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Books in Arts and humanities

1331-1340 of 1739 results in All results

Guide to the Sixth Form

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • D. P. M. Michael
  • I. R. Maxwell + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 6 0 9 0 - 0
Guide to the Sixth Form is a book that addresses the educational needs of sixth formers. The book starts by introducing the influence of sixth formers and their role as schoolmasters, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals in British society. The author traces the establishment and growth of the sixth form or stage of education. The author points out the usual academic path taken by the sixth form, by passing tests conducted at O-level, and then proceeding onto the university level. Since other sixth formers are shown as not desiring to go onto the university level, the author asks whether the notion of a sixth form is still worth continuing in a changing modern British society. The Crowther Report is then cited as a way to understand this dilemma. The necessity for a university education and entry to other institutions of higher education is also analyzed as a sort of academic extensions of the sixth form. The degree of government assistance rendered to different students is noted, with focus on the state of financial dependence or independence for the sixth form student. The text can be of interest for a great majority of parents, school administrators, and government education officials.

Churchill at Chartwell

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • Robin Fedden
  • John Tanner
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 6 1 3 6 - 5
Churchill at Chartwell is an account of Winston Churchill's years at Chartwell, his home at Kent from 1924 until his death in January 1965 at the age of ninety. This book traces Churchill's relationship with the house and its contents, particularly the garden. It chronicles the events of his career as they emerge from Chartwell or reflect upon it. This book is comprised of six chapters and begins with a background on Chartwell, from the time Churchill bought it in 1922 and his move, together with his family, to the place in 1924, until his death. The next chapter discusses the changes made by Churchill to the property, from the entrance to the interior. The approach to Chartwell is then described, paying particular attention to the garden and the lakes, along with the interior of the house including the hall, the drawing room, the library, Lady Churchill's bedroom, the anteroom, the museum room, the study room, and the dining room. After describing the garden, the book explores the studio, where Churchill and his friends, Walter Sickert and William Nicholson, the two most distinguished artists of his day, stayed and painted. This monograph will be a useful resource for historians and students interested in the life of Winston Churchill.

Society, Schools and Progress in Israel

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • Aharon F. Kleinberger
  • Edmund King
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 0 2 3 - 0
Society, Schools and Progress in Israel is a comprehensive account of the role of education as a driver of social change and progress in Israel. Educational concepts, institutions, and practices in Israel are discussed, along with its society, polity, and economy. Legislation and the politics of education in the country are also explored. This book is comprised of seven chapters and begins with a historical and institutional background on Israel's educational system, including social stratification, government and politics, and economic development. The following chapters describe administration, the school system, family influences, and background social forces. Pre-school education, primary education, schools for working youth, post-primary and secondary education, academic secondary education, and vocational and agricultural education are described, together with higher education and the teachers. The final chapter examines some major problems in Israeli education, including those relating to equality, minority groups, and the identity of Arabs and Jews. This monograph is intended for students of sociology, government, politics, and education.

Society, Schools and Progress in Israel

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • Aharon F. Kleinberger
  • Edmund King
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 8 4 2 1 - 0
Society, Schools and Progress in Israel is a part of a series of books that cross-reference each other to form a comparative study about the society, education, and progress of various countries. This particular volume is concerned with Israel. The text first details the historical background of Israel, and then proceeds to discussing society, polity, and economy. Next, the selection covers the legislation and politics of education. The next series of chapters deals with educational concerns. The last chapter of the text discusses the problems in equality, minority, and identity in Israel. The book will be of great use to political scientists, sociologists, economists, and psychologists.

The School Teacher in England and the United States

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • R. K. Kelsall + 1 more
  • Edmund King
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 3 8 5 2 - 7
The School Teacher in England and the United States: The Findings of Empirical Research investigates what makes school teachers distinct from other people in England and the United States. This book brings together for the first time the findings of a very large number of surveys on both sides of the Atlantic designed to throw light on a number of critical questions, such as the teachers' family backgrounds, their motives for becoming teachers, or the types of role-conflict affecting teachers in general, and women teachers (including married women) in particular. This monograph is comprised of 10 chapters and begins by comparing the British and American educational settings. The next chapter discusses the role that society is believed to expect teachers to fulfill, such as emancipation from the child's primary emotional attachment to his family, or the technical component of the skills which have to be transmitted to the pupils to enable them to fulfill their future adult roles. The empirical evidence on society's view of what role the teachers should play is then analyzed. A typology of incompatibilities inherent in teacher role is also presented. The remaining chapters focus on the teachers' expressed motivation in career choice; the stages at which people choose teaching; teacher effectiveness and career satisfaction; and the teachers' professional status. The final chapter considers some policy alternatives for addressing the training and supply of teachers. This text will be a useful resource for teachers, school administrators, and educational policymakers.

The School Teacher in England and the United States

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • R. K. Kelsall + 1 more
  • Edmund King
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 4 7 2 9 - 1
The School Teacher in England and the United States: The Findings of Empirical Research presents the results of empirical studies that look into what makes school teachers distinct from other people in England and the United States. This book examines a number of critical questions, such as the teachers' family backgrounds, their motives for becoming teachers, or how they ought to behave in and out of school as oppose to how other sections of the community want them to, or anticipate that they will behave. This monograph is comprised of 10 chapters and begins by comparing the educational settings in England and America. The discussion then turns to the role that society is assumed to expect teachers to fulfill in terms of emancipation, achievement, societal values and norms, role commitment, cognitive or technical skills, role responsibility, manpower selection and allocation, and home-school liaison. The empirical evidence on society's view of what role the teachers should play is then presented, along with a typology of incompatibilities inherent in teacher role. The remaining chapters explore the teachers' expressed motivation in career choice; the stages at which people choose teaching; teacher effectiveness and career satisfaction; and the teachers' professional status. The final chapter outlines some policy alternatives for addressing the training and supply of teachers. This text will be of interest to teachers, school administrators, and educational policymakers.

Bibliographic Guide to Refrigeration 1965–1968

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • Sam Stuart
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 8 7 5 - 4
Bibliographic Guide to Refrigeration 1965-1968 is a bibliographic guide to all the documents abstracted in the International Institute of Refrigeration Bulletin during the period 1965-1968. The references include nearly 7,000 reports, articles, and communications, classified according to subjects, and followed by a listing of books. This book is divided into 10 parts and begins with a listing of references on thermodynamics, heat transfer, and other basic physical phenomena relating to refrigeration, including desiccation and measurements of temperature, humidity, and pressure. The next sections are devoted to the physics of low temperatures and cryogenics; production and distribution of cold; refrigerating plants (mainly in the food domain); and refrigerated transport and packaging. Other references deal with air conditioning and heat pumps; and industrial, biological, medical, and agricultural applications of refrigeration. The final section focuses on standards and regulations, economics and statistics, and education and trade activities in the refrigeration industry. This guide is intended to assist researchers, engineers, manufacturers, and operators who are in either constant or occasional contact with the refrigeration domain.

Scientific and Technological Communication

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • Sidney Passman
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 8 4 2 - 6
Scientific and Technological Communication deals with the fundamental aspects of the elements and media of scientific and technological communication, with emphasis on the critical issues involving them as well as the opportunities and techniques for exploiting them. Topics covered include informal information exchange; specialized information and analysis centers; mechanization and information handling; and international aspects of scientific and technical communication. This book is comprised of nine chapters and begins with an overview of the scientific communication process, its evolution, and its elements, as well as the importance of the scientific literature to the integrity, correctness, and viability of this process. The following chapters explore the social role of the scientific literature in establishing priority of effort with respect to the research and engineering process; primary and secondary literature on scientific and technological communication, including scientific journals, monographs, and technical reports; informal information exchange; and specialized information and analysis centers. The final chapter is devoted to the international aspects of scientific and technical communication. This monograph will be a useful resource for scientific and technical practitioners, as well as users, generators, and managers of communication systems in private and government sectors.

Role-Playing for Supervisors

  • 1st Edition
  • January 1, 1969
  • J. Maxwell Towers
  • E. L. J. Thorne
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 9 7 0 - 6
Role-Playing for Supervisors explores how role-playing can help potential supervisors and supervisors already in post to get the feel of applying the principles of supervision in practice. Exercises designed to develop objective attitudes and reactions to a range of industrial problems and to grapple with these problems by assuming the roles of the real-life participants are included. This book is comprised of 11 chapters and begins by explaining the rationale for role-playing. The next chapter is an exercise that reflects the problems faced by a supervisor of a crane manufacturing company. The following chapters present exercises that deal with industrial misconduct, a lightning strike, productivity bargaining, and restrictive practices and how to remove them. Another exercise focuses on the growth and decay of a small shipyard and the management's attempts to achieve recovery through diversification. The remaining exercises address the subject of anti-management activity; whether an apprentice who participated in a sit-down demonstration outside the factory is a revolutionary, and how to deal with him accordingly; and racialism in industry. This monograph will be a valuable resource for supervisors and managers, employees, and company training officers.