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Journals in Endocrinology and metabolism

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Journal of Clinical Densitometry

  • ISSN: 1094-6950
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Assessment and Management of Musculo-Skeletal Health The Official Journal of The International Society for Clinical DensitometryThe official journal of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD), the Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment and Management of Musculo-Skeletal Health publishes the latest clinical research on the uses of bone mass and density measurements in medical practice, as well as state-of-the-art review articles on critical topics.The Journal is committed to serving ISCD's mission - the education of heterogenous physician specialties and technologists who are involved in the clinical assessment of skeletal health. The focus of JCD is bone mass measurement, including epidemiology of bone mass, how drugs and diseases alter bone mass, new techniques and quality assurance in bone mass imaging technologies, and bone mass health/economics.Combining high quality research and review articles with sound, practice-oriented advice, JCD meets the diverse diagnostic and management needs of radiologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, rheumatologists, gynecologists, family physicians, internists, and technologists whose patients require diagnostic clinical densitometry for therapeutic management.
Journal of Clinical Densitometry

Journal of Diabetes and its Complications

  • ISSN: 1056-8727
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.9
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications (JDC) is a journal for health care practitioners and researchers. JDC aims to act as a source of information usable by diabetes practitioners and researchers to increase their knowledge about mechanisms of diabetes and complications development. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications also aims to promote better management of people with diabetes who are at risk for those complications. JDC publishes original research about the pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus and its complications as well as articles on physiological and molecular aspects of glucose homeostasis.Manuscripts submitted to JDC can report any aspect of basic, translational or clinical research as well as epidemiology.Topics can range broadly from early prediabetes to late-stage complicated diabetes.The journal publishes topics relevant to basic/translational reports including:pancreatic islet dysfunction and insulin resistancealtered adipose tissue function in diabetesaltered neuronal control of glucose homeostasismechanisms of drug actionAnd also topics relevant to diabetic complications including:diabetic retinopathyneuropathynephropathyperipheral vascular diseasecoronary heart diseasegastrointestinal disordersrenal failureimpotencehypertensionhyperlipidemia
Journal of Diabetes and its Complications


  • ISSN: 0026-0495
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.6
  • Impact factor: 10.8
Metabolism promotes excellence in research by publishing high-quality original research, as well as reviews, editorials and commentaries, related to all aspects of human metabolism.Work considered for publication in Metabolism includes studies in humans, animal and cellular models. Work with strong translational potential is prioritized.The journal publishes topics including:Obesity, Energy Intake and Expenditure and the Neuroscience of Energy HomeostasisMetabolic Syndrome, Prediabetes and DiabetesNutrition, Exercise and the EnvironmentGenetics and Genomics, Proteomics and MetabolomicsCarbohydrate, Lipid and Protein MetabolismEndocrinology and HypertensionMineral and Bone MetabolismCardiorenal-liver-metabolic syndrome, Steatotic Liver Disease, Cardiovascular Diseases and MalignanciesInflammation in metabolism and immunometabolismThe journal is published in association with Metabolism Open .


  • ISSN: 1567-7249
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.2
  • Impact factor: 3.9
Official Journal of the Mitochondria Research Society Affiliated with the Japanese Society of Mitochondria Research and MedicineMitochondrion is a definitive, high profile, peer-reviewed international research journal. The scope of Mitochondrion is broad, reporting on basic science of mitochondria from all organisms and from basic research to pathology and clinical aspects of mitochondrial diseases. The journal welcomes original contributions from investigators working in diverse sub-disciplines such as evolution, biophysics, biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, genetics, pharmacology, toxicology, forensic science, programmed cell death, aging, cancer and clinical features of mitochondrial diseases.Mitochondrion includes: MitoMatters: Editorial and news of general interest invited by Editorial Office. Profiles and Perspectives: Invited by Editorial Office and written by senior investigators in the field. The Mito Mew: Editorial and news of general interest. Review Articles: Reviews of major importance in mitochondrial biology. These articles will be peer-reviewed. Articles may be of any length; however, unusually long articles should be discussed with the editor before submission. Fast Track Articles: Peer-reviewed, short studies that are refereed rapidly and published generally within 10 weeks. These papers should be a concise complete piece of work of special significance and timeliness and should not exceed 4 printed pages (i.e., 10 pages of double-spaced typescript, including tables and figures up to a total number of 4). Original Articles: Peer-reviewed, high-quality, concise research investigations that represent new and significant contributions to science. Letters to the Editor: Comments on papers published in the Journal and on other matters of interest to mitochondria researcher. Book Reviews: invited by the editorial office. Announcements and Calendar: Providing notices of forthcoming meetings, courses, and other events relevant to mitochondria researchers.


