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Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid: Value for Money and Aid for Trade provides updated information on how to improve foreign aid programs, exploring the concept and practice of… Read more
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Assessing the Impact of Foreign Aid: Value for Money and Aid for Trade
provides updated information on how to improve foreign aid programs, exploring the concept and practice of impact assessment within the sometimes-unproblematic approaches advocated in current literature of value for money and aid for trade.Contributors from multi-lateral agencies and NGOs discuss the changing patterns of Official Development Assistance and their effects on impact assessment, providing theoretical, political, structural, methodological, and practical frameworks, discussions, and a theory-practice nexus.
With twin foci of economics and policy this book raises the potential for making sophisticated and coherent decisions on aid allocation to developing countries.
He worked as an international consultant for World Bank, Asian Development Bank, International Financial Corporation, Millennium Challenge Corporation and AusAID funded projects in Bangladesh, PR China, Georgia, Jordan, Kyrgyz Republic, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. Viktor Jakupec has produced a range of ODA project design and project implementation reports, strategic plans. He has advised on implementation of IA and has undertaken IA and other associated evaluations within the education and social sectors in developing countries.
Prof. Jakupec is: Member, Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (Academy of Sciences); Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability; Member, Arbeitskreis für Internationale Politische Ökonomie.