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Journals in Theoretical biology

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Ecological Complexity

  • ISSN: 1476-945X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 3.1
An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical EcologyEcological Complexity is an international journal devoted to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on the complex nature of ecological systems, observed and theoretical and special issues on related and emerging topics. In addition to ecological questions, the journal welcomes papers that ask ecological questions by linking natural and social processes at various spatio-temporal scales.Ecological Complexity will publish research into the following areas: • Ecosystems and the biosphere as complex adaptive systems • Self-organization of spatially extended ecosystems • Emergent properties and structures of complex ecosystems • Ecological pattern formation in space and time • The role of biophysical constraints and evolutionary attractors on species assemblages • Ecological scaling (scale invariance, scale covariance and dynamics across scales), allometry, and hierarchy theory • Ecological topology and networks • Studies towards an ecology of complex systems • Approaches to complex systems for the study of dynamic human-environment interactions • Using knowledge of nonlinear phenomena to better guide policy development for adaptation strategies and mitigation to environmental change • New tools and methods for studying ecological complexityThe papers that should appear in this journal are characterized by: • Biocomplexity related to the environment and vice versa • Inter disciplinarity (e.g. biology, ecology, environmental science, mathematics, modelling) • Integration of natural and social processes (esp. over time)
Ecological Complexity

Journal of Theoretical Biology

  • ISSN: 0022-5193
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.9
  • Impact factor: 1.9
The Journal of Theoretical Biology is the leading forum for theoretical perspectives that give insight into biological processes. It covers a very wide range of topics and is of interest to biologists in many areas of research, including:• Brain and Neuroscience • Cancer Growth and Treatment • Cell Biology • Developmental Biology • Ecology • Evolution • Immunology, • Infectious and non-infectious Diseases, • Mathematical, Computational, Biophysical and Statistical Modeling • Microbiology, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry • Networks and Complex Systems • Physiology • Pharmacodynamics • Animal Behavior and Game TheoryAcceptable papers are those that bear significant importance on the biology per se being presented, and not on the mathematical analysis. Papers that include some data or experimental material bearing on theory will be considered, including those that contain comparative study, statistical data analysis, mathematical proof, computer simulations, experiments, field observations, or even philosophical arguments, which are all methods to support or reject theoretical ideas. However, there should be a concerted effort to make papers intelligible to biologists in the chosen field.Whatever the topic of the paper, please note that the biological significance of the problem being studied should be clearly stated. In addition, Highlights are required for each article and they should feature the biological applications as well as any theoretical advancements.Highly speculative papers not based on current biological knowledge will not be accepted. Importantly, papers in which only mathematics is utilized, only technical mathematical results are proved, or standard statistical/bioinformatics methods are applied to existing genomic data, without new theoretical perspective or biologically novel insight will NOT be considered. The journal does not accept unsolicited review papers. Comments on theoretical issues or on papers published specifically in the Journal of Theoretical Biology are welcomed in the form of Letters to the Editors.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Theoretical Biology

Mathematical Biosciences

  • ISSN: 0025-5564
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Mathematical Biosciences publishes work providing new concepts or new understanding of biological systems using mathematical models, or methodological articles likely to find application to multiple biological systems. Papers are expected to present a major research finding of broad significance for the biological sciences, or mathematical biology. Mathematical Biosciences welcomes original research articles, letters, reviews and perspectives.
Mathematical Biosciences