  • ISSN: 0143-4179
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The aim of Neuropeptides is the rapid publication of original research and review articles, dealing with the structure, distribution, actions and functions of peptides in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The explosion of research activity in this field has led to the identification of numerous naturally occurring endogenous peptides which act as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, or trophic factors, to mediate nervous system functions. Increasing numbers of non-peptide ligands of neuropeptide receptors have been developed, which act as agonists or antagonists in peptidergic systems.The journal provides a unique opportunity of integrating the many disciplines involved in all neuropeptide research. The journal publishes articles on all aspects of the neuropeptide field, with particular emphasis on gene regulation of peptide expression, peptide receptor subtypes, transgenic and knockout mice with mutations in genes for neuropeptides and peptide receptors, neuroanatomy, physiology, behaviour, neurotrophic factors, preclinical drug evaluation, clinical studies, and clinical trials.Original papers predominate. Manuscripts may be of any length, but must be complete studies; preliminary communications are not accepted. Review articles and hypothesis papers are welcomed, and will be evaluated in the same way as experimental papers. Authors intending to submit a review are advised to communicate their intentions to the Editor, to avoid possible duplication.


  • ISSN: 0899-9007
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.2
The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional SciencesFounded by Michael M. Meguid in the early 1980's, Nutrition presents advances in nutrition research and science, informs its readers on new and advancing technologies and data in clinical nutrition practice, encourages the application of outcomes research and meta-analyses to problems in patient-related nutrition; and seeks to help clarify and set the research, policy and practice agenda for nutrition science to enhance human well-being in the years ahead. Papers on nutrition-related plant or animal sciences are unlikely to be considered as they are outside the main focus of the Journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Nutrition Research

  • ISSN: 0271-5317
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.4
An International Publication for Nutrition to Advance Food and Life Science ResearchThe mission of Nutrition Research is to serve as the premier journal for the global communication of nutrition sciences research. Our primary goal is to publish research across the broad field of nutrition sciences that advances human health and promotes clinical applications through a comprehensive understanding of dietary patterns, foods, nutrients, and bioactive food components. This understanding includes exploring diet-related interactions with environmental exposures, human behavior, genetics, and underlying health status.Nutrition Research aims to contribute to the advancement of fundamental knowledge and facilitate research translation in support of public health. We achieve this by publishing nutrition sciences research that establishes mechanisms and demonstrates the efficacy or detriment of dietary exposures and interventions. We welcome studies conducted in humans, populations, and cellular and animal models, particularly those related to biomolecular nutrition, precision nutrition, (multi)omic workflows, nutrition interventions, randomized controlled trials, and novel methodological approaches and techniques that advance the nutrition sciences field. Furthermore, Nutrition Research is committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice in the field through the dedicated efforts of its globally diverse editorial board. We also actively encourage the submission of research from all geographic regions and topics addressing health inequities and improvements in the health of vulnerable and/or underrepresented populations.Nutrition Research publishes peer-reviewed research and articles related to all aspects of nutrition sciences that are relevant to the health of humans and populations. We welcome the following types of submissions:Original research articles presenting hypothesis-driven studies performed in humans, or in animal models or cellular systems with physiological relevance to humans.Narrative and systematic reviews and meta-analyses focusing on fundamental and applied nutrition.Research methodology and study design of human clinical trials.Short communications.Editorials and opinions on emerging or controversial nutrition and dietary issues.Since 2010 Nutrition Research has sponsored the David Kritchevsky Graduate Student Award with support provided by Elsevier. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding articles published in Nutrition Research by graduate and professional students. Annually, two awards of $1000 (USD) each are presented to these early-career scientists.Additional Information & Inquiries: Richard S. Bruno, PhD, RD ([email protected]) is the Editor-in-Chief of Nutrition Research and is responsible for decisions on all manuscript submissions with the assistance and recommendation of Associate Editors who coordinate peer-review in collaboration with Editorial Board Members or outside expert scientists. A Social Media Specialist also assists with the promotion of journal content, including over Twitter @NutrtnResrch, and a Managing Editor helps to coordinate the manuscript submission process.Authors are encouraged to read and follow the Guide for Authors. Contact the Nutrition Research Editorial Office for any assistance, including manuscript preparation, the peer review process, or for pre-submission inquiries to determine appropriateness of manuscript topics. Please contact Joanna Hodges, PhD (Managing Editor; [email protected]).
Nutrition Research


