Optics of the Moon offers a modern approach to lunar remote sensing. It presents methods for interpreting optics of surfaces with complicated structures, in particular, the lunar regolith. For example, this book illustrates how phase-ratio techniques can lead to the detection of surface structure anomalies and describes polarimetric studies of the lunar surface and their use. This book addresses many questions related to the surfaces of the Moon, such as why the Moon looks like a ball at a large phase angle and like a disk in full moon, why the lunar surface has slight color variations, and why at large phase angles its polarization degree closely correlates with albedo.Including historical perspectives, case studies, maps, and figures to enhance the understanding of both theory and techniques, Optics of the Moon is a valuable resource for researchers and students in lunar and planetary science and remote sensing.
Ices in the Solar System: A Volatile-Driven Journey from the Inner Solar System to Its FarReaches explores the origins, evolution and distribution of various ice species throughout thesolar system.Geographically, the book’s focus on ice(s) migrates outwardly from Mercury, the Earth and theMoon, Mars, then Ceres and other volatile-rich small bodies; it carries on with the moons ofJupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, followed by Pluto and other Kuiper Belt/Trans-Neptunian objects.Conceptually and empirically, the book depicts the often-enigmatic narratives of the differentice species (H2O, CO2, CH4, etc.) in the solar system and examines their interaction with a widerange of surface, near-subsurface, interior and atmospheric processes.
Planetary Volcanism across the Solar System compares and contrasts the vast array of planetary bodies in the Solar System, including Earth. The wealth of spacecraft data for almost all major solid-surface bodies in the Solar System indicate that volcanism has been a dominant mechanism in shaping the landscapes of these bodies. The book addresses key questions surrounding our understanding of planetary volcanism, such as how to integrate the data into a coherent view of how volcanic activity arises, how this mechanism shapes planets, which volcanic landforms are ubiquitous throughout the Solar System, and which are unique. By placing a singular emphasis on comparing volcanic processes and landforms on all relevant Solar System bodies, and with the explicit objective of providing a systems-level understanding of this widespread phenomenon, users will find an up-to-date, accessible and comprehensive discussion of the major volcanic processes and landforms that shape and drive the evolution of planets, moons and smaller bodies.
Earth as an Evolving Planetary System, Fourth Edition discusses key topics dealing with the evolution and interaction through time of Earth’s crust, mantle, core, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. It addresses the questions of why Earth is unique among planets of the solar system, and how the various subsystems in the planet have interacted over 4.6 billion years in the habitable planet that we live on. This new edition includes over 100 new pages of material, data, and images and is a key reference for students and researchers in Earth and planetary sciences. Earth as an Evolving Planetary System, Fourth Edition includes new material that has become available since the third edition, including new sections on the Mid-lithosphere discontinuity, geoneutrinos, mantle oxidation, continental emergence, Earth cycles (new chapter) and recycling processes, the evolution of Earth from a stagnant lid to a plate tectonic regime, the controversy over how the continents have grown, when plate tectonics began, and exoplanets.
Space Science and Public Engagement: 21st Century Perspectives and Opportunities critically examines the many dimensions of public engagement with space science by exploring case studies that show a spectrum of public engagement formats, ranging from the space science community's efforts to communicate developments to the public, to citizenry attempting to engage with space science issues. It addresses why public engagement is important to space science experts, what approaches they take, how public engagement varies locally, nationally and internationally, and what roles "non-experts" have played in shaping space science. Space scientists, outreach specialists in various scientific disciplines, policymakers and citizens interested in space science will find great insights in this book that will help inform their future engagement strategies.
Mars Geological Enigmas: From the Late Noachian Epoch to the Present Day presents outstanding questions on the geology of Mars and divergent viewpoints based on varying interpretations and analyses. The result is a robust and comprehensive discussion that provides opportunities for planetary scientists to develop their own opinions and ways forward. Each theme opens with an introduction that includes background on the topic and lays out questions to be addressed. Alternate perspectives are covered for each topic, including methods, observations, analyses, and in-depth discussion of the conclusions. Chapters within each theme reference each other to facilitate comparison and deeper understanding of divergent opinions.
The Dynamics of Natural Satellites of the Planets is an accessible reference for understanding the celestial mechanics of planetary moons through the lens of both theory and observation. Based on decades of research by the author, the book utilizes state-of-the-art observations of the natural satellites in the solar system to establish models, measurements and calculations to better understand the theory of the satellite movement and dynamics. It presents an extensive set of study methods and results on the motion of natural satellites of the planets and includes reviews and references to related publication for further explanation. By relating observations to numerical theory, the book serves as a quick and comprehensive reference for applying the theory of orbital dynamics to observational data on orbits and physical properties of the natural satellites in order to formulate state-of-the-art explanations and models, particularly for determining the parameters of satellite motion.
The Trans-Neptunian Solar System is a timely reference highlighting the state-of-the-art in current knowledge on the outer solar system. It not only explores the individual objects being discovered there, but also their relationships with other Solar System objects and their roles in the formation and evolution of the Solar System and other planets. Integrating important findings from recent missions, such as New Horizons and Rosetta, the book covers the physical properties of the bodies in the Trans-Neptunian Region, including Pluto and other large members of the Kuiper Belt, as well as dynamical indicators for Planet 9 and related objects and future prospects. Offering a complete look at exploration and findings in the Kuiper Belt and the rest of the outer solar system beyond Neptune, this book is an important resource to bring planetary scientists, space scientists and astrophysicists up-to-date on the latest research and current understandings.
Model Ecosystems in Extreme Environments, Second Edition examines ecosystems at the most extreme habitats and their interaction with the environment, providing a key element in our understanding of the role and function of microorganisms in nature. The book highlights current topics in the field, such as biodiversity and the structure of microbial communities in extreme environments, the effects of extreme environmental conditions on microbial ecosystems, and ecological and evolutionary interactions in extreme environments, among other topics. It will be a valuable text for faculty and students working with extremophiles and/or microbial ecology and researchers, including astrobiologists, biologists, evolutionary scientists, astronomers, geochemists and oceanographers.
Dynamic Mars: Recent and Current Landscape Evolution of the Red Planet presents the latest observations, interpretations, and explanations of geological change at the surface or near-surface of this terrestrial body. These changes raise questions about a decades-old paradigm, formed largely in the aftermath of very coarse Mariner-mission imagery in the 1960s, suggesting that much of the interesting geological activity on Mars occurred deep in its past, eons ago. The book includes discussions of (1) Mars’ ever-changing atmosphere and the impact of this on the planet’s surface and near-surface; (2) the possible involvement of water in relatively new, if not contemporary, gully-like flows and slope streaks (i.e. recurring slope lineae); and (3) the identification of a broad suite of agents and processes (i.e. glacial, periglacial, aeolian, meteorological, volcanic, and meteoric) that are actively revising surface and near-surface landscapes, landforms, and features on a local, regional, and hemispheric scale.Highly illustrated and punctuated by data from the most recent Mars missions, Dynamic Mars is a valuable resource for all levels of research in the geological history of Mars, as well as of the three other terrestrial planets.