Sustainable Process Intensification for Biocatalysis: Applications in Enzymology and Biotechnology, a new volume in the Foundations and Frontiers of Enzymology series, offers applied instruction in process intensification principles for applications in enzymology and biotechnology, helping researchers and practitioners implement these techniques across various uses and industries, from healthcare to food and biofuel. Leaders in the field discuss a full range of approaches and enabling technologies, from microwave to ultrasound, hydrodynamic cavitation, and combination chemical and biological catalysis techniques, such as multiphase reactors, microreactors, scale-bioprocesses, and enzyme cascades.Later chapters examine ongoing advances and their implementation across different industries, including pharmaceuticals, perfumes, polymers, and agrochemicals, with a final chapter discussing next steps in research and future directions. Throughout the book, and across applied examples, emphasis is placed on driving sustainable research approaches and manufacturing.
Agricultural Water Management in Africa: Lessons Learned and Future Directions provides an overview of the status of irrigation development and AWM practices and technologies in Africa and the global south. In addition, it provides guidelines, scenarios, and investment plans to guide the prioritization and operationalization of irrigation development and AWM under climate change. The African Union (AU) is driving investment and improvement in agricultural water management and transformation in Africa through the operationalization of the AU Irrigation Development and Agricultural Water Management in Africa (AU-IDAWM).The AU-IDAWM provides a framework that identifies four development pathways for enhanced agricultural water management practices across Africa. The pathways are as follows: (1) Pathway 1: Improved water control and watershed management in rain-fed farming, (2) Pathway 2: Farmer-led Irrigation Development (FLID), (3) Pathway 3: Irrigation scheme development and modernization, and (4) Pathway 4: Unconventional water use for irrigation.
Green Microbiology: Sustainability, Climate Change, Food, and Water provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and applications of green microbiology. The book introduces readers to various ways in which microbes can be used in sustainable development, including in areas such as climate change, food production, bioenergy, bioremediation, and water treatment. The book also discusses the social, economic, and environmental impact of green microbiology, as well as the business and future trends in this field.Edited by two experienced professionals in the field of industrial microbiology and environmental science, with a particular expertise in the intersection between food processing and food microbiology, this book is a valuable resource for students, researchers, and professionals in the field, helping to solve the problems of a lack of comprehensive resources and a lack of understanding of the role of microbes in sustainable development.
Safety and Sustainability Aspects of Food Packaging is a volume of the Sustainable Food Packaging series and serves as a comprehensive guide to the multifaceted world of food packaging. Organized into three sections, this book covers the foundations of food packaging, sustainable food packaging, and legal and regulatory aspects of food packaging. Section 1 provides an overview of the historical background and current trends in food packaging, different types of food packaging materials, and their properties and applications. Section 2 explores innovative solutions for sustainable packaging materials, packaging optimization, logistics, and carbon footprint reduction, edible and biodegradable food packaging, the environmental impact of food packaging, life cycle analysis, and design for recycling and the circular economy. Section 3 delves into regulatory and legal considerations in food packaging, consumer perception, marketing claims, safety considerations, packaging labelling, compliance, and consumer education. With the growing importance of sustainability and increasing regulatory requirements, this series of books represents a comprehensive guide to navigating this rapidly evolving landscape.
African Plant-Based Products as a Source of Potent Drugs to Overcome Cancers and their Chemoresistance: Part 3. Potential Pharmaceuticals to Overcome Cancers and their Chemoresistance offers detailed information on the best cytotoxic phytoconstituents of African medicinal plants that could be useful for the development of efficient pharmaceuticals that could be further explored to efficiently overcome cancers and their drug resistance. The book identifies and comments on the various classes of cytotoxic African secondary metabolites. The book also clearly identifies and comments on the best cytotoxic molecules identified in African medicinal plants. The book appears an amazing tool for Scientists to have state-of-the-art of the best cytotoxic phytoconstituents from the African flora, and to boost their clinical investigations.
