In this issue of Nursing Clinics, guest editor Kara S. McGee brings her considerable expertise to the topic of contemporary issues in the care of people living with HIV. The landscape of HIV prevention and treatment has evolved significantly over the past few decades, and HIV is now a chronic, manageable illness. Medical advances in the treatment of HIV have translated to normal life expectancy for people living with HIV who are on effective treatment, and innovations in HIV prevention approaches means that we have the tools to significantly reduce the number of new HIV infections in the United States.
Essential Skills for Physiotherapists: A Personal and Professional Development Framework explores the vital intrapersonal and interpersonal skills that physiotherapists need for continuous growth. These are rarely taught in academic courses, clinical training, and other physiotherapy textbooks – but they make all the difference for our patients!Non-clinical, ‘soft’ skills are crucial ingredients for a successful and exciting career in physiotherapy - and are transferable to other walks of life, and other professions. This book introduces the reader to trainable skills such as leadership, wellbeing, career mapping and habit building. Other topics range from building a personal brand, interdisciplinary thinking, communication, networking, and relationship building. The real challenge in our profession is often integrating knowledge and theory to practice - and this book unpacks how to implement these skills in different settings, to support clinical practice and professional development.This unique resource is based on the curriculum from the successful education and mentoring platform, The Learning Physiotherapist (TLP), which compiles life lessons from a diverse range of world-leading international physiotherapists. Learn from elite professional sport, public and private healthcare practitioners, researchers, and academics from environments such as Liverpool FC, Cirque du Soleil, Isokinetic Medical Group, San Antonio Spurs, NHS, Aspetar and the IRFU.Learn directly from these renowned industry leaders as they share priceless knowledge, learnings from mistakes and invaluable insights…plus ways to seamlessly weave these into your own practical scenarios.
Alles über LabordiagnostikEine gelungene Kombination aus praktisch anwendbarer Information und notwendigem wissenschaftlichen Hintergrundwissen: Über 400 Laborparameter aus der klinischen Chemie, Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Transfusionsmedizin, jeweils mit Indikation, Angabe des Untersuchungsmaterials, Bestimmungsmethode, Referenzbereich und Bewertung.Diagnosestrategien, teils mit ausführlicher Stufendiagnostik, leiten Sie zum sinnvollen Vorgehen in der Praxis an.Störungen und Besonderheiten, die zu falschen (zu hohen/zu niedrigen) Werten führen können, werden besonders hervorgehoben.Zur groben Orientierung sind die Methoden in drei Kostenkategorien eingeteilt.Neu in der 8., gründlich überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage:Komplette Überarbeitung des Kapitels „Transfusionsmedizin“ - Beschreibung der Verfahren und Herstellung von BlutproduktenAffenpockenDigitalisierungNomenklatur und KodiersystemeGendiagnostik mit IndikationenDas Buch eignet sich für:Weiterbildungsassistent*innen und Fachärzt*innen der Fachgebiet Innere Medizin, Allgemeinmedizin, Pädiatrie und LabormedizinMedizinische Technologen für Laboratoriumsanalytik
En el capÃtulo de enfermedades infecciosas se dedica un apartado especÃfico al manejo y el tratamiento del COVID-19, señalándose los aspectos más relevantes que afectan al embarazo y el parto. Un nuevo apartado sobre la docencia en Obstetricia en el que se aborda la simulación, uno de los aspectos más innovadores en la docencia. Abordaje del desarrollo de una placenta artificial, propuesta de futuro que puede tener un impacto muy importante en la supervivencia neonatal, en respuesta al gran problema que sigue representando la prematuridad.
ELSEVIER EMERGENCY ist das praxis- und branchenorientierte Fachmagazin für Macher und Entscheider in allen Tätigkeitsfeldern des Rettungsdienstes und der Notfallmedizin.Es richtet sich sowohl an Notfallsanitäter und Notärzte als auch an engagierte Rettungssanitäter und Rettungshelfer in der präklinischen Versorgung.Die neue Ausgabe 02/2024 der ELSEVIER Emergency u.a. mit den ThemenAtemwegsmanagement im RettungsdienstSonografie bei chirurgischer AtemwegssicherungAtemwege – Anatomie und PhysiologieELSEVIER Emergency eignet sich für:Rettungsdienst-Fachpersonal in Ausbildung und Praxis
Welcome to nursing! Successful Studying for Nursing Students is part of the New Notes on Nursing series, a series created especially for you, the nursing student at the start of your nursing journey. This book is an in-depth look at all the study skills you will need in your first year of being a student and beyond. From getting started at university to critical thinking, Successful Studying for Nursing Students is your essential guide.The New Notes on Nursing series presents key topics in a highly accessible way, without making assumptions about your existing knowledge. Concise volumes cover critical and emerging areas, including cultural competence, digital professionalism, politics and activism, clinical placements and more. The aim is to make content engaging and easy to absorb, focussing just on what is essential for success on your course. Using a relaxed writing style and an all-new design, these unique books provide personal guidance from experts and students alike. So when you are in a hurry and need a study companion you can trust, reach for New Notes on Nursing!