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Journals in Environmental quality of soils

Farming System

  • ISSN: 2949-9119
Farming System provides a platform to discuss farming system design, integrated crop and livestock production, farming management, and economic and sustainable development. The journal publishes original scientific papers, reviews, short communications, perspectives, and comments.The scope of Farming System includes:Farming System Design and Innovation: development and application of tools and methods for farming system design and management; decision-making and resource allocation in farming system; sustainability assessment and design of farming system and decision support tools; crop distribution and resources sustainability; crop modeling at either farm-, landscape-, regional-, national- and global-scale; the application of remote sensing in monitoring production at farm to global scale; farming system optimization;Farming System Development and Assessment: regional agricultural green development assessment; food security assessment from the perspective of farming system; the synergism assessment of crop production, economic benefits, ecosystem services, environmental sustainability of farming system; farming systems life cycle assessment (LCA); water footprint, carbon footprint, nitrogen footprint and other environmental footprints of farming system; crop resilience and adaption to climatic change;Sustainable Farming Management: sustainable intensification of resources, lower environmental consequence, carbon sequestration and emission reduction. For instance, diversified cropping, the combination of farming and animal husbandry, organic farming, low-carbon farming, eco-farming, green farming, circular agriculture, conservation agriculture, regenerative agriculture, environment-friendly agriculture, and climate-smart agriculture;Crop, Soil, and Environment Interactions: the mechanism of crop, soil, and environment interactions; crop growth process under different environments; the soil processes and microbial mechanisms supporting high crop yield, high efficiency, and low environmental impact;Research Frontier and Interdisciplinary in Farming System: new ideas, hypotheses, theories, and technologies that are adopted or fulfilled to solve the problems in farming system research and practice, such as new materials (nano-, chemical-, etc.), smart agriculture.


  • ISSN: 1002-0160
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.3
  • Impact factor: 5.2
Pedosphere - A peer-reviewed international journal was founded in 1991 and is published bimonthly in English by Elsevier Limited and Science Press.Pedosphere is sponsored jointly by the Soil Science Society of China and the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences in cooperation with 5 of the most important Chinese institutions and universities working in the field of soil science: China Agricultural University; the Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Nanjing Agricultural University; South China Agricultural University; and Zhejiang University.The Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Shen Ren-Fang, who is Honorary President of the Soil Science Society of China, and Director of the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.Pedosphere welcomes submissions from scientists around the world under a broad scope of topics relevant to timely, high quality original research findings, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of soil science studies dealing with environmental science, ecology, agriculture, bioscience, geoscience, forestry, etc. It publishes mainly original research articles as well as some reviews, mini reviews, short communications and special issues; and its areas of particular interest include soil physics; soil chemistry; soil biology and biochemistry; soil fertility and plant nutrition; soil resources and use; soil mineralogy; soil environment and ecology; soil and water conservation; forest, range, and wetland soils; soil salinity and management; soil and plant analysis and technology; and soil gases and global change.Papers submitted to the Journal Pedosphere must be sent out for double-blind in-depth peer review by the Editorial Committee , which is composed of 42 foreign and 21 Chinese worldwide renowned soil scientists from 24 countries, and by its scientific review panel composed of thousands of internationally invited experts prior to acceptance for publication.Pedosphere has been abstracted/indexed in most of relevant internationally important databases and abstracts, such as Current Contents/AB and ES, Science Citation Index Expanded, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS, CAB Abstracts, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, SCOPUS, ScienceDirect, VINITI Abstracts Journal, Elsevier BIOBASE, GEOBASE, ASCI, Pollution Abstracts, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt, Environment Encyclopedia and Directory, Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts, Soils and Fertilizers, Water Resources Abstracts, Agroforestry Abstracts, Field Crop Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, Geographical Abstracts, Geological Abstracts, Geomechanics Abstracts, Grasslands and Forage Abstracts, Horticultural Abstracts, International Development Abstracts, Maize Abstracts, Nematological Abstracts, CSCD, CSTPCD, CJCR, CNKI, CAJCED, Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts, Rice Abstracts, and Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts.To date the published papers in Pedosphere submitted by authors from over 30 countries outside China, such as the USA, UK, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, Poland, India, Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan, Greece, Syria and Bangladesh, have accounted for more than 30% of the total. Additionally, over 90% of the published articles in the journal belong to research projects supported by various international and national scientific foundations.Pedosphere's audience: Scientific and technical researchers and workers as well as university and college teachers and students related to soil science, environmental science, ecology, bioscience, geoscience, agriculture, forestry, etc.All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via Pedosphere Online Editorial System (POES) - the web-based online manuscript submission, tracking, peer-review, and editorial management system of Pedosphere - which can be accessed at subscription outside China: Elsevier is responsible for overseas subscription of the journal. Please subscribe to the journal via or contact the Elsevier Customer Service Department at the Regional Sales Office nearest you, as listed in the inside cover of the journal. For domestic subscription in China: Please subscribe to the journal in local post offices throughout China (domestic postal distribution code: 2-576).Editorial Committee and Editorial Office of Pedosphere Address: P. O. Box 821, 71 East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, P. R. China Tel.: +86-25-8688 1235; Fax: +86-25-8688 1256 E-mail: [email protected] URL:

Soil & Environmental Health

  • ISSN: 2949-9194
Soil & Environmental Health (SEH) is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality papers with soil and environmental health focus. The journal welcomes high-quality process-oriented and hypothesis-based submissions, which are based on novel research that contribute towards sustainable soil and environmental management, and explore the nexus between soil health and functions, environmental and human health, and related ecosystem services. To take on multiple societal grand challenges, soil and environmental health research requires the integrated contributions of scientists from different disciplines, across the natural and social sciences and engineering disciplines. SEH aims to publish cutting-edge novel research that promotes the fundamental understanding, practical technological applications, and realistic policy implementation to promote soil and environmental health.Subject areas include, but are not limited to:Scientific foundation of the soil and environmental health concept;Case studies exploring the implementation of the soil health concept;The one-health concept to promote soil, human and planetary health;Soil health indicators for different soil threats and related thresholds;Soil and environmental health monitoring and mapping;Methods to assess and model soil and environmental health;Nexus between environmental health, soil functions and ecosystem services;Sustainable soil and environmental management and engineering;Soil and environmental health policy and legislation;The economy of soil and environmental health.

Soil Security

  • ISSN: 2667-0062
Soil security is the ability for soil to sustain functions to provide planetary services and human wellbeing.The journal of Soil Security (The Global Journal of Soil Security Research) aims to publish papers covering all facets of this far-reaching definition. In particular, the journal focuses on uni-disciplinary and multidisciplinary evidence-based research on all aspects of soil security. Disciplines may include natural, economic, social and political sciences.The journal covers four thematic areas:Soil security dimensions which are soil capability (=soil quality), condition (=soil health, conservation, regeneration, degradation and pollution), capital (production, natural, conservation), connectivity (= soil awareness, education, social licensing) and codification (=soil governance, policy, regulation, law).Soil functions which cover the range of functions which soil performs to sustain humanity and planetary system functioning. These are inter alia being a substrate to support plant growth, regulating water and nutrient cycling, being a store and filter for contaminants, being able to sequester carbon, and supporting a diversity of organisms.Global existential challenges and nexus. Links between soil and climate change, food security, water security, energy security, human health, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.The UN sustainable development goals including Zero Hunger, Good Health, Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Change Policy, Life on Land. Other international instruments, e.g., UNCCD's Land Degradation Neutrality, UNFAO's Global Soil Partnership.In any of the work, the focus should be on soil.