Prepare to succeed on your coding certification exam with Buck’s Coding Exam Review 2025: The Physician and Facility Certification Step! This extensive exam review provides complete coverage of all topics included on the physician and facility coding certification exams — including anatomy, terminology, and pathophysiology for each body system; reimbursement issues; CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10-CM/PCS coding; and more. Six full practice exams (with answers and rationales) simulate the testing experience and provide enough practice to reassure even the most insecure exam-taker. It’s the only coding exam review you need!
Prepare to succeed on your coding certification exam with Buck’s Coding Exam Review 2025: The Physician and Facility Certification Step! This extensive exam review provides complete coverage of all topics included on the physician and facility coding certification exams — including anatomy, terminology, and pathophysiology for each body system; reimbursement issues; CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10-CM/PCS coding; and more. Six full practice exams (with answers and rationales) simulate the testing experience and provide enough practice to reassure even the most insecure exam-taker. It’s the only coding exam review you need!
In this issue of Pediatric Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Mary C. Ottolini brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Challenges of Pediatric Practice in Rural America. Nearly one in five children live in rural America, and children and adolescents living in rural communities experience significant health disparities compared to those in urban areas. This issue explores current, relevant topics related to the challenges of providing care to children and adolescents in rural locations.
In this issue of Pediatric Clinics of North America, guest editor Dr. Mary C. Ottolini brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Challenges of Pediatric Practice in Rural America. Nearly one in five children live in rural America, and children and adolescents living in rural communities experience significant health disparities compared to those in urban areas. This issue explores current, relevant topics related to the challenges of providing care to children and adolescents in rural locations.
In this issue of Dental Clinics, guest editors Drs. Leslie R. Halpern, Linda M. Kaste, and Janet H. Southerland bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Inclusivity in Dentistry: Environments of Belonging and Equity. Top experts address diversity, equity, and inclusion in dentistry through current perspectives on the use of inclusive language, models of programs in other health professions, mentoring, ableism, characteristics of dental college deans, and more.
In this issue of Dental Clinics, guest editors Drs. Leslie R. Halpern, Linda M. Kaste, and Janet H. Southerland bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Inclusivity in Dentistry: Environments of Belonging and Equity. Top experts address diversity, equity, and inclusion in dentistry through current perspectives on the use of inclusive language, models of programs in other health professions, mentoring, ableism, characteristics of dental college deans, and more.
In this issue of Orthopedic Clinics, guest editors from the esteemed Campbell Clinic bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Ethics and Professionalism in Orthopedics. Articles encompass the principles and standards that guide orthopedic surgeons in delivering care that is not only effective and efficient, but also respectful, compassionate, and just.
In this issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, guest editors Drs. Nardy Casap and Michael Alterman bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Long-Term Outcomes in Implant Dentistry. Top experts in the field provide a state-of-the-art update on specific factors that affect the long-term survival of dental implants, including irradiated patients, “jaw in a day” patients, grafted sites, zygomatic implants, immediately loaded implants, and many more.
Cet ouvrage définit les termes médicaux et les expressions employées par les professionnels paramédicaux dans les établissements de santé. C’est un outil indispensable pour une meilleure maîtrise de leur pratique quotidienne.Le vocabulaire par spécialité médicale constitue le corps de l’ouvrage et permet d’acquérir par le biais de schémas légendés, les connaissances sur l’ensemble des spécialités. Cette partie est complétée par deux autres, très utiles :les affixes, où est présentée la signification des principaux suffixes et préfixes rencontrés dans le domaine paramédical ;un lexique exhaustif, qui garantit un accès rapide et facile aux définitions, y compris celles relatives à la COVID-19La 6e édition de cet ouvrage consiste en :l’actualisation des connaissances et des ajouts de définitions ;une modernisation de maquette et de format ;une mise à jour des schémas d’anatomie de tête de chapitre.PUBLICCet ouvrage s’adresse aux aides-soignants (AS), aux auxiliaires de puériculture (AP), ainsi qu’aux accompagnants éducatifs et social (AES), qu’ils soient étudiants ou déjà des professionnels expérimentés.Alain Ramé était cadre enseignant à l’IFSI-IFAS à l’hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière (Paris)