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Journals in Epidemiology

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American Journal of Infection Control

  • ISSN: 0196-6553
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.1
  • Impact factor: 3.8
The Official Publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc.AJIC covers key topics and issues in infection control and epidemiology. Infection control professionals, including physicians, nurses, and epidemiologists, rely on AJIC for peer-reviewed articles covering clinical topics as well as original research. As the official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC). AJIC is the foremost resource on infection control, epidemiology, infectious diseases, quality management, occupational health, and disease prevention. AJIC also publishes infection control guidelines from APIC and the CDC. AJIC is included in Index Medicus and CINAHL.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
American Journal of Infection Control

Annals of Epidemiology

  • ISSN: 1047-2797
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Sponsored by the American College of EpidemiologyAnnals of Epidemiology is devoted to epidemiologic research and methodological development. The journal emphasizes the application of epidemiologic methods to issues that affect the distribution and determinants of human illness in diverse contexts, and their impact on public health. Its primary focus is on chronic and acute conditions of diverse etiologies and of major importance to clinical medicine, public health, and health care delivery.Annals encourages the use of epidemiology in a multidisciplinary approach to understanding disease etiology. Annals accepts submissions in the following categories: Original research, Review articles, Editorials, Commentaries, Brief Communications, Letters to the Editor, and Protocols/Methods papers.The journal publishes topics including:Infectious and chronic diseasesEnvironmental healthPopulation based methods to describe health and disease and their determinantsNovel applications of epidemiologic methodsNovel data sources including registries, metadata, paradataAssessments of local and state public health data and programs using epidemiologic methodsUse of public health data and metrics to describe and assess equity in public health programsProtocols and methods, especially with novel study designs or analytic approachesFor more information concerning the American College of Epidemiology (ACE), please visit their home page at .
Annals of Epidemiology

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

  • ISSN: 0895-4356
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.5
  • Impact factor: 7.3
The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology aims at promoting the quality of clinical and patient-oriented health care research through the advancement and application of innovative methods of:conducting and presenting primary research;synthesizing research results;disseminating results;and translating results into optimal clinical practice;with special attention to the training of new generations of scientists and clinical practice leaders.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

  • ISSN: 1499-4046
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Official Publication of Society for Nutrition Education and BehaviorThe Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB), the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, since 1969, serves as a global resource to advance nutrition education and behavior related research, practice, and policy. JNEB publishes original research, as well as papers focused on emerging issues, policies and practices broadly related to nutrition education and behavior. These topics include, but are not limited to, nutrition education interventions; theoretical interpretation of behavior; epidemiology of nutrition and health; food systems; food assistance programs; nutrition and behavior assessment; and public health nutrition. Strategies to implement nutrition education, such as policy, systems, and environmental approaches or technological advances are also considered. Skill development within interventions, such as food procurement and culinary expertise; physical activity partnered with nutrition education; and strategies to reduce food insecurity are valued.In addition to Research Articles and Briefs, JNEB accepts Intervention Methods, Questionnaire Development Methods, Perspectives, Reports, Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews, and GEMS (Great Educational Materials that have an evaluative component). Reviews of Educational Materials are invited. JNEB encourages data sharing to enhance scientific integrity. The procedure for submitting possible topics for position papers of SNEB can be found at, and calls for papers related to specific themed issues are also available at
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology

  • ISSN: 1877-5845
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that provides a home for high quality work which straddles the areas of GIS, epidemiology, exposure science, and spatial statistics. The journal focuses on answering epidemiological questions where spatial and spatio-temporal approaches are appropriate. The methods should help to advance our understanding of infectious and non-infectious diseases in humans.The journal will also consider applications where health care provision is the focus. Coverage of veterinary topics will be included, and those with direct human health implications are especially welcome. The journal places special emphasis on spatio-temporal aspects of emerging diseases (e.g. COVID-19, avian flu, SARS), development of spatial statistical and computational methods, and novel applications of geospatial technology (e.g., GPS, GIS) for shedding insights on exposure and disease processes.The journal accepts three different types of submissions: 1. Methods papers that outline new methodology in the areas of GIS, spatial statistics, exposure science, and/or epidemiology; 2. Case Study/Applications papers where recently developed methodology is applied to novel applications with a clear exposure/disease focus; and 3. Short reports where a) they are around 4-8 text pages in length b) they focus on an important novel development and c) the development should be capable of description within the page length. Case Studies progress reports in the form of 'what we have done so far' are not acceptable as Short Reports unless they comply with b) or c) above.
Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology