Secondary School Graduation: University Entrance Qualification in Socialist Countries: A Comparative Study is a comparative study of the qualifications of secondary school students for university entrance in five socialist countries (Czechoslovakia, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Romania, and USSR). The importance of terminal awards to social and educational policy is emphasized. This monograph is comprised of five chapters and opens with an overview of the research project and its aims as well as the methodology used, followed by a discussion on the expansion of secondary education as a trend in industrial societies. The problem situation of secondary stage II education in relation to the terminal awards with higher education entrance qualification is also considered. The following chapters explore similarities and differences in the socialist system of education; the structural characteristics of secondary level II; educational policy in the socialist states; and the desire to incorporate secondary stage II into the sphere of compulsory schooling in all five countries. This text will appeal to educators and policymakers as well as students entering university.
Trends in Airborne Equipment for Agriculture and Other Areas is a collection of papers presented at a Seminar on Techno-economic Trends in Airborne Equipment for Agriculture and other Selected Areas of the National Economy (Aero-agro '78), organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and held in Warsaw, Poland, on September 18-22, 1978. Contributors examine the role of airborne equipment in agriculture and other areas from the perspectives of economic, technical and environmental concerns. Attention is paid to the value of soil surveys and land evaluation maps and of biogeographical analyses of pest outbreaks in planning aerial application operations. This book is comprised of 45 chapters and begins with a discussion on the economic aspects of airborne equipment, with emphasis on the value of bio-aeronautics in crop production and protection and of aircraft in the management of biological resources. Among the many techniques to improve economic efficiency, speed and timing are highlighted. The technical design and operation of equipment for aircraft are also considered, along with the use of helicopters as airborne cranes for a wide range of applications such as building construction and geological surveys. The results of experiments on the corrosive effects of pesticides, both in water and oil suspensions, are presented. A non-polluting insecticide particularly suited for ultra-low volume operations is also described, together with the use of light aircraft for fighting forest fires. This monograph will be a valuable resource for economists and agriculturists as well as policymakers in both areas.
Politics and the Media: Film and Television for the Political Scientist and Historian focuses on the use of film and television in the study of history and political science. Television-based history teaching in the context of the traditional university is discussed, along with the impact of broadcasting in democratic politics and the possibilities of using film in courses on American government and politics. This book is comprised of 14 chapters and begins with an analysis of some of the ramifying problems of media production in the political field, paying particular attention to the priorities and constraints within which the political message has been conceived, stored, and transmitted. The experience of the BBC in the presentation of political and current affairs on television is highlighted. Attention turns to problems associated with availability of material; the political content of broadcasting; and Hollywood feature films as social and political evidence. Subsequent chapters explore film as a teaching resource; the structural approach to film analysis; broadcast television archives; and audiovisual sources and research into modern British politics. The final chapter presents an annotated list of some European film collections. This monograph will be of value to political scientists, historians, teachers, students, researchers, and the general public interested in broadcast media.
Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, Volume I focuses on the thoughts of Mao Tse-Tung on differences in social structure, communism, revolution, economics, war tactics, and welfare of the masses. The book first discusses the analysis of the classes in Chinese society and the peasant movement in Hunan. The text then ponders on the reasons why red political power can exist in China. Topics include internal political situation; reasons for the emergence and survival of red political power; and the problem of military bases. The publication takes a look at the struggle in the Chingkang mountains, including the independent regime in the Hunan-Kiangsi border area and the August defeat and the situation in the area under the independent regime. The book also examines the characteristics of China's revolutionary war and strategic defensive tactics, including concentration of troops, mobile warfare, and strategic retreat. Mao Tse-Tung's call for a united effort to wage resistance against Japan is also underscored. The book is a prime reference for readers interested in the philosophy of Mao Tse-Tung.
Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, Volume V focuses on the positions of Mao Tse-Tung on communism, revolution, national unity, and patriotism. The volume first offers information on the socialist revolution and construction, taking into consideration the unity of Chinese people and acknowledgement of the bravery of comrades who gave up their lives in the people's war of liberation. The book also takes a look at the call for Chinese People's Volunteers to support the Korean people's war of liberation. The book focuses on the points of the resolution adopted at the meeting of the political bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, including propaganda and education campaign for resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, party consolidation and building, urban work, and rectification movement. The text also elaborates on the victory of China in the war against the United States; support of China for the Korean people's war of liberation; and the draft constitution of the People's Republic of China. The volume is a reliable source of information for readers interested in the views of Mao Tse-Tung on communism, revolution, civil war, and patriotism.
Global Models and the International Economic Order: A Paper for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research Project on the Future focuses on the impact of global models in decision-making processes and in the pursuance of United Nations objectives as manifested in the concept of the New International Economic Order. The book first offers information on the description and results of studies, including limits to growth, Strategy for Survival model, Latin American world model, global constraints and vision for development, and the United Nations World Input-Output model. The manuscript also examines the comparison of model results. Concerns include structure of models, regionalization in the models, trade and aid, assumptions about demand and overall supply, and levels of regional development. The text also ponders on methodological considerations, as well as structure, detail, and feedback; calibration; sensitivity and scenario analysis; and optimizing models. The manuscript is a dependable reference for readers interested in the use of global models in decision making processes.
A Parent's Guide to Examinations: From Primary School to University provides an account of examinations in Wales and England from the primary school stage to the university. This book discusses the intense competition in universities that led to procedures being adopted for the administration of students. Organized into 12 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the examinations taken in the primary school in relation with selection for secondary schools. This text then describes the examinations themselves as well as some aspects of the system that has produced them. Other chapters consider the differences between the different types of schools, the organization of Local Education Authorities, and the administration of technical colleges and universities. This book discusses as well the courses for operatives, draftsmen, and technicians. The final chapter deals with grants for students at teacher training colleges. This book is a valuable resource for readers who are interested in the working of the system.
Society, Schools and Progress in England examines the role of education in society and its contribution to progress. This text presents a descriptive analysis of changing purposes in English education, highlighting the plans and crises as well as the constant efforts in the past hundred years to fit education and meet the needs of an evolving industrial society. This book is comprised of eight chapters and begins by providing the historical and institutional background, followed by a discussion on administration, the school system, family influences, and background social forces. In particular, the function of Parliament in relation to education is considered, along with the relationship between education and industry; the widening of educational opportunity in connection with concerns over the crude social and economic barriers to further progress; and the proposed reforms for the educational system. This book also looks at the efforts of the early twentieth century to create a national system of secondary education and concludes by assessing what has been achieved so far and what still needs to be done in improving the education in England. This reference material is intended to serve students of sociology, government and politics, and education.
The Earliest Years: The Growth and Development of Children under Five examines the growth and development of children during the first five years of life. Topics include patterns of growth and the importance of mother-child relationship in child development; the child's widening world and growing independence; the importance of play in young children; and nursery school education. This book is comprised of six chapters and begins by comparing a five-year-old child to a newborn baby in terms of learning and skills. The next chapter focuses on a child's patterns of growth during the first year of life and the role of the mother or mother-substitute in all the aspects of child development at this stage. The third chapter explains how the child at one to three years of age begins to embrace and familiarize with the new rhythms of life, with emphasis on walking, talking, toilet training, and feeding. This book then describes how a child becomes more independent of the mother at 3-5 years of age and develops social relationships with other children of the same age. This text also considers the specific values that play provides to very young children and what types of play offer the best means for overall development. The final chapter looks at the provisions of nursery schools to meet the needs of the young child. This book will be of interest to parents, psychologists, and educators.
Man, Nature, and Art focuses on the interrelation of man, nature, and art. The book first elaborates on dancing, myth, ritual, and symbolism, and biology and art. The text then elaborates on man and the symbol, unity, sex, and love, man and the community, and man and agriculture. The manuscript takes a look at scientific revolution, rise of individualism, disintegration of community, and Robinson Crusoe and concept of the isolation of man. The text then examines the influence of Rembrandt, revolutions and the violence of Goya, Samuel Palmer and his contention of pastoral man, and analysis of technology and materialism in the novels of Dickens. The book is a fine reference for students and researchers interested in the interrelation of man, nature, and art.