  • ISSN: 0306-4530
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 3.4
The Official Journal of the International Society of Psycho­neuro­endocrinologyPsychoneuroendocrinology publishes papers dealing with the interrelated disciplines of psychology, neurobiology, endocrinology, immunology, neurology, and psychiatry, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary studies aiming at integrating these disciplines in terms of either basic research or clinical implications. One of the main goals is to understand how a variety of psychobiological factors interact in the expression of the stress response as it relates to the development and/or maintenance of neuropsychiatric illnesses. The journal is international and comprises original research papers, reviews of an area of the literature, or at an appropriate stage in the development of the author's own work, commentaries in areas of current interest, short communications and book reviews. Although reviews, editorials and commentaries are usually by invitation, interested authors can contact the Editor-in-Chief to discuss the suitability of topics for either category of manuscripts.Authors are also welcome to submit their manuscripts to the journal?s open access companion title, Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology .

The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

  • ISSN: 0955-2863
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Devoted to advancements in nutritional sciences, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry presents experimental nutrition and clinical nutrition research as it interfaces with biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology, and toxicology. The scope of the journal includes the broad area of in vivo and in vitro studies of mechanistic aspects of nutritional sciences. Preferred manuscripts include studies, which focus on nutrients and/or bioactive compounds with nutritional value derived from diets/whole foods as it relates to: biochemistry, molecular biology, toxicology, immunology or physiology and human health and diseases.Rigorous reviews by an international editorial board of distinguished scientists ensure publication of the most current and key research being conducted in nutrition at the cellular, animal and human level. In addition to its monthly features of critical reviews and research articles, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry also periodically publishes emerging issues, experimental methods, and other types of articles such as but not limited to policy statements.Contact InformationReto Asmis, Ph.D, Editor-in-Chief The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Professor, Internal Medicine, Section on Molecular Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine Medical Center Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC 27157 E-mail address: [email protected]
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry

The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

  • ISSN: 2213-8587
  • 5 Year impact factor: 38.2
  • Impact factor: 44
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology is an authoritative forum for key opinion leaders across medicine, government, and health systems to influence clinical practice, explore global policy, and inform constructive, positive change worldwide. The journal is the global leader for essential original research in diabetes and endocrinology and delivers expert review and candid commentary, providing a clear, independent perspective about the clinical advances and practice-changing research shaping these fields globally.The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology publishes papers that reflect the rich variety of ongoing clinical research in these fields, in particular in the areas of diabetes, obesity, nutrition and metabolism, osteoporosis, adrenal disorders, bone metabolism, growth disorders, lipid disorders, neuroendocrinology, paediatric endocrinology, pituitary disorders, reproductive endocrinology, and thyroid disorders.
The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology