Relativity: The Theory and its Philosophy provides a completely self-contained treatment of the philosophical foundations of the theory of relativity. It also surveys the most essential mathematical techniques and concepts that are indispensable to an understanding of the foundations of both the special and general theories of relativity. In short, the book includes a crash course in applied mathematics, ranging from elementary trigonometry to the classical tensor calculus. Comprised of 11 chapters, this book begins with an introduction to fundamental mathematical concepts such as sets, relations, and functions; N-tuples, vectors, and matrices; and vector algebra and calculus. The discussion then turns to the concept of relativity and elementary foundations of Newtonian mechanics, as well as the principle of special relativity and its interpretation by means of empiricism and rationalism. Subsequent chapters focus on the status of the doctrine of conventionalism in the theory of special relativity; the commensurability of classical and relativistic mechanics; mathematical foundations of special relativistic physics; and the classical or Newtonian theory of gravitation. The principle of general covariance and its relation to the principle of general relativity are also examined. The final chapter addresses the fundamental question as to the actual information concerning the structure of spacetime that is conveyed to us through the theory of general relativity. This monograph will be of interest to students, teachers, practitioners, and researchers in physics, mathematics, and philosophy.
Science and Convention: Essays on Henri Poincare's Philosophy of Science and The Conventionalist Tradition contains essays concerned with Henri Poincare's philosophy of science, physics in particular, and with the conventionalist tradition in philosophy that he revived and reshaped, simultaneously with, but independently of, Pierre Duhem. Separating five essays as chapters, the book discusses the main ideas of the philosophy (Essays 1 and 5), traces at least some of its historical background (Essays 1, 2, and 3), and provides some of its developments (Essays 2 and 4).
International and National Library and Information Services: A Review of Some Recent Developments 1970-80 is the second in a series that surveys developments in specific types of library and information services and subject fields over a period of 5 to 15 years, according to the nature of the topic. The survey is from the point of view of the role of national libraries in national and international library and information systems. Organized into 10 chapters, this book begins with a description of intergovernmental organizations; international library and information associations; and conference of directors of national libraries. Subsequent chapters discuss developments in this field of interest in the Americas, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North Africa, Asia, and Oceania. This book will be useful to public, school, and university libraries, and to schools of librarianship and information science.
Mathematics as a Cultural System discusses the relationship between mathematics and culture. The book is comprised of eight chapters discussing topics that support the concept of mathematics as a cultural system. Chapter I deals with the nature of culture and cultural systems, while Chapter 2 provides examples of cultural patterns observable in the evolution of mechanics. Chapter III treats historical episodes as a laboratory for the illustration of patterns and forces that have been operative in cultural change. Chapter IV covers hereditary stress, and Chapter V discusses consolidation as a force and process. Chapter VI talks about the singularities in the evolution of mechanics, while Chapter 7 deals with the laws governing the evolution of mathematics. Chapter VIII tackles the role and future of mathematics. The book will be of great interest to readers who are curious about how mathematics relates to culture.
Education in the USSR examines the current and official Soviet educational philosophy, with emphasis on social, moral, and political aspects of Soviet education. Organized into five chapters, this book begins with a discussion on the origins of Soviet educational philosophy. Then, the Soviet school as an organization is explained. Subsequent chapters elucidate the moral education and political socialization of Soviet schoolchildren, and the education for labor, patriotism, and defense. The education of Soviet teachers is also addressed.
Selected Speeches and Writings contains Konstantin Chernenko's selected speeches and writings. Some of his writings are entitled, "The Leninist Strategy of Peace in Action," "Communists in the USSR," "For Lasting Peace and Dependable Security in Europe," and "Trust and Cooperation among Nations-The Guarantee of Peace and Security." His speeches include those presented at a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of awarding the Order of the Red Banner to the borderguard unit of the Red Banner Eastern Border District, on August 16, 1979. Other speeches presented at a Soviet-Bulgarian friendship meeting at the telephone and telegraph equipment factory in Sofia, on December 5, 1979, and at a meeting in Havana with students and teachers of the Lenin Boarding School are included as well.
Towards a System of Lifelong Education: Some Practical Considerations focuses on the need to create a sound system of lifelong education, taking into consideration the processes, conditions, and factors involved. The book starts by defining lifelong education; how learning is done throughout an individual’s lifetime; and the relationship of lifelong education with educational practices and services. These topics are followed by the discussion of ideologies of lifelong education; the implementation of educational policies; and the methodologies involved in education practices. The book discusses as well the legislation related to lifelong education. The role of government, institutions, and international cooperation in promoting lifelong education is then highlighted. The book ends by stressing the role of educational administration in the advancement of lifelong education. This topic covers the relationship of bureaucracy and education; the complexity of the process of administration; and the problems that arise. The alternative financing arrangement for lifelong education is also emphasized. This selection is valuable to those who are interested in conducting studies on lifelong education, particularly how it is planned, implemented, and assessed.
Recent Advances in School Librarianship presents several discussions that aim to improve the quality of school library services. The book is comprised of six chapters that cover different issues concerning school librarianship. Chapter I discusses the growth and development of school librarianship, and Chapter II talks about co-operation and planning in school librarianship. Chapters III and IV review the attainment of the educational role of the school librarians, as well as their education. Chapter V examines the development of school library in different countries. Chapter VI provides conclusive discussion regarding the development of school librarianship. The book will be of great interest to individuals who are concerned with the advances of school library services.
Popper and After: Four Modern Irrationalists focuses on a tendency in the philosophy of science, of which the leading representatives are Professor Sir Karl Popper, the late Professor Imre Lakatos, and Professors T. S. Kuhn and P. K. Feyerabend. Their philosophy of science is in substance irrationalist. They doubt, or deny outright, that there can be any reason to believe any scientific theory; and a fortiori they doubt or deny, for example, that there has been any accumulation of knowledge in recent centuries. The book is composed of two parts and Part One explains how these writers succeeded in making irrationalism about science acceptable to readers. Part Two explores the intellectual influence that led these writers to embrace irrationalism about science.
U.S.-China Trade Negotiations examines the issues concerning the U.S.-China trade negotiations by identifying the mechanics of the U.S.-China business negotiations, such as how a company prepares the negotiations, the contributing factors, the outcomes, and how U.S. companies organize for the China trade. The book provides information based on a survey of 138 U.S. firms that are in trade negotiations with the Chinese, such as import/export, joint ventures, coproduction, and processing. The text also covers the edited versions of interviews conducted with firms regarding how they prepared for negotiations, their experiences, and the outcomes of the negotiations. The selection will be of great interest to readers who are looking for an insight regarding the inner workings of the U.S.-China trade relations.