Exploring Asian-Pacific Co-operatives in Theory and Practice: Resilience and Thriving between the State and the Market investigates Asian Pacific co-op models. The book consists of theoretical analyses on transversal themes from interdisciplinary studies and national case studies, covering new sectors and new countries. Focus is on a variety of challenging issues using different analytical approaches to co-operative challenges in the Asian Pacific. Sections also examine the traditional dichotomy between the State and the Market while also examining why some co-operatives are transforming into public or conventional companies through public polices and/or market competition.This new volume broadens our understanding of co-operatives by placing a narrative in the Asian Pacific context using multiple case studies and addressing an array of socioeconomic challenges and different modeling approaches.
The Circular Economy: Case Studies about the Transition from the Linear Economy explores examples of the circular economy in action. Unlike other books that provide narrow perceptions of wide-ranging and highly interconnected paradigms, such as supply chains, recycling, businesses models and waste management, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the circular economy from various perspectives. Its unique insights into the approaches, methods and tools that enable people to make the transformation to a circular economy show how recent research, trends and attitudes have moved beyond the "call to arms" approach to a level of maturity that requires sound scientific thinking.
Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Volume 51: Convex Structures and Economic Theory consists of an account of the theory of convex sets and its application to several basic problems that originate in economic theory and adjacent subject matter. This volume includes examples of problems pertaining to interesting static and dynamic phenomena in linear and nonlinear economic systems, as well as models initiated by Leontief, von Neumann, and Walras. The topics covered are the mathematical theorems on convexity, simple multisector linear systems, balanced growth in nonlinear systems, and efficient allocation and growth. The working of Walrasian competitive economies, special features of competitive economies, and Jacobian matrix and global univalence are also covered. This publication is suitable for advanced students of mathematical economics and related fields, but is also beneficial for anyone who wishes to become familiar with the basic ideas, methods, and results in the mathematical treatment in economic theory through a detailed exposition of a number of typical representative problems.
Consumerism in China has developed rapidly. The Changing Landscape of China's Consumerism looks at the growth of consumerism in China from both a socio-economic and a political/cultural angle. It examines changing trends in consumption in China as well as the impact of these trends on society, and the politics and culture surrounding them. It examines the ways in which, despite needing to "unlock" the spending power of the rural provinces, the Chinese authorities are also keen to maintain certain attitudes towards the Communist Party and socialism "with Chinese Characteristics." Overall, it aims to show that consumerism in China today is both an economic and political phenomenon and one which requires both surrounding political culture and economic trends for its continued establishment. The ways in which this dual relationship both supports and battles with itself are explored through apposite case studies including the use of New Confucianism in the market context, the commodification of Lei Feng, the new Chinese tourist as a diplomatic tool in consumption, the popularity of Shanzhai (fake product) culture, and the conspicuous consumption of China's new middle class.
The value of applying system-theoretic concepts to economic modelling problems arises from the fact that it offers a unifying framework for modelling dynamic systems. In addition to offering this powerful conceptual framework, it provides a wide range of tools useful in applied work. System-theoretic techniques enter predominantly two stages of economic modelling efforts: the stage of model construction and the stage of model application in accordance with the modelling. The objective of this and subsequent volumes on System-Theoretic Methods in Economic Modelling I is to initiate and/or intensify dialogues between researchers and practitioners within and across the disciplines involved. This first volume brings together papers exhibiting a wide range of system-theoretic techniques and applications to economic problems. The papers have been divided into two groups, following roughly--but not necessarily--the above classification into the construction and application stages of economic modelling. The papers in the first group focus on the identification of dynamic and static systems, while the papers in the second group address dynamic optimization problems.
Chinese economic reform has been undertaken through a series of phased reforms. The goal of Chinese economic reform was to generate sufficient surplus value to finance the modernization of the mainland Chinese economy. This book provides an assessment of where investment stands today and it's likely future role in China. It reviews China's interaction with the rest of the world as the country advances towards superpower status.
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The "HERMES" European system of models is featured in this book. This system was set up at the initiative of the Commission of the European Communities (Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development). It involves a series of medium term, macrosectoral econometric models in which energy plays a special role as a production factor. The different models are interlinked by a bilateral flow module, which describes for each product the trade between all the Community countries taken in twos. The United States, Japan and five zones are represented in this by simplified versions of the Commission's COMET model.This volume will help the reader to understand and interpret the numerous studies which have been undertaken with the help of the HERMES system. Economists and researchers will find valuable information and figures, with a common nomenclature, on the economies of the different countries, both on structural data and on economic operators.
The New Institutional Economics (NIE) and its two main branches, namely, the theory of transaction cost and contractual choice on the one hand, and that of collective action on the other, broaden the analytical framework of mainstream economics. In doing so the NIE attempts to explain the institutional phenomena which, although almost universally recognised as important, have previously eluded the group of economists. This book is concerned with the NIE and its possible application to Development Economics. It has two specific objectives. The first is to show the relevance and assess the applicability of the principles and insights of the NIE to the analysis of the problems of the LDC's. The second is to provide another set of applications and empirical investigations of the NIE. By combining the relevant theoretical background with applications, the book is self-contained and presented in such a way as to be accessible to each of the following types of reader: (1) development economists and practitioners (2) readers interested in institutions and the NIE (3) regional specialists in North Africa and in countries such as Tunisia and (4) those interested in political economy.