Reconstructing Meaning After Trauma: Theory, Research, and Practice informs actual therapeutic work with clients who present with traumas or other life disruptions by providing clinicians with information on the construction of meaning. It includes material on diverse mechanisms of clinical change and positive-promoting processes. The book covers identifiable treatments and specific lines of research in assisting clients in developing new meaning, such as posttraumatic growth (after sexual assault, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer, destructive natural phenomena, such as hurricanes, and refugee experiences), and finding benefit (in the context of loss—loss of health, or loss of a loved one).
The Psychology of Gender and Health: Conceptual and Applied Global Concerns examines the psychological aspects of the intersection between gender and health and the ways in which they relate to the health of individuals and populations. It demonstrates how gender should be strategically considered in the most routine research tasks—from establishing priorities, constructing theory, designing methodologies, in data interpretation, and how to practically apply this information in clinical contexts. The topics covered in its chapters answer the needs of professionals, students, and faculty, providing an up-to-date conceptual tool that covers the relationships that exist between gender and health. The book will not only help users build expertise in psychology in gender and health, but also contribute to the awareness and training of psychologists as dynamic actors in the implementation of the gender perspective in their studies, reflections, research, and health interventions.
Acquisition of Complex Arithmetic Skills and Higher-Order Mathematics Concepts focuses on typical and atypical learning of complex arithmetic skills and higher-order math concepts. As part of the series Mathematical Cognition and Learning, this volume covers recent advances in the understanding of children’s developing competencies with whole-number arithmetic, fractions, and rational numbers. Each chapter covers these topics from multiple perspectives, including genetic disorders, cognition, instruction, and neural networks.
Parkinson’s Disease: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Pathology explores the molecular pathways at the basis of the cellular defects connected to Parkinson’s disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disease, and the most common movement disorder. This book presents the latest research on the pathways and mechanisms that have been discovered to play a role in Parkinson's pathology. This focus on mechanisms rather than individual genes allows the contributors to elaborate on overlapping and joint functions of different causative genes. Readers will find descriptions of model systems that present parallels (and differences) between discoveries in different species, demonstrating the importance of multidisciplinary research that spans a broad array of technologies and model organisms. Written from both a cross-methodology and cross-species perspective, the book provides readers with the current state of knowledge on the molecular biology of Parkinson’s.
Forensic Science Reform: Protecting the Innocent is written for the nonscientist to help make complicated scientific information clear and concise enough for attorneys and judges to master. This volume covers physical forensic science, namely arson, shaken baby syndrome, non-accidental trauma, bite marks, DNA, ballistics, comparative bullet lead analysis, fingerprint analysis, and hair and fiber analysis, and contains valuable contributions from leading experts in the field of forensic science.
The Psychology of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior: Victim and Offenders Perspectives is not just another formulaic book on forensic psychology. Rather, it opens up new areas of enquiry to busy practitioners and academics alike, exploring topics using a practical approach to social deviance that is underpinned by frontier research findings, policy, and international trends. From the relationship between psychopathology and crime, and the characteristics of catathymia, compulsive homicide, sadistic violence, and homicide victimology, to adult sexual grooming, domestic violence, and honor killings, experts in the field provide insight into the areas of homicide, violent crime, and sexual predation. In all, more than 20 internationally recognized experts in their fields explore these and other topic, also including discussing youth offending, love scams, the psychology of hate, public threat assessment, querulence, stalking, arson, and cults. This edited work is an essential reference for academics and practitioners working in any capacity that intersects with offenders and victims of crime, public policy, and roles involving the assessment, mitigation, and investigation of criminal and antisocial behavior. It is particularly ideal for those working in criminology, psychology, law and law enforcement, public policy, and for social science students seeking to explore the nature and character of criminal social deviance.
Global Health Informatics: How Information Technology Can Change Our Lives in a Globalized World discusses the critical role of information and communication technologies in health practice, health systems management and research in increasingly interconnected societies. In a global interconnected world the old standalone institutional information systems have proved to be inadequate for patient-centered care provided by multiple providers, for the early detection and response to emerging and re-emerging diseases, and to guide population-oriented public health interventions. The book reviews pertinent aspects and successful current experiences related to standards for health information systems; digital systems as a support for decision making, diagnosis and therapy; professional and client education and training; health systems operation; and intergovernmental collaboration.
Handbook of Commercial Policy explores three main topics that permeate the study of commercial policy. The first section presents a broad set of basic empirical facts regarding the pattern and evolution of commercial policy, with the second section investigating the crosscutting legal issues relating to the purpose and design of agreements. Final sections cover key issues of commercial policy in the modern global economy. Every chapter in the book provides coverage from the perspectives of multilateral, and where appropriate, preferential trade agreements. While most other volumes are policy-oriented, this comprehensive guide explores the ways that intellectual thinking and rigor organize research, further making frontier-level synthesis and current theoretical, and empirical, research accessible to all.
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging, Volume 1B provides the economic literature on aging and associated subjects, presenting comprehensive portraits of both social and theoretical issues. As the second of two volumes in this series on the economics of population aging, it continues the discussion, delving deeper into topics such as the labor market and human resource issues, gerontology, history, and the sociological and political ramifications of this fascinating topic whose inception dates back to the late 1970’s. This volume includes literature that has appeared in general economics journals, in various field journals in economics, especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor market and human resource issues, information from interdisciplinary social science and life science journals, and data presented in papers by economists published in journals associated with gerontology, history, sociology, political science, and demography, amongst others.
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging, Volume 1A, provides the economic literature on aging and associated subjects, including social insurance and healthcare costs. This text explores the economic literature on aging and associated subjects, including social insurance, health care costs, the interests of policymakers, and the role of academics. As the first of two volumes, users will find it a great resource on the topics associated with the economics of aging. Together with its companion, volume 1B, this work includes literature that has appeared in general economics journals, in various field journals in economics, especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor market and human resource issues, information from interdisciplinary social science and life science journals, and data presented in papers by economists published in journals associated with gerontology, history, sociology, political science, and demography, amongst others.