Protein Structure Prediction and Analysis, Volume 146 offers a comprehensive exploration of the methodologies, tools, and techniques utilized in the prediction and analysis of protein structures. The book delves into the fundamental principles of protein folding, modeling, and computational simulations, providing insights into the intricate process of predicting the three-dimensional structures of proteins. Sections in this new release include coverage of Current approaches for protein structure prediction and design, Protein Modelling, Prediction servers and applications in molecular modelling, Toward accurate in silico prediction of antigen binding affinities in antibody engineering, Molecular Blueprints: Guiding Drug Discovery through Protein Structure Analysis, and much more.Additional sections focus on Protein Structure Prediction Using Dynamic Speciation Evolutionary Algorithm with Problem Information Aggregation, Tau protein structure and dynamics, Tau interacts with G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), How to accurately predict nanobody structure: Classical physics-based simulations or deep learning approaches, Medicinal Chemistry-based Novel Therapeutics for Tauopathies in Alzheimer’s Disease, Mapping the Pathogenic Nexus: Gene Overlap and Protein Interaction Networks in Alzheimer's and Breast Cancer as a Precursor to Protein Structure Prediction and Analysis, and much more.
Encompassing the foundational principles to advanced methodologies, Bioinformatics Essentials: Core Principles and Techniques offers a panoramic view of bioinformatics. It embarks on a journey that spans genes and genomes, sequence analysis, comparative genomics, functional genomics, and the exciting domain of protein structures and drug design. Spread over 3 parts and 7 chapters, the book describes the basic concepts in bioinformatics, genomic analysis, and ligand-based and structure-based drug designs. Each chapter is imbued with real-world context, demonstrating the practical implications of bioinformatics. Case studies, examples, and hands-on guides bridge the gap between theory and application, enabling readers to translate knowledge into tangible results. It fosters a holistic understanding of bioinformatics as an interdisciplinary field, acknowledges the evolving nature of bioinformatics, and prepares the readers for the future. Discussions on emerging trends, cutting-edge tools, and potential directions in the field of bioinformatics equip readers to stay at the forefront of advancements. Insights from both biology and computational science converge to provide a well-rounded perspective on the complex biological systems. While designed as a comprehensive guide for learners, the book also serves as a valuable reference for professionals seeking to deepen their understanding, refine their skills, and explore new avenues within bioinformatics.
Climate Change and Disability: A Collaborative Approach to a Sustainable Future delineates the general and specific risks of climate change for people with disabilities and how we can use accessible approaches to mitigate, adapt, and control these risks while maximizing opportunities. Chapters cover the framework for research and policy, the physiologic impact of different disabilities, and overview specific continents and countries. Education and advocacy are covered in detail, and the book wraps up with a section on action and research, detailing how to respond to extreme weather, including how various types of disabilities are impacted by different events.This book serves as a guide for a broad audience at the crossroads of environmental adaptation and human health. Rehabilitation physicians and physical and occupational therapists will find it valuable for tailoring care for people with disabilities due to climate change.
Raising Genomics Literacy, Knowledge, and Awareness is a unique resource which describes the importance of genomic literacy for the effective and streamlined implementation of genomic medicine and pharmacogenomics globally. It provides evidence and expert opinion to decipher the role of genomic and pharmacogenomic literacy to illustrate the evidence, value, and need of raising genomics awareness and education among healthcare professionals, students, and the general public. This text can be used by researchers and graduate students pursuing research in this area.
Healthcare Frontiers in the Metaverse: Innovations and Impacts provides a deeper comprehension of the metaverse's revolutionary effects on patient care, medical education, and operational procedures in the healthcare sector. The book Includes both the fundamentals of patient experience, provider practices, and the overall framework of the healthcare business as the democratisation of medical education through virtual simulations and the individualised care enabled by AI-driven diagnostics. In 14 chapters “Healthcare Frontiers in the Metaverse: Innovations and Impacts” leads the reader to an introduction to, definition, elements, treatment and diagnostic in healthcare in metaverse, the next evolution in social connection and the successor to the mobile internet. It describes the role of robots and give a view on the future scope and challenges. " Exploration of Healthcare in Metaverse: Innovations and Impacts” serves as a road map for technologists and policymakers influencing the direction of healthcare as well as a help book for medical practitioners integrating metaverse technologies into their practice.