies on the effects of chemokines and bioactive factors released during immunological reactions. • Studies on the nature and function of drug and hormone receptors on lymphocytes and other cells in the immune system.• Studies of cell-derived or humoral factors that modify the immune system causing cytotoxicity, inducing antibody production and mediating inflammatory responses. • The development of immunologically based assays and their application to disease, including assays for drugs, hormones, cyclic nucleotides, tumor antigens, etc. • The Editors will be pleased to receive published books for possible independent review.Please Bookmark this URL: These Backfiles include Immunopharmacology and the International Journal of Immunopharmacology .
International Immunopharmacology

Transplant Immunology

  • ISSN: 0966-3274
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Transplant Immunology will publish up-to-date information on all aspects of the broad field it encompasses. The journal is directed to general scientific and medical audience but in particular to basic and applied scientists, transplant-related laboratory personnel, transplant physicians and surgeons. The journal will present research reports and clinical data on all immunological aspects of organ-, tissue-, and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Furthermore, the journal is interested to publish high quality basic and clinical research in immunology, physiology and pathophysiology related to processes and diseases affecting transplant patients. Original papers, Brief reports, Cases reports and Review articles and Hypotheses will be considered for publication. Submitted manuscripts will be rapidly peer-reviewed and published. They will be judged on the basis of scientific merit, originality, timeliness and quality.
Transplant Immunology