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Books in Analytical separations

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Quantitative Gas Chromatography for Laboratory Analyses and On-Line Process Control

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 42
  • June 1, 1988
  • G. Guiochon + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 4 7 - 0
Here is an invaluable new book on quantitative gas chromatography which explains how the method can - or should - be used for accurate and precise analysis. Gas chromatography is firmly established as one of the few major methods for the quantitative analysis of complex mixtures. It is fast, accurate and inexpensive, with a broad range of applications. It has however become very complex and involved: over 200 stationary phases, more than 10 detector principles and several very different column types are available from among the catalogs of over 100 manufacturers and major retailers. The progressive changes in the nature of gas chromatography have created new needs for information which are not satisfied by the literature presently available.This book provides a complete discussion of all the problems involved in the achievement of quantitative analysis by gas chromatography, whether in the research laboratory, in the routine analysis laboratory or in process control. For this reason the presentation of theoretical concepts has been limited to the essential, while extensive explanations have been devoted to the various steps involved in the derivation of precise and accurate data. This starts with the selection of the instrumentation and column, continues with the choice of optimum experimental conditions, then calibration and ends with the use of correct procedures for data acquisition and calculations. Finally, there is almost always a way to reduce errors and an entire chapter deals with this single issue. Numerous relevant examples are presented.The first part of the book presents the theoretical background, simple enough to be understood by all analytical chemists, but still complete and up-to-date. It discusses the problems of flow dynamics, retention and band broadening. The changes in band profile associated with column overloading are explained without much recourse to mathematics. The second part describes the gas chromatograph and discusses the properties of each of its parts: gas flow and pressure controller sampling system, oven, column switching valves, detectors. The different implementations, their advantages and drawbacks are discussed and compared. In addition, three chapters present packed column technology, open tubular column technology and some sophisticated new phase systems, respectively. The new phase systems described use adsorbents, modified by coating or grafting organic phase, and carrier gases containing vapors which are sorbed by the stationary phase and modify it, such as steam. The third part discusses the applications in qualitative and quantitative analysis. Calibration, peak integration, sources of errors arising from the various parts of the instrument as well as from the measurement process itself are carefully described in four detailed chapters. Methods to carry out accurate and precise analysis are presented. A last chapter is devoted to process control analysis and gives a number of detailed examples of applications. A lexicon explaining the most important chromatographic terms and a detailed index complete the book.This is a book which no chemical analyst should be without. It should be on the library shelf of all universities, instrument companies and any laboratory and plant where gas chromatography is used.

Aqueous Size-Exclusion Chromatography

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 40
  • May 1, 1988
  • P.L. Dubin
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 4 4 - 9
The rapid development of new packings for aqueous size-exclusion chromatography has revolutionized this field. High resolution non-adsorptive columns now make possible the efficient separation of proteins and the rapid and precise determination of the molecular weight distribution of synthetic polymers. This technology is also being applied to the separation of small ions, the characterization of associating systems, and the measurement of branching. At the same time, fundamental studies are elucidating the mechanisms of the various chromatographicprocesses.These developments in principles and applications are assembled for the first time in this book. Fundamental issues are dealt with: the roles of pore structure and macromolecular dimensions, hydrophobic and electrostatic effects, and the determination and control of column efficiency. High-performance packings based on derivatized silica are reviewed in detail. Special techniques are thoroughly described, including SEC/LALLS, inverse exclusion chromatography, and frontal zone chromatography. Attention is focussed on special applications of size-exclusion methods, such as the characterization of micelles, separations of inorganic ions, and Hummel-Dreyer and related methods for equilibrium systems. Protein chromatography is dealt with in both dedicated sections and throughout the book as a whole.This is a particularly comprehensive and authoritative work - all the contributions review broad topics of general significance and the authors are of high repute. The material will be of special value for the characterization of synthetic water-soluble polymers, especially polyelectrolytes. Biochemists will find fundamental and practical guidance on protein separations. Researchers confronted with solutes that exhibit complex chromatographic behavior, such as humic acids, aggregating proteins, and micelles should find the contents of this volume illuminating.

Selective Sample Handling and Detection in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume A
  • December 1, 1987
  • R. W. Frei + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 4 2 - 5
This book is the first of a two-volume project which attempts to treat the sample handling and detection processes in a liquid chromatographic system in an integrated fashion. The need for more selective and sensitive chromatographic methods to help solve the numerous trace analysis problems in complex samples is undisputed. However, few workers realize the strong interdependence of the various steps - sample handling, separation and detection - which must be considered if one wants to arrive at an optimal solution. By introducing a strong element of selectivity and trace enrichment in the sample preparation step, fewer demands are placed on the quality of the chromatography and often a simple UV detector can be used. By using a selective detection mode, i.e. a reaction detector, the sample handling step can frequently be simplified and more easily automated. The impact of such a ``total system'' approach on handling series of highly complex samples such as environmental specimens or biological fluids can be easily imagined.Each chapter includes sufficient references to the literature to serve as a valuable starting point for more detailed investigation. Special emphasis is placed on the sample handling, and high priority has been given to the treatment of chemical principles applied to the topics presented, rather than to instrumentation. Written by experienced practitioners, this volume will be of interest to investigators in many areas of application, including environmental scientists and those active in the clinical, pharmaceutical and bioanalytical fields.

Preparative Liquid Chromatography

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 38
  • July 1, 1987
  • B.A. Bidlingmeyer
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 4 1 - 8
This volume provides a straightforward approach to isolation and purification problems with a thorough presentation of preparative LC strategy including the interrelationship between the input and output of the instrumentation, while keeping to an application focus.The book stresses the practical aspects of preparative scale separations from TLC isolations through various laboratory scale column separations to very large scale production. It also gives a thorough description of the performance parameters (e.g. throughput, separation quality, etc.) as a function of operational parameters (e.g. particle size, column size, solvent usage, etc.). Experts in the field have contributed a well balanced presentation of separation development strategies from preparative TLC to commercial preparative process with practical examples in a wide variety of application areas such as drugs, proteins, nucleotides, industrial extracts, organic chemicals, enantiomers, polymers, etc.

Polymer Characterization by Liquid Chromatography

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 34
  • February 1, 1987
  • G. Glöckner
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 3 7 - 1
The main subject of this book is the characterization of plastics. To a high degree the properties of these polymers depend on the distribution of the molar mass and of other structural features, and small deviations frequently have a great effect. Therefore the characterization of polymers cannot be restricted to the determination of mean values but must yield information on these distributions. Using classical methods, the analytical fractionation of polymer homologues and structurally isomeric polymers is extremely time-consuming. Therefore, efficient chromatographic techniques are being increasingly employed in modern polymer characterization.In the first place, high-performance liquid chromatography is applied, in the form of size exclusion chromatography. It is also possible, however, to use other separation modes. More space is devoted to these other possibilities in this volume than is merited by their current range of applications, as the author believes that many separation problems will be solved by separation techniques of the non-exclusion type. Nevertheless, much emphasis is placed on size exclusion chromatography. Not only because of its current wide range of applications, but also because its relative importance, as a complement to other chromatographic techniques may even increase in the forthcoming years.This book is the first to cover all phenomena related to the above considerations. Starting with an introduction to basic liquid chromatography and to polymer science, it deals with the adsorption behaviour of polymers, with gradient techniques, with the kinetic band broadening in liquid chromatography, with instrumental features and packing materials. The book consists of four balanced sections and related information from about 1800 references is compiled in the tables. Some 250 figures and 30 tables will help give the reader a clear insight of the topics discussed. The book is aimed at helping the analyst or polymer chemist who is looking for information about chromatographic methods for the characterization of polymers.

Chromatography of Lipids in Biomedical Research and Clinical Diagnosis

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 37
  • January 1, 1987
  • A. Kuksis
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 4 0 - 1
This multi-author volume provides an unprecedented in-depth coverage of the separation, identification and quantitation of simple and complex food and tissue fats and other lipids by chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods with emphasis on applications to biomedical research and clinical diagnosis. It contains a total of 13 chapters written by scientists who are internationally recognized in their specific fields. The volume covers analyses of molecular species of eicosanoids, sterols, and glycero and glycolipids in healthy and diseased human tissues and in appropriate animal models. The text complements the simpler group determinations of lipid classes commonly employed in clinical laboratories. The volume anticipates the discovery of the specific metabolism of molecular species of complex glycerolipids and provides the medical researcher and clinical investigator with the means for dealing with it.

Optimization of Chromatographic Selectivity

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 35
  • August 1, 1986
  • P.J. Schoenmakers
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 5 8 3 8 - 8
This is the first detailed description of method development in chromatography - the overall process of which may be summarized as: method selection, phase selection, selectivity optimization, and system optimization. All four aspects receive attention in this book.Chapter 1 gives a short introduction, describes chromatographic theory and nomenclature, and outlines the method development process. Chapter 2 describes guidelines for method selection, and quantitative concepts for characterizing and classifying chromatographic phases. Selective separation methods, from both gas and liquid chromatography are given in Chapter 3; the main parameters of each method are identified and simple, quantitative relations are sought to describe their effects. Criteria by which to judge the quality of separation are discussed in Chapter 4 with clear recommendations for different situations. The specific problems involved in the optimization of chromatographic selectivity are explained in Chapter 5. Optimization procedures, illustrated by examples, are extensively described and compared on the basis of a number of criteria. Suggestions are made both for the application of different procedures and for further research. The optimization of programmed analysis receives special attention in Chapter 6, and the last chapter summarizes the optimization of the chromatographic system, including the optimization of the efficiency, sensitivity and instrumentation.Those involved in developing chromatographic methods or wishing to improve existing methods will value the detailed, structured way in which the subject is presented. Because optimization procedures and criteria are described as elements of a complete optimization package, the book will help the reader to understand, evaluate and select current and future commercial systems.