The economic literature on international migration interests policymakers as well as academics throughout the social sciences. These volumes, the first of a new subseries in the Handbooks in Economics, describe and analyze scholarship created since the inception of serious attention began in the late 1970s. This literature appears in the general economics journals, in various field journals in economics (especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor market and human resource issues), in interdisciplinary immigration journals, and in papers by economists published in journals associated with history, sociology, political science, demography, and linguistics, among others.
The economic literature on international migration interests policymakers as well as academics throughout the social sciences. These volumes, the first of a new subseries in the Handbooks in Economics, describe and analyze scholarship created since the inception of serious attention began in the late 1970s. This literature appears in the general economics journals, in various field journals in economics (especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor market and human resource issues), in interdisciplinary immigration journals, and in papers by economists published in journals associated with history, sociology, political science, demography, and linguistics, among others.
The economic literature on international migration interests policymakers as well as academics throughout the social sciences. These volumes, the first of a new subseries in the Handbooks in Economics, describe and analyze scholarship created since the inception of serious attention began in the late 1970s. This literature appears in the general economics journals, in various field journals in economics (especially, but not exclusively, those covering labor market and human resource issues), in interdisciplinary immigration journals, and in papers by economists published in journals associated with history, sociology, political science, demography, and linguistics, among others.
The main theme of the book is the globalisation of China’s markets and Chinese business management in the context of ongoing reform at home and the country’s growing global economic role. The Globalisation of Chinese Business includes contributions relating to a wide range of manufacturing and service sectors, encompassing such areas as foreign investment, state and private enterprise, human resource management, consumer culture and advertising, financial markets and healthcare. Following an introduction by the editor there are four sections, the first focused on the globalisation of Chinese management and the second on the evolution of Chinese management. The remaining sections contain chapters on China’s growing service sector, growing markets and competition, and healthcare system reform. An epilogue by the editor in the remaining section concludes.
China's Road to Development is a collection of papers by specialists on aspects of China's economy and society. It covers a wide range of subjects, from development strategy to the specifics of small-scale energy exploitation, from the role of women in China's development to the 'greening' of China through great efforts in afforestation. Commenting on the limited issue original edition (a special issue of the journal World Development) from which this volume has been greatly expanded, Dr. Knowles, President of the Rockefeller Foundation, wrote: "A magnificent collection ot essays by very astute and experienced observers, covering everything from population control, health, economic planning, trade, city planning and rural development to Chinese aid in building the Tanzania-Zambia railway. If I could only afford two books on modern China, I would get this one..."
Some of the most important developments of the last quarter century relate to the internationalization of financial issues: the advent of free trade areas; the efforts of the European Union in establishing a single currency; burdens of international indebtedness; and the economic growth and development of nations.International financial systems are increasingly fragile and vulnerable in the face of possible international financial shock. Exchange rate issues and other changes in financial conditions have profound consequences not only for multinational corporations which have to devise new ways of managing their global operations, but also for firms and industries at the national level.The papers in this book confront these and other problems in international finance that have arisen in recent years, seeking to identify causal linkages at the global, national and company levels.
This volume surveys the state-of-the-art of global international modeling. All 15 models included in the survey feature national or regional disaggregation of the world economy and interdependencies among the various nations and regions. A few are constructed for short-term forecasting, but the primary focus is on long-run models and applications.Macroeconomic, input-output, general equilibrium, trade and exchange rate, and several hybrid models are included. A cross-sectional analysis by the editor compares the structures, linkage mechanisms, methodologies and applications of the various models and concludes with some observations on prospective research trends.
This book provides a theory of trade between countries in at least one of which the pattern of competitive markets is disturbed by a powerful national labour union and in which, therefore, wage distortions are endogenous; the book then proceeds to re-examine the several comparative-equilibrium questions of conventional trade theory. In addition, several questions are confronted which can be posed only in the new framework.In Chapters II and III, two well-known models of production and trade are taken. In Chapter IV the analysis of Chapter II is reconsidered under the assumption that there is a strong labour union in each trading country. Chapters V-VII broaden the scope of analysis by allowing for capital accumulation and its interaction with union policies.
Get all the review and testing practice you need to pass the NBDE Part II! Providing the most up-to-date information on the biomedical and dental sciences addressed in Part II of the National Board Dental Examination (NBDE) — including Endodontics, Operative Dentistry, Oral/Maxillofacial Surgery and Pain Control, Oral Diagnosis, Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, Patient Management, Periodontics, Pharmacology, and Prosthodontics — this complete exam review features an easy-to-use outline format that mirrors the topic progression of the NBDE. Plus, it’s loaded with informative examples and illustrations, endless practice questions reflecting the latest question types, and customizable testing modes to ensure you are fully prepared to tackle every aspect of Part II of the NBDE!
U.S.-China Trade Negotiations examines the issues concerning the U.S.-China trade negotiations by identifying the mechanics of the U.S.-China business negotiations, such as how a company prepares the negotiations, the contributing factors, the outcomes, and how U.S. companies organize for the China trade. The book provides information based on a survey of 138 U.S. firms that are in trade negotiations with the Chinese, such as import/export, joint ventures, coproduction, and processing. The text also covers the edited versions of interviews conducted with firms regarding how they prepared for negotiations, their experiences, and the outcomes of the negotiations. The selection will be of great interest to readers who are looking for an insight regarding the inner workings of the U.S.-China trade relations.